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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Survey: Number 1 Quality Men Look For In A Wife
« on: August 14, 2023, 07:06:25 PM »
Survey: Number 1 Quality Men Look For In A Wife Is A Woman Who Will Fight Off Invisible Lizard People On The Plane Who Aren't Real

 Aug 14, 2023 ·
U.S. — A new survey of single men has found that the number one qualification they look for in a wife is "someone who will shout at and fight off the invisible lizard people on the plane who aren't real," sources confirmed Monday.

While qualities like "a good homemaker" and "a strong personality" also ranked high on men's list of good characteristics of a potential mate, the number one thing they look for, by far, appears to be "the ability and willingness to absolutely freak out when a demon-lizard appears on a flight and we're all about to die."

"Yeah, I mean, looks, personality, and future parenting skills are all a plus, obviously," said one respondent to the survey. "But honestly, the number one thing I'm out there scopin' out is whether or not she'll just go absolutely bananas on an airplane when no one else is willing to point out the not-real demonic entity on an airplane so we can escape that death trap."

"I'm pretty introverted, so I need a chick to speak up for me," said another man. "Like, if my mashed potatoes don't come out right, or if I've got a problem with our cell carrier's customer service. Or, if there's an invisible Lizard Space Lord on the airplane with us and I'm just too shy to speak up."

As it's the year 2023, "doesn't have a penis" also ranked highly on the list.

Is your wife being hysterical again? Do you need a sandwich ASAP, but the Mrs. is unreasonably upset? Watch this video for all the best techniques for calming her down.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 14, 2023, 08:35:27 AM »
In 2016, my husband and I both thought Donald Trump was a joke, an unserious candidate. He’s soon vanish, we thought.

But each morning we’d wake up to find Donald Trump had won another state’s primary. The left was screaming that he must not win because “muh nuclear codes!”

We began to realize that as we watched him on the debate stage, and looked at the other GOP candidates, our overwhelming impression was that every other candidate represented more of same. Same empty promises, same puppet strings, same talking points, same graceful, apologetic acquiescence to the Dems, same blah blah blah. Same slow slide into bloated government and drip drip drip of lost freedoms.

By the time we voted for Donald Trump, our faith in him as a leader was greater than any other option.

Sorry to say it, but I see every GOP candidate today the same way we saw the pathetic GOP lineup in 2016. We are at war with a cabal that has captured our elections. Election 2020 was captured and look who has the nuclear codes now. Show me a candidate who talks about the literal war we are in with these scum, and I’ll take that candidate seriously.

At least DJT speaks on the subject.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 14, 2023, 07:25:05 AM »
In 2016, my husband and I both thought Donald Trump was a joke, an unserious candidate. He’s soon vanish, we thought.

But each morning we’d wake up to find Donald Trump had won another state’s primary. The left was screaming that he must not win because “muh nuclear codes!”

We began to realize that as we watched him on the debate stage, and looked at the other GOP candidates, our overwhelming impression was that every other candidate represented more of same. Same empty promises, same puppet strings, same talking points, same graceful, apologetic acquiescence to the Dems, same blah blah blah. Same slow slide into bloated government and drip drip drip of lost freedoms.

By the time we voted for Donald Trump, our faith in him as a leader was greater than any other option.

Sorry to say it, but I see every GOP candidate today the same way we saw the pathetic GOP lineup in 2016. We are at war with a cabal that has captured our elections. Election 2020 was captured and look who has the nuclear codes now. Show me a candidate who talks about the literal war we are in with these scum, and I’ll take that candidate seriously.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: August 13, 2023, 01:59:07 PM »
"Subvert the dominant paradigm" must have come from somebody that read "The Structure of Scientific Revolution".   
Yep.  That book has a place of honor on my bookshelf.  Right next to "Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things".

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: August 13, 2023, 01:57:19 PM »
Love the signs! What field are you in?
Started out with a BS in computer science.  Worked in the real world for a while then went back for an MS and PhD in information systems.  Now doing Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: August 13, 2023, 10:39:05 AM »
how abou this one:

"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true."

