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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 87 88 [89] 90 91 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: The world is FLAT not ROUND
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:31:55 PM »
Jonesy, good to see you!!

Spin Zone / Re: The world is FLAT not ROUND
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:35:43 PM »
If only half of the media wouldn't play along and would act like the Fourth Estate that they purport to be, we would have a fighting chance of being the United States of America 200 years from now.

Journalism in America is all but dead. It's strictly an alternative platform for projecting their point of view. It's quite sad, really. Such a far cry from the Woodward and Bernstein era.

Spin Zone / Re: EAA Changes to Young Eagles Program
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:06:05 PM »
Nah, Tony the Tiger. Sheesh!

Spin Zone / Re: More DUIs in the future
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:14:49 AM »

I have less of an issue when a Cabinet Secretary (Dole) or Congress itself (the National Minimum Drinking Age Act) lobby/pressure states.

I do have an issue when executive agencies do it.  Again, this is a new issue that I've not deeply considered before.

It's the federal blackmail tactic that I despise, whether it comes from a Cabinet secretary, her agency's bureaucrats through Rulemaking, or from Congress itself.

They ALL shit on the Tenth Amendment.

Spin Zone / Re: More DUIs in the future
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:51:25 PM »
Agreed. They're fine with some technocrat telling them what they can, or have to do cradle to grave.

Scary as hell.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:14:04 PM »
(don't take this the wrong way)  Trump couldn't do worse than obama or the bitch when it comes to handling the Chinese.

If I have to hear that screeching harpy's voice on TV every night for at least the next four years I'm going to dump battery acid into my ears.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:20:51 PM »

Cruz is using the religious rhetoric to solidify the religious right.  I don't like it either.  It is an unfortunate part of politics. 

I don't trust Rubio due to his stance on illegal immigration and the Gang of eight crap he pulled.  I don't like Trump because I think he's a Progressive, and will sell out conservative values to make deals.  However, I would vote for any of them over Hillary or Bernie.

Let's all sit down and take a long sip of some fine Kentucky bourbon (I like Knob Creek), and relax for a minute.

I didn't like Cruz's speech either.  I'm a Catholic, but most Catholics would not call themselves Evangelicals. I didn't like Rubio's Gang of Eight stuff either, though he's admitted he was wrong, which is more than some politicians would ever do.

But with Rubio and Cruz, we have the best chance of nominating the most conservative candidate fielded by the GOP since Ronald Reagan 35 years ago!   

There is no question in my mind that either of them would hold firm on most conservative principles that are important to me. Add to that the fact that Marco Rubio has a gift for explaining and advocating conservatism that we haven't seen since the Gipper, and that will be necessary to win in the general election. That's how "Reagan Democrats" came to be.

The circular firing squad is getting tiresome. I'm ready to start directing fire to the real enemy, though that will be impossible until Thin Skin Trump gets tired of the race and drops out.

Spin Zone / Jaybird Is Worthy
« on: February 05, 2016, 01:39:12 AM »
I just wanted to say that I really like this venue, I like that people can assemble to spout off and agree or disagree, and I appreciate that Jaybird has the cojones to go into the "den of infidels" to try to enlighten us.

While I may disagree with him on probably 99% of politics and/or religion, we are brothers in the air and I would gladly ride right seat with him any time.  This kind of fellowship may, in the long run, help us to overcome our disagreements.  Maybe,  Worth a try?

Spin Zone / Re: Stand Down
« on: February 04, 2016, 04:50:51 PM »
We are no longer a sovereign state, but just a land mass with people, and things.  Why did our fathers and grand fathers die in Vietnam, Europe, Korea, and other locations around the globe?  Illegal immigrants are invading, and we aren't doing anything to protect the legal citizens of America. 

Thanks Obama.

 Not illegal immigrants, they are "potential democratic voters".

 Someone needs to tell Obama that a poll was done on the illegals and they are voting republican.  He'll close the borders tomorrow.

It must really suck to live a life so consumed by fear and hatred that one could see an article like this where an actual injustice is actually discovered and actual amends are made and see that as tragic proof of inescapable, institutional racism.

Somebody broke the law, it appears to have been extraordinarily widespread although clearly not well known outside financial circles (which begs the question if there may have been more to it from an actuarial standpoint, but I digress), but once discovered, the system functioned, without bias, as it is supposed to.

