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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: First Woman Nominated to run for President
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:45:56 PM »
People say that on both sides of the isle at every presidential election. It's usually followed by threats to move to another country.

Your California attitude is what is ruining our country.

Spin Zone / Re: So, What Have we Learned here on PS?
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:47:27 AM »
What!!?? Are you kidding me??! Name one conservative talk show that actually participates in a two way discussion. They use the same "debate" tactics seen here. Insult, name call, shout down with pre-perpared stock answers and when all else fails, hang up on the caller. I listen to Rush, Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity on a pretty regular basis when I'm driving. I flip flop between them and NPR. I only have respect for Mark Levin but even he is prone to ridiculous theatrics and abusive treatment of anybody that doesn't brown nose him on the phone.

There was a guy they used to have on named John Bachelor who was conservative and had fascinating shows, but they dropped him here because I believe he made people think and people don't want to do that. They just want to hear the words and then repeat them. His show was like a conservative version of NPR with guests on to discuss things instead of just the idiots of America calling in.

Fox News (not conservative) always presents both sides even on their conservative opinion shows like Hannity.  Conservative talk radio TELLS YOU THEY ARE CONSERVATIVE OPINION, not news.  Air America was funded by Soros and still couldn't survive. 

Spin Zone / Re: Donald Trump Wins GOP Nomination on First Ballot
« on: July 25, 2016, 04:56:40 AM »
Liberal/Progressive, or whatever you call the last fifty years of oppressive, far left tyranny is meaningless.  They are big government, statists that ban words, and thought in which they disagree.  They are totalitarian, fascists that hate the Constitution.  That is a better name. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump would abandon NATO allies to Russian attack
« on: July 21, 2016, 12:06:03 PM »
Good!  Pay up allies, or be abandoned.  I am tired of my tax dollars going to those that do not appreciate it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Extremely Careless
« on: July 06, 2016, 08:09:03 AM »
Says you, and many others before you. Didn't happen. President Hillary will be some level of suck, but not world-ending suck. Trump will be no better, and probably worse. Welcome to America. We'll be alright and will live to hopefully put up better candidates next go-around.

This is a paradigm shift.  It is NOT business as usual, especially with the forced, purposeful change in Demographics that the Democrat Party (liberal/progressives) have orchestrated.  Hispanics, and Muslims are flooding into the USA changing it from what was once attractive to people to another socialist hell hole.  No, this is not the same.  We will NOT be "OK".

Spin Zone / Re: Extremely Careless
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:36:35 AM »
If Hillary becomes president, it would truly suck. But so would the alternative. Either way, I think we'll be livid about the results of the election, but ultimately we'll survive.

No, we will not survive long as we know it.  We will EXIST.  Hillary will appoint four, far left extremist Supreme Court Justices.  The Second Amendment will be the first to go, then probably the First Amendment which is already at risk due to PC, and things like "Hate Speech".  Your Natural Rights which the Constitution is supposed to protect will be gone. 

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Clinton Set To Be Interviewed by FBI
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:33:39 PM »
Yeah, because it didn't turn out like all you conservacrats wanted, the fix must be in.  And Hillary must be corrupt as the Devil himself because the talking heads on TV say so.  What the fuck ever.

The FBI Director said she was basically negligent, but there was not enough evidence to indict.  However, I am glad she wasn't indicted.  It will be better for the Republicans to run against a FLAWED almost indicted candidate, than someone without this hanging over their head.  So it turned out great to me. 

Yes it was fixed, and very obviously.  A blind man could see it, but an indoctrinated academic can't. 

Spin Zone / Re: What a Lady
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:07:14 AM »
The right wing isn't that vast.

Well, it is not as vast as it used to be due to the changing demographics, and far left indoctrination  from education, media and government, but I still believe this is a center right country.  Not for long though.  If Hillary wins we are screwed. 

Attach ownership of AR rifles to membership in the unorganized militia, then have the states regulated the unorganized militia to exclude the mentally ill and those on terror watchlists.  Congress cannot constitutionally abridge the right of weapons ownership but the States can regulate the militia.  Other weapons, such as shotguns and hunting rifles, are unaffected.

The right freaks out even though the militia gets armed. The left freaks out even though they get the gun control that they held the preschool temper tantrum over.

The AR-15 is a "hunting rifle".  It is no different from other semi automatic rifles.  Many hunt with the AR-15 and other semi auto rifles.  The 2A is about un-infringed ownership and carry of firearms, not about hunting.  It is a personal right, not only for the militia. 

Gun control laws only affects the law abiding, not criminals, terrorists, nor nut jobs.  When will you liberals realize this?

Spin Zone / Re: Brent Scowcroft endorses Hillary
« on: June 25, 2016, 02:55:53 AM »
I doubt it's money. I would assume it's because this guy has experience in world politics and understands that Trump would be an absolute disaster with unknown consequences, where as Hillary would be more manageable. Because it is binary, he is picking Hillary not because he likes her, or endorses her party platform, but more...  because Trump.  :o

You are so wrong it makes my brain hurt.

Washington (CNN) — Pennsylvania Rep. Chaka Fattah was convicted on federal corruption charges Tuesday.

The 59-year-old Democrat, who represents West Philadelphia, was found guilty on all 23 charges he faced, which included racketeering, money laundering and fraud.

The charges stemmed from schemes to repay an illegal $1 million loan to Fattah's failed 2007 Philadelphia mayoral campaign, with the Justice Department arguing that Fattah used federal grants and nonprofit funds, routed through campaign consultants to repay the loan.

Well, well, another CORRUPT DEMOCRAT bites the dust.  He also resigned from Congress today.  Buh bye.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 23, 2016, 11:25:51 AM »
In another generation or so, gun ownership will be like smoking or farting in church--- socially unacceptable--- and besides, it causes climate change.

Well schools don't even allow kids to bite a pop tart that MIGHT look like the shape of a gun.  They are being taught ALL guns are bad, evil, and scary, and the gun is to blame for violence, not the person. 

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:15:50 AM »
That's fine when we are disagreeing on the latest NBA draft picks, but we are talking about the future of our nation, which I am afraid has already gone off the cliff like so many other leftist/socialist countries.
Hillary is getting a pass because of who she is and who is in power at the moment. Any one of us in the same position would be in Leavenworth.

I'm just saying there is no need for personal attacks.  Most of us want what's best for the country, and that is NOT Hillary.  And yes, I agree we have probably already gone off the liberal/progressive cliff. 

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas Considering Retirement
« on: June 23, 2016, 07:37:15 AM »
Wow, I am getting a bit tired of this also.  While I disagree with Michael (Steingar), I have met him and his wife at fly ins, and consider him my friend.  Yes, sometimes his opinions frustrate me, but that's what opinions are for. 

Spin Zone / Re: Well Regulated Militia Act of 2016?
« on: June 22, 2016, 07:19:00 AM »
England was not a foreign government.  It was the sovereign standing government in which we took up arms against.  That was the genesis of the 2A.  You're wrong again Jeff. 

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