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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 92 93 [94]
Pilot Zone / Re: What type of Plane for this Mission
« on: November 02, 2015, 09:27:50 AM »
If it were just me flying by myself, I'd probably look for a Grumman AA1/A, B, or C.  Inexpensive to operate, and a few knots faster than similarly powered trainers.  They are a blast to fly, also and have nice handling characteristics. 

Spin Zone / Re: Science is Settled
« on: November 02, 2015, 06:53:27 AM »
Amazing isn't it?  Man Made Global Climate Change is the biggest hoax ever.  Governments, and politicians figured out that just taxing people more may be unpopular so they thought up a "good" reason to confiscate even more money from the productive.  Let's SAVE THE PLANET!  Then they got a bunch of useful idiots to believe in this goofy religion.

Pilot Zone / Re: Planes are really cool
« on: October 30, 2015, 12:08:19 PM »
I agree with what you said, but the question was specific to Grumman flying.  I've heard that it can get away from you as it's not a fly by feel airplane.  Or maybe I have been misinformed???

Tigers, Cheetahs, and Travelers are docile airplanes although they do have better control response, and are lighter on the controls.  Tigers and Cheetahs are pretty slick for a fixed gear plane, so will float if you come in hot.  If you don't display good speed control, and try to force it down onto the runway you can get into pilot induce oscillation.  The cure to that is to just hold it off if you have enough runway, or just go around. 

The two seat AA1 (original slick wing) demand speed control also, and you don't want to get behind the power curve on these low, and slow as they will break pretty quickly, without too much warning.  The later AA1A, AA1B, and AA1C have a different wing but still require discpline in speed control, but give you a bit more margin.  They don't "get away from you" unless you either don't have training in them or just not flying them properly, but they are not any more dangerous than other planes if you fly them like they should be flown, and learning that is not difficult.

Spin Zone / Re: Liberty lives!
« on: October 30, 2015, 05:26:55 AM »
The whole situation at POA/SV for some reason reminded me of this and made me chuckle:


Glad to see you here 'Gimp!

Spin Zone / Re: Tonight is the Worst Run Debate I've Ever Seen
« on: October 29, 2015, 06:18:13 AM »
CNBC almost made some of the Republican candidates seem "Presidential" which is a hard thing to do. 

Spin Zone / Re: Dear God but I do love irony...
« on: October 28, 2015, 01:05:17 PM »
Oh man, this is hilarious. 

The pundit asked the vendor why the shirt cost $20 when it couldn’t have been more than $6 to make it.

The vendor replied by telling Elder that he had to “make profit.”

And these economic geniuses are supporting Bernie Sanders.   >:(

To these politicians, profits are evil, but they still take corporate money, and certainly become rich while in office, and then afterwards.  Do as I say, not as I do.  I'd like to see Bernie pay 90% of his income in income tax.  The remaing 10% can be used to pay all the other taxes we owe.  Oh wait, that wouldn't be enough.

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