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Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: Today at 06:17:05 AM »
Anyone notice all the riots and cities burning due to this verdict?  What?  None?

Business shutdowns, school shutdowns, social isolation, masks, untested clot shot, and all that.  And all for nothing.  I'm amazed and very happy that this is all coming out so soon vs. 10 to 20 years from now.  If only this "news" got more widespread distribution.  But "you're all going to die" spreads faster than "we fucked up, so sorry".

Spin Zone / Re: RNC vs DNC Two sides of the same coin
« on: Today at 06:08:22 AM »
Great description!  Thanks!

Spin Zone / Re: More Borrowed Money for yet another shithole
« on: Today at 06:05:24 AM »
FJB just blew something like $300m on his pier that collapsed.  More borrowed money, gone.
The pier was built by the Fogbow Company  Take a look at their team.  Full of ex military and ex CIA.  Formed in 2023, lots of humanitarian stuff on the web page.  But it looks more like the modern incarnation of Air America.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: Today at 05:40:29 AM »
  I fully expect a few of the jurors on the Trump jury to get "book deals" (big prepayments, AKA "bribes")
And on the other side, fear of death if they vote "incorrectly" for not guilty.  There is no way that their names, addresses, and names of their loved ones will be kept secret.  That information would be spread far and wide.  Yeah, it would be tough to vote not guilty.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:57:47 AM »

World leaders express horror at the Trump verdict in Manhattan:

🇮🇹 Italian Deputy PM Matteo Salvini:

"Solidarity and support for Trump, victim of judicial harassment & a process of political nature. In Italy, we are sadly familiar with weaponization of justice by the left."

🇭🇺 Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán:
"Let THE PEOPLE make their verdict this November! Keep fighting Mr. President!"

🇬🇧 UK Brexit leader Nigel Farage:
"The verdict is a disgrace."

🇷🇺 Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov:
"There is simply the elimination, in effect, of political rivals by all possible means, legal & illegal."

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 31, 2024, 04:54:07 AM »
A bookkeeping entry they said was in error, a misdemeanor.  Raised to a felony because the prosecution said it was to further a campaign finance crime.  That is federal, that DC declined to prosecute, and that NY does not have jurisdiction.  With a judge who donates to the democrats.  Whose daughter has a business that does advertising for democrats who would benefit greatly from a conviction.  Where a lawyer from FJB's DOJ was recruited for the prosecution.

And now the sentencing will be four days before the Republican convention.

Nope... not political at all.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: May 27, 2024, 05:46:53 AM »
With so many "participated" threads that have disappeared, I feel little need to participate. How sad.

Thanks to Jason for pulling Pilot Spin together, and welcome POA refugees.
I love it here.

Spin Zone / Re: On Memorial Day
« on: May 27, 2024, 05:41:11 AM »
A nice quiet day at home with family.  Remembering and praying for those who gave all.

Spin Zone / Re: Bronx Rally
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:46:17 AM »
The thing that seems to be trending on X is how President Trump was booood off the stage when he addressed the Libertarian convention.  Yes, he ended after 30 minutes but that was his planned and scheduled time.  And he got as many cheers as boos.  Can you imagine FJB addressing the Republican convention or even the Libertarians?  For more than 5 minutes?  I admire President Trump for having the courage to go to the Bronx and into the opposition convention and try to win minds with words instead of pandering.

The best part was when President Trump asked them if they wanted to win or if they liked losing.  Getting their 3% every four years.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:11:00 AM »
The high information voters are seeing through the show trials and persecutions.    Also, blacks, Latinos and other minority voters who the democrats have kept on the plantation are seeing this for what it really is.

The DNC (Democrat National Communist) are driving voters to Trump.  I hope they keep it up.
This is exactly what I'm seeing.  Blacks and Latinos who have been unfairly treated by the justice system are watching the same kind of perverted justice system that affects them.  And they are sympathetic to President Trump's fight against it.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:08:17 AM »
Maybe someone should start a "accused pedophile FJB" campaign?

Spin Zone / Trump's NY Trial
« on: May 26, 2024, 06:24:22 AM »
I'm getting a really, really bad feeling about this.  Biden has announced that he will make a statement from the White House right after the jury announces the verdict.  The jury is biased enough to convict.  The judge is paid off enough and biased enough to sentence President Trump to prison for a bookkeeping error.  I believe that the left is rabid enough to put President Trump in prison for at least a while.  Of course the sham trial will be overturned on appeal.  But the damage will be done.  We've descended into a third-world dictatorship where no dissent in thought will be tolerated.  I feel like crawling into a hole and pulling it in after me.

Spin Zone / Re: Bronx Rally
« on: May 26, 2024, 06:17:18 AM »
Their report on the rally seems to be contrary to things being posted on X.  Yesterday all the libs were posting an overhead drone shot of the rally that seemed to show a very light turnout.  Hard to tell what is real these days.  I've noticed on X that posts are beginning to turn heavily leftist. Guessing the censorship algorithm has been turned up.
I've noticed that too.  I'm seeing a lot more far left posts on my "for you" page.  I mute the more rabid ones hoping that the algorithm notices.  But I do post on the official Biden posts from time to time to see the counterpoint replies.  Where he makes an outrageous lie to see how quickly it's debunked.  Maybe the algorithm counts that?

Spin Zone / Re: Draining the Swamp
« on: May 26, 2024, 06:13:28 AM »
I respect that he had the intention to drain the swamp.  He had no idea how difficult that would be.  It's nearly impossible to fire federal / state employees.  And they know how to fight back.  All else being equal, and with no artificial pandemic panic, he may have been able to carve away at the deep state swamp.  He just never had a good shot at it.  I think that next time he'll be more prepared, be more knowledgeable, and will have a better team of advisors than last time.

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