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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 42 43 [44] 45 46 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: June 28, 2023, 04:06:27 PM »
I can show picture after picture of boat houses along the intercostal that were built in the 30’s, and pictures of them today that show the same mean water levels. 

Tides vary depending on many factors.  Joe’s dock flooding is due to tides, not rising sea levels. 

Weather is the motion of air, and the driving forces behind it are heating and cooling of the oceans.  This has been happening for thousands upon thousands of years, and will continue to happen for thousands more.   Man plays a very small if not insignificant part. 

Spin Zone / Re: one of the quickest thread deletions I've seen
« on: June 28, 2023, 10:41:00 AM »
less than nine minutes after posting "CO2 and global warming - DO try this at home!" on POA, it was gone.

What's "POA"?  8)

Spin Zone / Re: Ted does political theater
« on: June 27, 2023, 05:24:28 AM »
Attempt to do something real and if his fellow Republicans wouldn't comply, call them out on it publicly.
They do this all the time. Wash and repeat. Nothing changes.

Then he’ll end up pushed out of the Uniparty.  The problem is not that one of them lacks balls, but that too many of them do.  If ALL of them would stand up and act, they could neutralize the threat.
It would really only take half of them or so, possibly fewer, to shame the others into actually doing the people’s work. We can’t hope for the ideal of all of them, that would be a miracle, but yes, ALL of them would indeed neutralize the evil. For a while. The thing is, we’ve all along been, are now, and always will be, engaged in a battle with real evil.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

No.  They are now openly hypocritical and don’t bother denying it. Cheating in elections has eliminated their need to be coy.  They might as well make a law that only Republicans are banned from owning guns.

  Those are already here, and they’re called “red flag laws”.   In essence, anyone they disagree with can be hauled before an activist judge and be stripped of their gun rights, no evidence needed. 

 Another example is Hunter Biden.  Need I say more?

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: June 25, 2023, 06:35:34 AM »
A couple travels to the Holy Land with the mother in law.   While on vacation, the mother in law falls ill and passes away. 

 At the funeral director, he tells the couple “You have two options, the first is we prepare your dear mother and have her shipped back to the US for burial.  The cost is $10,000. “

 “Your second option is we can prepare and bury her here, and that would cost $200”

 The husband speaks up and says “ We’ll have her shipped back to the US”

 The funeral director then tells the husband , “but Sir, you could have her buried here in the most beautiful and holy places on earth for far less”.

 The husband thinks, then says “ A couple of thousand years ago, your people buried a man here, and three days later he arose from the dead”……………” There’s no way I can take that chance.”

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: June 23, 2023, 06:07:35 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: June 23, 2023, 05:52:27 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: June 22, 2023, 02:31:23 PM »
It worked for FJB.  It's actually a very strong message.
You know it didn’t work. They hoped it would, so they’d have to cheat less obviously, but Trump overperformed, so their cheat was there for all the world to see. I won’t say Trump won California, but he did win the election in a landslide. Those six key states and precincts were locked and loaded to cheat whatever numbers were needed. Those numbers were big, so the cheat was clumsy, and that’s why it showed.

If not being Trump is so appealing, how do you explain his rising poll numbers with each indictment? The unrelenting attack on him for over six years now clearly shows a suspiciously monolithic resistance to anyone pointing out that our own government agencies are obviously corrupt and completely uninterested in doing the people’s work.

Finally, 81 million votes my ass.

Spin Zone / Re: Lost Submersible
« on: June 22, 2023, 08:31:24 AM »
I’m waiting for rachel madcow to proclaim that four years of Trump -Pence weakened regulations so badly that these accidents are inevitable.

Of course, mikey would believe her.

Spin Zone / Re: Happy Summer
« on: June 22, 2023, 05:52:45 AM »

4 weeks until OSH!

Spin Zone / Re: Tuckered out
« on: June 22, 2023, 05:05:11 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Lost Submersible
« on: June 22, 2023, 03:26:21 AM »
Fake. A conservative would have hired the retired military white guys.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: June 20, 2023, 03:59:47 PM »
A man was working in the garden and his wife was about to take a shower. He realized that he couldn't find the rake.. and yelled up to his wife, "Where is the rake?" She couldn't hear and she shouted back, "What?" He pointed to his eye, and then pointed to his knee and made a raking motion. his wife wasn't sure and said "What?" He repeated the gestures. "Eye - Kneed - The Rake" His wife replied that she understands and signals back. She first points to her eye, next she points to her left breast, then she points to her backside, and finally to her crotch. Well, there is no way in hell IHe could even come close to that one. Exasperated, He went upstairs and asked her, "What the hell was that?" She replies: "Eye - Left Tit - Behind - The Bush" !!!"

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