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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 11, 2023, 03:52:31 PM »
"Another Republican supporter of Ukraine aid, Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), said on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that it’s been money well spent. The aid, which equates to 5 percent of the U.S. military budget, has helped take out half of Russia’s military, he said." Source:

As to fears of creating an enemy of Russia - hint: when was NATO created and why?

As to corruption: name your sources and the nature of the corruption. Lucifer never did. How does the corruption you documented compare to, say that which occurs in the U.S. or Russia? A few days ago Zelensky visited Snake Island in the Black Sea which is mostly controlled by Russia. As an allegedly corrupt leader with allegedly vast wealth he seems to live dangerously.

One person who never gets criticized on this forum, indeed is rarely mentioned as existing when the subject of Ukraine comes up is Putin. Why do you suppose that is? Is he just a helpless misunderstood benevolent dictator of which the less said the better? No doubt a pawn of the Military Industrial Complex.
I’m in Nashville for work and don’t have time to do a research paper, but here’s the cliff notes.

Don’t use the fallacy that being anti-interventionist means I’m pro-Putin.

Spin Zone / Re: Makes ya proud huh?
« on: July 11, 2023, 03:37:53 PM »
We all know Putin is evil. Would it comfort you Jim, if we repeated redundant information over and over? For the record I think Zelensky is just as corrupt and evil as Putin. He's just backed by the now most corrupt ex-Country on Earth. The former USA.

  Zelensky has jailed his opponents, shut down media critical of him, closed churches he disagrees with and has now cancelled elections.

  But he's fighting for "democracy".  ::)   

Spin Zone / Re: Vivek Ramaswamy Breaks Into Double Digits
« on: July 09, 2023, 06:56:29 PM »
He is only interested in himself.  If that helps the rest of us that is fine, but first it has to help Trump.

I am so damn tired of hearing that lame argument from never Trumpers.  Go ahead -- name one instance where he put himself ahead of his country.  You can't because there are none.  He may well be the only president since Washington who saw his net worth decrease while in office, so just stop it.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: July 08, 2023, 11:04:46 AM »
I can't find your post regarding the solar energy receive.

But I did fail to respond to your post about "The solution to pollution is dilution".  I only believe that to a point.  I think over the past few hundred years we have exceeded that point.  And I do believe the earth has tremendous ability to heal itself, just like the human body.  But people do still die because of mistreating their bodies.

And maybe not here, but I have run into people that deny that the climate is changing.

edit to add:  If people do believe the climate is changing, why are most people here so adamant against any attempt to mitigate it?  And why do they call anyone that does believe it is a problem an environmental wacko control freak.
I think my mention of the 430 quintillion Joules of energy hitting earth ever hour is from the same thread where I mentioned how earth has healed itself. I still stand by that, and I believe predictions of the death of the earth are designed to subjugate the people of the earth to a New World Order.

As for your last paragraph, every single attempt to “mitigate” client change results in taxation to grow FedGov, and an INTENTIONAL diminution of OUR QUALITY OF LIFE, with ZERO evidence that such diminution will yield any result regarding climate change. There is literally no evidence, yet the climate alarmists are RAKING IN money and wealth to further the lie that taxing Americans and making energy unsustainably expensive to us will help heal Mother Earth.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate Change, the sequel
« on: July 08, 2023, 08:09:02 AM »
Joe decided his thread was “going nowhere” because he didn’t like where it was going.

Joe, before you protest that’s not true, and that I’m picking on you, go back and carefully read all the posts. And then the posts on this thread. And think. If any issue is “large, and contains multitudes,”* it is this one. But there is a distillation, and it is that we are fearing the climate because we are being grifted to fear it. The grifters are training us to forget winter and gasp in horror at normal summer temperatures. Now Biden is talking about trying to block the sun. The sun that sustains life and, ironically, generates electricity via the sacred solar panels.

Do. Not. Be. A. Sheep.

Love, Becky

*Walt Whitman: Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate Change, the sequel
« on: July 08, 2023, 03:51:30 AM »
They can't even measure temperatures without changing them to fit their big Government solutions and taxes narrative.  They have to LIE and cheat because it is ALL A HOAX. Like Covid only worse. Way worse.

The problem is the lying and the grift.  If they’d been honest from the start they would have credibility. But just like the CDC with Covid, they destroyed any semblance of credibility and now wonder why we don’t trust their “science”. 

Covid is a real disease and there were ways to manage it properly.  Perhaps the vax is good for old people. But we now know it is unnecessary and problematic for the very young.  Maybe we learned that ventilators were counterproductive. We definitely learned that masks and lockdowns create more problems than they solve, to the point of being disastrous.  If the “experts” and politicians had been honest about all of this all along, and had some humility and admitted that they are learning as we go, instead of lying and forcing unproven mandates on us, we wouldn’t now mistrust them so much.

The climate change people did the exact same thing. Maybe climate change is something to be concerned about.  But if it is, the self-anointed activists have totally burned their bridges with public trust by lying, exaggerating, censoring debate, cherry picking models, blacklisting dissenting scientists, and abusing the issue for personal enrichment. Why the hell would I believe anything they say now?