Niels Bohr

Spin Zone / Re: Truth Or Another fbi Lie???
« on: August 13, 2023, 10:24:37 AM »
With a long public trial he becomes a martyr for the cause, further exposing the huge political DOJ, FBI, etc.  Now he's executed, buried, and done with.  On to the next news cycle.

  Same reason Ashley Babbit was publicly executed.

Correct, which means they get away with it which is a giant green light to go ahead with the 2024 election.  They will double down on the cheating. I’m becoming more and more convinced no R can win in 2024 no matter who we run.  That makes me want to go back to RFKJr as the lesser of evils.  They don’t want him either but all their cheat planning is to deny the R the general. I don’t know how much they plan to “cheat” in the Dem primaries.  They think they don’t need to, Biden is the incumbent.

I know getting RK nominated is a near impossible long shot. We could always hope Biden strokes out at the last minute and RK is second in popularity, maybe?  (Don’t mention Newsome or I’ll throw up.)

  Get ready to throw up.   FJB is going to "decide" not to run in a backroom deal not to prosecute him or his son in exchange.  Of course this gets rid of Kamala as well.

   Gavin Newsom is the heir apparent.  Why?   He is a radical that will do the bidding of the communist.  Plus he knows he has already won without going through the hassle of actually campaigning.

   Like I laid out previously, the democrat communist are working multiple plans for 2024.  If plan A doesn't work, they have plan B, and so on.  With a compliant media to run cover, and a DoJ in their pocket, and a lame congress, it will make it fairly easy.

   We have several tools available right now to defeat this, yet our RINO led congress doesn't have the will.  Example is Mayorkas.  There is so much evidence against this guy, yet McLoser can't get enough votes to impeach him.  Same with FJB.   

   Congress has been effectively neutered by the republican party.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 13, 2023, 04:27:53 AM »
I believe you, but even you have regurgitated things about DeSantis that have no basis in fact, but have been pushed by Donald Trump.

At the end of the day, everyone here knows I have been a Trump supporter since post Convention 2016.  However, no one can articulate a winning GENERAL ELECTION strategy. Trump supporters are more than happy to work to crush Trump’s competitors and win the primary, but they collectively NEVER talk about how he can win the general election.

When I push that, and I’ve been doing that here for months, the standard answer is “well it’s rigged anyway so no Republican can win.”  What a bullshit response. What they’re saying is we are supposed to accept that we just go down with the ship, but full speed ahead. Damn the torpedoes and all that. They are NEVER willing to concede that an alternative path might be available that could win the general.
I think you’re giving Donald Trump too much credit for DeSantis’ very visible weaknesses. I hasten to say he has strengths as well. But he gives off distinct vibes of not having enough of them. We are fighting a many-headed monster that is swallowing our country alive.

People who support President Trump DO think he could win the general, IF cheating can be overcome,  because he performed admirably as President while under constant attack and did win the general in 2020 with a historical number of votes. His support by conservatives has not waned, and is increasing among independents as people realize we are screwed and need a fighter. But Donald Trump will be universally loathed by liberals to their dying days.

However, cheating will, you must admit, happen again. It has not been fixed. I personally don’t think DeSantis can generate anywhere near the massive number of votes President Trump received in 2020 that exposed the massive cheating operation the left has in place.

If there is any hope for 2024 it’s to vote bigger than the cheaters expect and overwhelm them. But we did that in 2020 and here we are. We can do it again but so can they.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: August 12, 2023, 03:54:15 AM »
Since this is mostly a political site, let me briefly explain my views on the politics of this question.

Should the government have anything to say about what substances individuals choose to put into their bodies? No.

Should the CDC, FDA, or NIH exist and be paid for with funds taken coercively from citizens? No.

Have large pharmaceutical companies captured regulators like the FDA, thus biasing their decisions and reports. Certainly, and as usual.

Should doctors be allowed legally to prescribe what in their best judgement will help the patient. Yes.

Has the subject of ivermectin to treat Covid-19 been over-politicized so that the American public has been barraged by propaganda. Yes.

Finally someone with the right political views but who also objectively assesses facts.

