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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: February 23, 2024, 04:23:55 PM »
My mother got to where she never cleaned her coffee pot, just rinsed it. The brown stuff would build all up in it and when I visited I always had to scrub it out. She didn’t mind, she just wondered why on earth I was bothering.  She lost her sense of taste in her later years.
If cleaned improperly a percolator will make the coffee taste a little soapy for days.  Use of white vinegar is a good idea.

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 23, 2024, 03:11:12 PM »
It's time that we simply understand that being a Republican now is a felony in itself. If you are a Republican and doing anything to rock the boat you will be arrested on some charge and destroyed.  Being a true conservative Republican, or just conservative is an endangered species in the new U.S.of A.  They are close to achieving their goal of perpetual rule at this point and there will be no turning back if we do not rise up and put a stop to it. 

You don't think there is a reason the Biden is so sure of himself being reelected?  He has probably been told the fix is in again and he need not worry. 

I agree with Joe but would add a caveat.

The civil divorce coming will become chronic due to the pressure on the treasury. The communist
Arty (disguised as democrats) with assistance from the scum bag republicans, have insured collapse thru spending and printing of money.

Once the supply dries up it is game over  and the civil war will break out between states that can survive thru production and those that only know how to take and think it is their right.

When Colorado stops giving trillions of gallons of water to the communist utopia of california, they just close the gates and refuse to reopen them. When outside power sources refuse to send free, or cheap power to them, the pace of cloacae and rise of anarchy becomes acute.

The communist democrat states will descend into darkness and separatist so fast it will shock even the dumbest liberal. Suddenly asshole judges and criminal prosecutors are impotent and shit holemdommunist cities and states find themselves with millions of irate, rioters and arsonists.

It will be not bad, but terrible to be caught when the wheels come off cities and states overwhelmed with entitlement whores when the free stuff runs out.

Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: February 23, 2024, 10:06:04 AM »
I had to laugh at that.  My Dad had a coffee percolator in his shop.  He did NOT like it when someone cleaned it...
I learned to like coffee in my early teens.  My stepfather would take me on week long hunting trips with a bunch of his friends.

We started the week with a fresh percolator (it was a huge percolator) with fresh coffee.  Rather than clean it, each morning they added a couple for scoops of coffee.  By the end of the week the stuff was nasty, but I liked it.  Probably not for the taste but drinking it with all those macho men made me feel macho.  It also made me appreciate the good coffee my mother made. And when I say "good" I am talking about what Rush described. Pre-ground grocery store coffee.

By the way, that is also how I learned to like beer and liquor.  But I didn't get any of that from my mother when we went home.

Spin Zone / Re: CBS Fires Catherine Herridge....
« on: February 23, 2024, 06:23:54 AM »

  And is anyone willing to venture where CBS got their orders from?   Catherine Herridge is one of the few journalist with integrity and has done her research.   Someone is very frightened of her.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: February 23, 2024, 05:39:44 AM »
Not actually a joke. Just fact.

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:34:22 PM »
  They have taken the pages right out of the totalitarian playbook.

  Add to it the judgement way exceeds the threshold of any damages (there are none) and the DA and Judge both know there is a likely event that this will be tossed on appeal.

  So set the number extremely high, deny Trump the time to prepare an appeal, oh, and now since he and his sons are barred from doing business in NY, they can't even approach financial institutions to assist in setting up a bond.

  Let's drill down a bit further.  Think this ends with Trump?  Hardly.   NY needs homes for all their new found residents (illegals).  This sets a precedent for the government to use lawfare to begin ceasing private property for all sorts of things they consider "illegal".

   NY state has crossed over into full communism, and they are proud of it.  Look for other blue shitholes to follow suit.

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:28:33 PM »
Those fuckers need to stand in front of a firing squad on live TV as a warning to the rest of the traitors embedded in our government,

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:17:38 PM »
Let's recap where we are as a nation right now.

Democrat controlled city and state decide they don't like someone. they haul them into court and find them guilty of making bank loans, paying off those loans with interest but claiming the loans were gotten fraudulently.  No jury involved, judge decides the person is guilty.  Judge also rules there can be no appeal unless a bond in the amount of the fine is put up.  DA also says if the fine is not paid in xx time frame she will seize the property of the business and sell it.

Sure sounds a lot like how Communism works.

Spin Zone / Re: Saw a drawing of Rush today.
« on: February 22, 2024, 07:07:58 PM »
YES!!  All the stuff I do during the day is just to kill time until I can go to sleep and then get up again for the coffee.
Well, a couple jiggers of single malt around 1945 does help my attitude. ;)

How about when Trump says

Oh, I know.  That's just Trump being Trump.
He never said that, and I’m surprised you fell for that old attempt by his enemies to smear him with fake attributions. Where to start? If not outright fabrications, they’re often twisted to make them worse. Such as pussy grabbing. He said he “could,” not that he did. He was referring to women known as “star f**ckers,” who chase wealthy men. As for members of the military, as President he respected them and was respected by them. But keep believing whatever you hear. We expect that of you by this time.

Just saw Username’s reply. Spot on. Keep up, Joe!

Spin Zone / Re: Kangaroo Courts
« on: February 22, 2024, 01:21:13 PM »
Democrats are the communist menace our parents worried about.

And Republicans (with few exceptions) are their useful idiots. Or enablers.

Spin Zone / Re: What, No Racial Bias in Police Shootings?
« on: February 20, 2024, 05:03:28 AM »
Education and MEDIA are so far left biased it's scary. Plus the author of the study is BLACK!

And he admitted he did not expect the result when he started, and was so surprised that he ran the thing again to confirm it.  So he starts off trying to prove racism, gets the opposite result, and is man enough to publish it because it is truth.

Well I think it does in terms of accuracy if one is going to claim something was fraud, rather than say, claiming it was unlawful actions by politicians.

Also these have rather different implications in terms of possible solutions to the problem.

If the problem is mostly politicians and bureaucrats making unlawful changes, no amount of cracking down on fraudulent ballots will help.

what's the phrase.... ?  a distinction without difference

does it really matter if the unlawful changes are considered fraud?

They are UNLAWFUL.

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