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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 [40] 41 42 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: For A 'Shelter In Place' Saturday Morning
« on: March 28, 2020, 08:04:59 AM »
The problem is I REMEMBER when all those songs first came out.   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Are you helping or hurting
« on: March 27, 2020, 03:10:01 PM »
But I guess I date myself.

I've been dating myself also due to this virus crap.   ::)


Spin Zone / Re: Unintended consequences
« on: March 23, 2020, 07:24:13 AM »
Trump has to tread a fine line, he's absolutely correct the cure will be FAR worse than the disease if we stay shut down longer than 15 days.  If he is taking the advice of the CDC and the NIAID, well they are disease specialists with an agenda to stop the spread of the disease, they are NOT economists or logistics experts and Trump cannot allow them to drive this train by themselves. Trump needs to take all things into consideration and weigh all options and do what's best for us people and he is the ONLY person in DC I have faith that will do that.  If his economist specialists tell him we need to open up the country again and the disease experts fight him, he will need to stand up to them. By doing so he will take all kinds of heat from the dems and the media, but like he's been for the past 3 years, take the heat and STILL do what he thinks is best for US THE PEOPLE. He is in an incredibly difficult position, always has been ever since he took office, but this pandemic has ratcheted it up a thousand times. I can think of no one else who would be capable of doing this.

You said it.  That is EXACTLY the position Trump is in right now.  It is really no win, but someone has to have the balls to do it, and I can't think of anyone better than him.  Sometimes leaders have to do things that are unpopular initially, but upon reflection were actually the right thing to do. 

Spin Zone / Re: Governors shutting down businesses
« on: March 22, 2020, 02:50:36 PM »
Mike Rowe for President.  Tim Allen, VP. 

Anthony for Secretary of Boob sizing observation. 

Spin Zone / Re: Guy on News Radio Said...
« on: March 22, 2020, 09:04:46 AM »
I can't spare a square. I have no square to spare!

You're Seinfeld Foo is strong these days Rush!  I have a huge crush on the girl in that episode, Jamie Gertz.  Seinfeld always had the great chicks, but there was always something wrong!  lol!

Spin Zone / Re: Virus sim
« on: March 21, 2020, 07:01:26 AM »
Again, for the vast, vast majority of people, contracting this corona virus is NOT a death sentence.  It is a cold/flu.  If you are already compromised with health issues and/or age, then yes, you are at much higher risk.  Act accordingly. 

This is the largest ploy to control an election, economy and society in my lifetime, and after this is all over, we have to make our voices heard to make sure it does not happen again. 

Spin Zone / Re: Virus sim
« on: March 19, 2020, 01:38:31 PM »
It's become insane.  We are f*cked as a society.  I'm sitting here in FULL SCUBA gear now, flippers and all!  Just like the guy in "The Graduate" complete with breathing noises!

Spin Zone / Re: How is everyone doing and/or handling this mess?
« on: March 18, 2020, 06:55:29 AM »

The only thing we are running low on is ice water, but you already knew that.

I am missing the reference or the humor here.  Ice Water?  As long as you have power you can make ice in your freezer. 

I keep a nice stockpile of ammunition on hand, but I've been making more.  Claymores are set up around the perimeter, and the night vision cameras are working as advertised.  I only have one crew served weapon, but no crew, so have enlisted the dog to help.  He's learning quickly and gets a treat for every reload. 

Where will the homeless in SF shelter in place? 

Pilot Zone / Re: Bought a Navion
« on: March 16, 2020, 11:10:22 AM »
These "fucking" stationary fronts have been here all winter and spring thus far. Crappiest winter for flying I can remember in a long time.

Almost Summer pattern like through the Winter.  Must be man made climate change.  The $15 per gallon tax on 100LL will fix it. 

Big effing HOAX.  Purely to get rid of Trump. 

Has anyone ever seen a FAUX panic before with such widespread effect on business, government, education and society?  I expect Zombies to attack at any moment, but none arrive unfortunately.  It would help the utter BOREDOM.

I want Zombies!

As usual, Limbaugh is spot on.  This Media/Democrat panic is purely political.  If Hillary were in office instead of Trump, we'd have NONE OF THIS.  More excuses to grow government and take control from the individual and give it to government. 

Spin Zone / Re: Societal Insanity over the Flu
« on: March 14, 2020, 09:32:12 AM »
Deborah Birx said, at the presser, yesterday that of the people presenting because they think they have it, only 1-2% actually have it.

And she also said, that this time of year people are getting all kinds of colds and flu which are different from this, so don't assume you have it just because you are sick. 

Spin Zone / Re: Is coronavirus going to end Trumps reelection.
« on: March 14, 2020, 05:58:40 AM »
This whole effing virus thing is the Man Made Climate Change of diseases.

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