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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Hell Hole or Shit Hole?
« on: January 17, 2018, 08:38:45 AM »
Same reason why the Democrats claim to be champions of the poor and black communities, but in reality have done nothing for them and continue to do nothing for them, well, except in taking their votes.

 The liberal progressives could give a fuck less about minorities and the poor.  These are people that are beneath them, but yet they need and want their votes.
And according to LBJ, they will have them for about 150 more years.

Spin Zone / Re: The Left is just flipping deranged
« on: January 17, 2018, 06:41:27 AM »
You left out that they took their base for granted and let themselves get out hustled in "safe" states.  250,000 voters in three states turned the last election. 

Regardless - I watched Republicans go through the same thing 8 years ago, but Democrats have a much stronger hold on the media and are keeping legitimized and in the public eye.  It is frankly both disgusting and frightening.

Spin Zone / Re: Definitely a Racist
« on: January 16, 2018, 05:28:52 PM »
The supposed "shithole" comment was a ruse in a lame attempt to force Trump to concede DACA.
They must think they’re dealing with someone like GWB who never fought back.

Speaking of which, I read a piece where Trump May put veterans in the seats of the Dems who are boycotting the SOTU. If that happens that would be GOLD.

Spin Zone / Re: Definitely a Racist
« on: January 16, 2018, 01:34:06 PM »
Racism is still a problem in this country, but I really feel it is fading fast.  It may never go away completely, but it is nowhere near the problem it used to be and is diminishing.

That is, unless the real racists, like the one in the OP have their way.  Some people seem to have a vested interest in stoking the flames and keeping it alive.  And it isn't white people.
I believe that in the late 1990s / early 2000s we were as close to being a color blind society as we have been in my lifetime. MLK would have been pleased if he lived to see it.

Yet in the quest to sow strife and division in perfect Saul Alyndky style, in the past 10-15 years the left has started the embers of a race war.  And they continue to fan those embers at every chance, including making some big deal of Trump’s alleged “shithole” comment. They never fucking let up.

Of course there are racists. Always have been, always will be. Black and white alike. But there are places in this country that almost seem “post racial”, with blacks and whites living together in relative harmony. Ironically, that seems to be happening more in the former racial hotbeds such as Mississippi, Tennessee, and other southern states.

On the flip side, the most racially charged areas are currently in blue northern cities. Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, and of course Detroit and Baltimore have places no smart white person would ever trespass.

It’s almost as if the liberal progressives want it this way.

Spin Zone / Re: CALIFORNIA: Where Intelligence and Logic Go To Die
« on: January 15, 2018, 08:19:12 PM »
Then again, maybe our lovely FedGuv can learn a thing or two from California, given that they turned a $27B deficit into a projected $6.1B budget surplus.
You do NOT want California to export our approach to Government on a FedGov scale, unless of course you want to live subject to a non-functional single-party supermajority that is taxing its' citizen's to death, driving businesses (and high net worth individuals) to leave, and that prioritizes illegal aliens OVER natural-born and naturalized citizens.

Do you want to be arrested for feeding the homeless or setting up a lemonade stand for your kids in your front yard?

Do you want to be fined for collecting rainwater on your own land?

Do you want to pay double your current rent or mortgage?

Do you want to pay $3.50/gallon for gas?

Do you want to see hundreds of thousands of working class employees lose their jobs to unsupportable minimum wage changes?

Do you want to deal with the dangers of the closest approach to direct democracy where the mob rules?

California is a failed super-state, Governor Moonbeam's tax-grabs are temporary (combined with bookkeeping tricks) that will eventually kill the golden goose and when all of us who start and run businesses leave it will collapse into a chaotic post-apocalyptic morass that will rival the most dystopian movie or video game you have ever seen.

I have suffered as a completely unrepresented political minority in California for 9 years and would not wish it on the most deserving snowflake or leftist idealogue, it is non-functional and unsupportable but the simple size of California brings it a level of inertia and undeserved gravitas that most folks don't understand in my opinion, they won't, until the wheels come off.


Spin Zone / Re: GUARANTEED To Trigger Steingar
« on: January 15, 2018, 07:21:18 AM »
Overuse of commas is, illegal.
Seen on a coffee cup recently:

"Let's eat, Timmy"  (acceptable at the dinner table).

"Let's eat Timmy"  (acceptable on a raft in the open ocean).

Spin Zone / Re: Obama Admin - Oppressive Regime?
« on: January 10, 2018, 08:29:56 AM »

You mentioning Obama and his infamous, bullshit, "YOU didn't build that," ignorance got me thinking about the people who lined up to nod like lemmings and swear that they always felt the same way. It makes me laugh to remember aunt peggy proclaiming that people only succeeded when the government ALLOWED them to.