Having said that my two concerns about your pursuit of facts are:

1. I understand that bias is now beginning to affect peer reviews.  We already know that “science” is now heavily compromised on the subject of climate change. I have no reason to trust the science anymore on any other subject. Scientists are now being incubated in universities which have become 90% politically biased in one direction. And even if they aren’t, after we just found out that the Feds had infiltrated and coerced social media to propagandize by censorious omission, how do I know they’re not also pressuring scientists to publish or not, or what to conclude or omit in a peer review?

2. I seem to recall most of the studies on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were done in hospital settings.  Once you have been hospitalized you’ve missed the window where those treatments work. You have to take them very early, preferably the first or second day of symptoms. If the Covid test doesn’t even turn positive until day 3, I doubt any of those studies actually used them properly. Correct me if I’m wrong.  I don’t have time to actually dig into it right now.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: August 11, 2023, 04:54:53 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: August 10, 2023, 01:52:50 PM »
You don't need to consider what he says - you can research his actions while in office - and during his time in military service.

DeSantis has a voting record and a record of bills he authored or co-authored while in the U.S. House of Representatives.  He also has a record of action as Governor.  One small example that a tiny bit of research would yield: after he left congress he opted to NOT receive his congressional pension and while still in office had filed a measure that would have eliminated congressional pensions.

IMHO any suggestions, hints, or otherwise that DeSantis isn't conservative border on the ludicrous.

You are COMPLETELY misunderstanding me. I’m not saying he isn’t conservative or that he’s not presenting himself as what he actually is. I’m saying how he presents himself is meaningless to the Democrats/Uniparty.  Just like RFKJr presenting himself (accurately) as a liberal greenie anti gunner is meaningless to them.  Because they don’t give a fuck about ideology. They’re about keeping themselves in power, PERIOD.

Spin Zone / Re: Truth Or Another fbi Lie???
« on: August 10, 2023, 08:58:57 AM »
More than likely the guy was set up.  They need the message across that there is zero tolerance in speaking ill against the Dear Leader.   

Anyone can make jokes, memes, or threats against conservatives, even a conservative former president, but Dear Leader or his regime is off limits, or pay the consequences.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: August 08, 2023, 08:38:33 AM »
I’ve said this before, Trump was the most conservative president in my lifetime, but I don’t think he can possibly win the general election. And even if he did, he will be a lame duck from Day 1, and thus will accomplish very little.
I have a slightly different take on this.  Yes, he will be a lame duck, but that's a feature.  He doesn't have to worry about being re-elected.  He can do what it takes to drain the swamp and fight the good fight against the machine.  And not care that he has to keep some people happy.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: August 08, 2023, 06:10:37 AM »
At the moment, this thread should be renamed with “Election” in quotes.

No amount of intellectualizing or speculation about the mood of the voters, or who can “win,” and why, matters a rat’s ass while the 2020 cheating system still is in place and the perpetrators still are determined to hang on to it. We’ve pretty much agreed polls are worthless too, have we not?

The only reason President Trump remains solid with his base is because they all sense he is right … the system is rigged against us, and nothing we’ve seen in the last three years disproves that. NOTHING.

In fact, the opposite is true.

I wish I were wrong. We see clearly a corrupt system serving itself and not us, fomenting war and massive MIC profits, coming into our very homes to take our light bulbs and means of cooking, attempting to force us into complete dependence on vulnerable electric grids, threatening mandated digital cash to control us totally, silencing us when we question anything they don’t like, giving power to agencies like the WHO to control us totally under the guise of protecting us, weakening our communities with infusions of young, male foreigners, drugs, weapons and trafficking of the most henous sorts, perpetrating a legal leniency that literally feeds and creates crime, and … pay attention: INDICTING AND ARRESTING ON SPURIOUS CHARGES THE PERSON WHO IS THE MAIN THREAT TO THEIR ACTIVITIES. And, they distract and manipulate attention away from their own ghastly treason and perfidies. Don’t say you can’t see it, Jim.

It was abundantly clear during President Trump’s administration, and he stated it many times, that the swamp was deeper and wider than he had known. That swamp rose with gaping maws out of their ooze and attempted to devour and delegitimize him for four solid years AND STILL IS DOING SO TO THIS DAY for one reason:

President Trump, and only President Trump is seen by the swamp as their biggest threat. Everyone challenging him is seen as buyable or biddable.

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