I think what Little Joe is saying is we can separate the wheat from the chaff and address the actual real concerns, which he believes exist at least to a degree. I agree there are some environmental issues. We should preserve “jungles” for example (why the hell is that a bad word now?) but not because the whole planet will die if we don’t, but because they are the source of new medications, and are the habitat of non-human primates which we don’t want to go extinct.

We should limit air pollution just for health reasons and clean up trash for aesthetic reasons. But the fear mongering about the world is going to end in x number of years if you don’t give the government more money, they have cried wolf too many times. Now, even if it turns out to be true (and why do I think it won’t) we owe them no trust whatsoever.

How could all the crap we have been pumping into the air and the water for the past few hundred years NOT have any effect.
Your wife may recall this from veterinary school, but when my daughter was studying pharmacology, I believe, she learned the memory jogger “The solution to pollution (I.e., poisoning) is dilution.” 

Apply that to Mother Earth. There is no question the earth is cleaner than it ever was during the Industrial Revolution.  Earth seems to have cleaned itself in many ways. LA and Cleveland air doesn’t look like they used to when we were growing up.

So when Algore tells me that my Ford F-150 is destroying the climate, while being unable to quantify the effect on the climate of the 430 quintillion Joules of energy hitting the earth every hour from that big ball of fire in the sky, pardon me if I’m skeptical that the earth is getting destroyed by man.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: July 05, 2023, 04:38:42 PM »
Forest mismanagement is another area in which liberal (communists) are utterly ignorant.

Now gas stoves, and wood fired pizza ovens are just as much the enemy of ignorant democrat communists, as thinning the deer herd to avoid starvation, reducing the tinder in forest to avoid forest fires, and demanding that china, iran, and india take action to clean up the pigsty they made of their pigsty environments.

Liberals are no longer just stupid.

They’re the enemy.
Liberals want to control what they can control, and then bitch about the rest.

People can’t fight the gas stove and pizza oven Nazis, so the liberals attack them.

Libs can’t fight China, India, and the other massive polluters, so they attack the auto industry, oil industry, and our quality of life. The lemmings all go along with it.

Liberals can’t fight the massive plastic islands in the Pacific Ocean that come from China and other far-East countries, so they attack plastic straws. Now we are provided with paper straws, in plastic cups and plastic lids. And the lemmings all go along with it.

Spin Zone / Re: Vivek Ramaswamy Breaks Into Double Digits
« on: July 05, 2023, 09:59:53 AM »
At one time I used to like Mike Pence and Ted Cruz, but they are both Establishment Republican Uniparty guys.

There was a time I liked GW Bush.  We all evolve.  Well, some of us do.

Spin Zone / Re: SCOTUS Kills Affirmative Action……
« on: July 04, 2023, 01:43:16 PM »
Seriously?  No. The progressive income tax is welfare to the unwashed masses.

After one of George Bush’s tax cuts, almost 50% of tax filers paid no federal income tax. They have no skin in the game.

The progressive income tax punishes the hardest workers in society.
Unwashed masses =  anyone not of the "Elite."

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential Election
« on: July 04, 2023, 09:29:35 AM »
  Unfortunately those battleground states are mired down in election shenanigans as well.   The two factors I see is how well the candidate can overcome the cheating (overwhelm the system) and what sort of ground campaign they can launch, and maintain in those areas.

  At least Wisc has made some effort in reducing the fraud.  PA, GA and MI have done little if any.  AZ is lost since the republicans once again decided not to fight the fraud of 2022.

They wouldn’t even be battleground states except for the fraud. Trump has won over the traditional rust belt working class and actually has WI, PA and MI IMO.  He also has GA and AZ, as I am sure all those states went to him in 2020.  Those states were deliberately chosen and targeted for the fraud due to urban/rural demographics such as AZ population concentrated in one county, and the ballot policies doing an end run around the legislature such as in PA.  This is very deliberate and they had 4 years to work it out after the shock of 2016. The pandemic was a large bonus gift guaranteeing their success.

Spin Zone / Re: SCOTUS Kills Affirmative Action……
« on: July 04, 2023, 09:18:55 AM »
Why is there a "progressive" income tax? To prevent the accumulation of wealth by the unwashed masses.
Seriously?  No. The progressive income tax is welfare to the unwashed masses.

After one of George Bush’s tax cuts, almost 50% of tax filers paid no federal income tax. They have no skin in the game.

The progressive income tax punishes the hardest workers in society.

Spin Zone / Re: Here's how we deal with "gun violence" in Florida.
« on: July 04, 2023, 07:00:48 AM »
Typical, inner city Black thug violence.
If that's true, why have I not read the word "Black" in any of the articles?

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: July 04, 2023, 06:23:02 AM »

Pilot Zone / Re: Solar farm destroyed by hail in minutes
« on: July 03, 2023, 06:21:16 PM »
Heat, hail, floods, and other adverse weather in the great plains states cost farmers and ranchers millions of dollars every year. Nobody with sense mocks them and suggests they shouldn't even be trying to make a living where such things can happen.

Besides, baseball size hail is extraordinarily large. It would destroy most people's roofing. A few years ago we got hit by several hail storms of smaller sizes over the Black Hills area and the costs  to repair all the affected homes was in the millions.

Okay maybe I shouldn’t have laughed so hard. It’s just that solar power is so not practical, but I’d be more friendly toward it if the greenies and globalists would stop shoving it down our throats while killing coal, oil and nuclear.

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