The real issue with that ignorance is the people, like Obama and peggy, that haven't actually accomplished much of anything (certainly nothing to get up on stage and brag about) desperate to siphon off the credit - and profits - of the work of other people, who did do big things. That behavior is a singularly liberal behavior and almost as delusional as the MMGW religionists.

If the liberals who are so insanely jealous if what others did, imagined, sweated and risked for, would spend that energy actually doing something instead of indulging their pathetic jealousy, they too could accomplish great things.

Their just too lazy, envious, greedy and petulant to try.

Spin Zone / My newest "charity"
« on: January 09, 2018, 12:32:35 PM »
Each year my wife and I discuss our charitable contributions for the coming year; who and how much.

This year I am going to go about it differently.  We go out to eat quite a bit, and we travel as much as we can.  Everywhere we go we see hard working, friendly people that make very little money.  I usually tip these people rather generously already.  But instead of donating to organized charities this year, I am going to boost my tip amounts.  Many of those waiters, waitresses, FBO line guys, valets, etc are trying to raise kids and pay for education.  And while most of them are very hard working, they generally get very little respect.  I watched some asshole at a restaurant chew out the waitress for every little imagined failure or shortcoming until she was almost it tears and she was shaking when she came to my table.  I doubled my $20 tip to $40 on our $100 meal.  As we were leaving she followed us out to the car to offer it back as she was sure we made a mistake.  When I assured her it was for her, I could see the joy in her eyes.  It made both My wife and I as happy as it made her.

I'd much rather do this than give to the people standing on the street corner with cardboard signs asking for money while talking on their cell phones, or give to charities run by people driving a Mercedes.

I even give good tips to the rude service people (at least once or twice).  Who knows, maybe they are rude because they are broke and have just been stiffed, or they are late with their rent payment.

Try it; you'll like it!  And so will the hard working people that serve you.

Spin Zone / Jeff Sessions want to end Obama era policy on marijuana
« on: January 06, 2018, 01:46:38 PM »
The Obama era policy said the federal government would not stand in the way of states legalizing marijuana. 
I think Sessions is correct.  If the law is on the books, he should enforce it.

On the other hand, I think our legislators should remove Federal regulations prohibiting marijuana and leave that decision up to the States.
Perhaps Session's new policy will expedite that.


The Progressives always want to make the 2A about the organized militia (National Guard), or "hunting", but it is about defending ourselves from a tyrannical government, foreign AND domestic.   

Progressives ARE the tyrants of this world and love the power it gives them when they pound others into the ground for daring to disagree with them.

Progressives have the most pitiful, closed minds, the most violent personalities, the least tolerant of any dissent, and the most fond of using the government to stamp out freedom.

Progressives are the most insecure, jealous, spiteful, self-centered, and dishonest people in America. Their vision for government is a mafia like state, where anyone out of line gets shot.

Progressives ARE the communist party in America.

Bringing in something very current - I read today that the freedom protesters in Iran are being attacked and some are being killed by the government forces.

How can they do this?  Because the people there aren't allowed to have guns.

They managed to ignore the part about:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

So how many of you guys are members of a well-regulated militia?

Yumpin' Yehozephat!! I thought you were educated!

The thing that most liberals forget is that the Constitution's context is as a document limiting the power of the State.  NOT a document that grants rights to the people.  The people have rights and the Constitution limits the power of the State to control those rights.  If the Constitution is read in that context then the intent of the Founders is much clearer.  The first part of the second amendment, "A well regulated militia..." is the focus of the Left.  The second part "...shall not be infringed" is the focus of the Right, is the context of the Constitution, and the limiting statement on the power of the State. 

Advancing an economic agenda to a leftists is a losing proposition. They are about the social control, and personal policy agenda, and economics are a distant 10th or something. There is no connect between economics and social programs, and there hasn't been since 1932 with the 'new deal'. Because FDR brought the US out of the depression with massive, and huge spending programs, that type of thinking has only gained traction with the left. The term 'free market' is like nuclear fuel to the libs. Nothing can be allowed to be free. It must be controlled, shaped, formed, regulated, and come from the govt. Frex; see Net Neutrality. The most insidious control mechanism since the Patriot act.

 FDR did not bring the US out of the depression with his programs, that's a progressive revisionary history in action.  What brought the US out of the depression was WW2.

 In fact had FDR left it alone the US would have emerged from the Great Depression in about two years, but because of his socialist progressive agenda and economic engineering the US wallowed in the depression for almost a decade.

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