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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump speech in Saudi Arabia
« on: May 22, 2017, 05:50:56 AM »
Nice non-interventionist rhetoric.
Seems unlikely to be acted on, though.

Why do you say that?  The first step is recognizing, and identifying the problem in addition to admitting the problem.  For eight years Obama, nor any Democrat would admit that radical Islamic terrorism was the problem.  Appeasement only emboldens them.

Mark Steyn is the best conservative talk show host out there. 

Spin Zone / Re: Roger Ailes dead at 77 - Former Fox news chief
« on: May 18, 2017, 09:43:38 AM »
At this point in our society, you cannot say much to people with whom you work.  I haven't complimented women in the workplace for decades.  I don't know what Ailes did, or didn't do to the women at Fox News.  There seemed to have been several allegations, and at least one law suit.  In my mind there must have been something there, or the gold diggers got damn lucky.  Who knows. 

I read a separate article recently on Fox News that has them floundering due to the recent leadership, and scheduling/host changes.  I gave up most of my cable channels a while back, as I wasn't watching much, and downgraded my service, so don't watch Fox anyway.  I get most of my info on the internet. 

Spin Zone / Re: WashPo: Trump must be impeached
« on: May 15, 2017, 07:47:11 AM »
The leftist media, which comprises about 95% of it, along with its supervisor, the Democrat elite are still trying to de-legitimize the Trump Presidency.  If they can create enough controversy over nothing, their hope is that eventually John, and Jane Q. Public will believe the propaganda, and vote D in the next election cycle(s).  They want to undermine Trump, and destroy any hope of an America with a meaningful Constitution in place, with values, and characteristics that make people WANT to come her for freedom, and opportunity.

What we are seeing from the media/Dem/elitist coalition is SEDITION.  Purposeful undermining of the legitimate U.S. government in order to create chaos, upheaval, and eventual leadership change.  In other words a COUP.  If they do not succeed with words, lies, and propaganda, we will see them use violence, and intimidation.  This has already occurred by BLM, and others assaulting Trump supporters, and conservative speakers at various times, and events. 

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's sex secrets laid bare
« on: May 10, 2017, 07:39:34 AM »
I've disparaged his intellect (truly low-handing fruit),

His intellect?  Since you put so much faith in "higher" education, which Ivy League school did you attend on a par with the institution in which President Trump attended, and graduated?

Spin Zone / Re: Things are not rocking yet............
« on: May 08, 2017, 06:54:05 AM »
Venezuela is probably the better example. I don't disagree with Cuba but people are hijacking food trucks and killing dogs on the streets in Venezuela just to be able to eat.

What the left in the U.S. never get is that "Communism" is just another form of Totalitarianism where a few elite get rich, and rule the masses to their detriment.  Venezuela, Cuba, Most African nations, N. Korea, etc.  Just more dictatorships where the few rule, and steal from the people while creating a police state, or worse in the strictest sense. 

Spin Zone / Re: CNBC must have just had an epiphany
« on: May 05, 2017, 09:24:08 AM »
Correct. I don't think anybody here will argue that point. I think the point trying to be made instead was that under Obama the unemployment rate was factoring in only certain elements which made the unemployment rate look lower than it really was.

We can argue that the same is true under Trump, but the BIG DIFFERENCE (pay attention Michael) is that NOW the media decides to broadcast it, and they didn't under Obama. 

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 03, 2017, 06:15:42 AM »
This is Paul Ryan and the Washington establishment. They will not allow Trump to push through his agenda and will keep stalling and delaying.

This is my thought and fear also.  The Swamp is fighting back with a vengeance, and it has a lot of money, power, and politicians of both parties in it.   

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 11:59:47 AM »
A robbery creates a victim.
Who is the victim in the case of illegal immigration?

The victims are those of us who paid here to come legally, and also those of us that have to pay for a support system for criminals (illegal aliens).  Our costs for health care, education, welfare, etc all go up when illegals use them. 

With regard to the issue of government taxes and benefits - aren't legal immigrants also victimizing citizens and taxpayers of the United States? Other than the paperwork trail there seems no distinguishing difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

Legal immigrants are documented, can be tracked, and even can have their benefits reduced or removed.  As legal immigrants, or citizens, they are entitled by law for those benefits.   

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 09:20:12 AM »
Obama was schooled on communism and embraced it.

Frank Marshall Davis, and Obama's own book, "Dreams of my Father" are just two examples. 

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 09:06:56 AM »
The Mango Mussilini will sign it

Sometimes you have to pick your battles.  Personally this is a battle I would choose to fight if I were Trump.  Also, exactly what "Mussolini" type dictatorial, and fascist actions has Trump committed for you to use that description of him.  I know its a joke, but at least when we called Obama a communist we had a track record of his to justify that moniker.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 01, 2017, 03:02:20 PM »
If someone's only crime is entering illegally, they've been able to stay out of trouble and are productive residents says me they're people we want, and we should find a way to keep them.

So the ends justify the illegal means?  Not buying it.  The problem is there is no way to separate the ones that will stay out of trouble, and become productive without first vetting them.  That means going through the legal process PRIOR to entry, not after when and if they commit a crime, or just leach off the system. 

Do you try to prevent a parasitic, or destructive organism from entering your system, or are you careless, and just rely on eradicating them if you see the symptoms?   

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 01, 2017, 01:07:58 PM »
I love immigration,  once again you either ignore or miss the point completely.   It is illegal immigration that is the problem.  In your analysis did you consider extreme poverty, hunger and/or oppression might be stronger motivators to emigrate from an area than intelligence?

In order to make it seem like conservatives don't want ANY immigration, the liberal/progressives lump in illegal invasion with legal immigration.  Thus they can make the conservatives look like they are racist, xenophobic knuckle draggers, and instead of having a reasonable discussion just try to make us look bad, and end the argument.  It is a tried, and true primary tactic of the liberal/progressives, and, Michael as do others, use it all the time.   

Spin Zone / Re: ESPN - the impact of promoting far left ideology
« on: April 26, 2017, 01:23:15 PM »
<slaps forehead> Duh!  Must have gone off on a tangent of logical thinking!!  ;D

I don't care if it is left leaning or right leaning, I just don't want to see, and hear politics when watching/listening to sports.  It is an escape, that's all, and to be bombarded with anything political isn't relaxing.  Just like when Bruce Springsteen gets political at his concerts.  It isn't necessary. 

It just happens it is well known that ESPN, and sports media in general has a liberal/progressive bias, as do many if not most Pro sports leagues. 

So where will y'all go to find that political satisfaction?  I can understand it when your choice of Party/President doesn't turn out as promised.

Libertarian?  Maybe they don't have cookies, but do have pot!  ;)

Possibly a centrist Republican/Democrat?  That way you can criticize both sides (and take heat from both sides)??

I didn't vote for Trump in the Primary, but did in the General.  I am totally on board with him as our current President, and yes surprised I would ever say that.  Not on board with many of the Republicans in Congress, however.  My problem is the Republicans, except for Trump, and a few others, like their cushy, status quo, big government jobs. 

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