Whether made by an administrative court judge or a jury, the system worked as it is supposed to, a crime was committed, discovered, tried and justice was served.  This is exactly the kind of justice and benefit from the systems in place that we are constantly told does not exist for people of color.

This should be seen as a story that affirms 'and justice for all', not one that focuses on the acts of a few (albeit with widespread impact) and ascribes unknowable motives.

I feel pity for folks who live with such a negative and external focus.


Spin Zone / Re: A Conversation with a Liberal Friend
« on: February 04, 2016, 06:51:01 AM »
Nice to have you here dell30rb.


Spin Zone / Re: OK, we can shut down the Republican Primary race now
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:44:45 PM »
Shouldn't this dumb acronym be CINO and not RINO? After all, historically Republicans have often negotiated and compromised with the other side to get things done and accommodate their constituents. In addition, if the majority of Republicans are establishment and not to your liking because they are not conservative enough, shouldn't you be saying they are Conservative In Name Only? Obviously they are Republican, it's just you don't really want Republican politicians anymore, you want hard core conservatives to be your politicians.

So, what are the egregious things that Kasich has done to shame the Republican party?

I love how..simply wanting a balanced budget, debt paid down, less government enchroachment on our lives ( hello gas cans ) is now considered "hard core conservative". I guess in the context of Hil or Bern...that's a fair enough categorization.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 03, 2016, 02:10:31 PM »

So, what you're saying is that his success is predicated upon leaning on a crutch that will not be at all available to him should he become POTUS.  You can't just say "Well, the FAA is overburdened by debt, we'll just default on that and move their responsibilities to the CAA" after all.

That's a ridiculous stretch.

I am saying that the claims that he is not successful, or poorly manages his business due to the bankruptcies are baseless. The business is set up to reduce risk wherever possible, all modern companies are run this way. Its the smart way to run a business.

Spin Zone / Re: A Conversation with a Liberal Friend
« on: February 03, 2016, 01:21:30 PM »
I have a similar friend. Growing up we rode dirt bikes together, went to races, from middle school on until about mid-way through college. We were roomates freshman year in college. Somewhere in there, he went from being kindof moderate and apathetic about politics, to drinking liberal cool-aid hardcore. I could definitely see him writing that letter. Fast forward a few years and we haven't really hung out much. No falling out between us., just different set of friends as he was hanging out with some hipsters. They were okay, I would go to parties with them occasionally but its not really my crowd. Anyway about 2 years ago he sends me a text, haven't seen you in awhile, want to meet for a drink someteime? Sure, I arrange to meet him at a bar after work to get some wings and drink beer.

We avoided talking about politics, but it was kinda lame, not much in common.. he tried to hit on these two girls sitting next to us and failed, we talk about work, he hates his job, does not make much money, long hours, boss is a dick... then asks if I have an extra room at my house for him, because parents want him out and he can't afford his own place. I kinda gave him the .. well dunno.. kinda like living by myself, but i'll let you know. Then the fucker thanks me for the beers, explains he can't pay for it because his paycheck does not come for another week, and leaves!

I have other die hard liberal acquaintances, but I avoid talking about politics at all with any of them like the PLAGUE. You know these people, the ones who post a bunch of liberal crap on social media. I will gladly talk politics and policy with other people but NOT the ones who I know are hardcore left. Because I know it won't be a conversation as they are not open minded people.

I can't say i'm completely open-minded as I think socialism is cancer, and anyone who is a socialist is an idiot. Though I am open to some progessive ideas, i'm somewhere between libertarian and conservative.

Oh and I don't post political stuff on social media. When your facebook could double as Hillary's talking points for tomorrow night's speech, you have gone too far!

Spin Zone / Re: EAA Changes to Young Eagles Program
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:23:05 AM »
Of course there is an element of "okayness" to this, of course there is.

But this EAA situation is a classic example of what 'Gimp accurately calls a "tragedy unfolding."  Glacially, this undercurrent of fear and distrust of one another has morphed into an effective technique now being used politically:

Create a solution to a non-existent problem, impose regulations to enforce "solution," creating more distrust while gaining power.

"Oh well," people say.  "I'm busy.  I'll just go along."  And so we get more "solutions" where there is no problem.

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