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Messages - Anthony

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Looking out over a sea of people in Harvard Yard last week, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive and one of Harvard’s most famous dropouts, told this year’s graduating class that it was living in an unstable time, when the defining struggle was “against the forces of authoritarianism, isolationism and nationalism.”

Two days earlier, another end-of-year ceremony had taken place, just a short walk away on a field outside the law school library. It was Harvard’s first commencement for black graduate students, and many of the speakers talked about a different, more personal kind of struggle, the struggle to be black at Harvard.

“We have endured the constant questioning of our legitimacy and our capacity, and yet here we are,” Duwain Pinder, a master’s degree candidate in business and public policy, told the cheering crowd of several hundred people in a keynote speech.

From events once cobbled together on shoestring budgets and hidden in back rooms, alternative commencements like the one held at Harvard have become more mainstream, more openly embraced by universities and more common than ever before.

Earlier this spring, tiny Emory and Henry College in Virginia held its first “Inclusion and Diversity Year-End Ceremonies.” The University of Delaware joined a growing list of colleges with “Lavender” graduations for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. At Columbia, students who were the first in their families to graduate from college attended the inaugural “First-Generation Graduation,” with inspirational speeches, a procession and the awarding of torch pins.

Some of the ceremonies have also taken on a sharper edge, with speakers adding an activist overlay to the more traditional sentiments about proud families and bright futures.

So I thought "segregation" was bad?  It seems to be the trend now.   I guess voluntary segregation is OK???

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 06:42:14 AM »
CEOs of some major companies are upset about the pullout, also believing that man-made climate change is real and that we need to be proactive in this area.  CEOs of Dana, Dow Chemical, Pacific Gas and Electric, DuPont, Proctor and Gamble, General Electric, Cargill, Johnson&Johnson, CocaCola, Unilever and dozens of others.  I'm sorry you guys think it's a scam.  I'm just glad that there are some people with influence who don't feel that way.

Most larger corporations are run by Liberal/Progressives, and are the most PC organizations on earth.  The truth is that no one really knows if man's industrialization is causing any changes to a very, very dynamic thing like climate, and weather.  Also, the fact that historical temperature data was changed after the fact tells me that the entire thing IS a scam designed for more income, and wealth re-distribution by government.   

Maybe those that believe in MMGW should alter their lifestyles to reflect their beliefs.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 02, 2017, 05:55:31 AM »
Once it became obvious who was driving it and how they were going to profit, I knew that it is a scam. The "science", I immediately discarded.

When people were selling carbon credits, I knew it was a huge scam.

Elon Musk, huge hypocrite!

Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, took to Twitter to announce that he would be departing from all future presidential councils in protest of President Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord. He assured his followers that global warming is real and that leaving the Paris accords is “not good” for America or the world.

Hours later, Cruz mocked Musk’s outrage, pointing out that he regularly travels around the country in his own private jet. If the billionaire CEO was so dedicated to reducing the world’s carbon output, Cruz snarked, he would choose to fly commercial planes rather than private ones.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: June 01, 2017, 05:11:37 AM »
This is a case where I'm convinced you're wrong, but I hope you're right.

What lifestyle changes have you enacted in order to stop the damage?

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. out of Paris Climate Agreement?
« on: May 31, 2017, 10:46:49 AM »
It's not a conspiracy.  We're dooming ourselves and there is no second chance.  I wouldn't care if it was only going to take down the people not willing to make changes, but it takes the rest of us down with you.

Yeah, I have heard that before.  As a kid in the 70's I bought into what my school was selling me on the Earth cooling due to the "Greenhouse" effect, and the obliteration of the ozone layer.  Time magazine published the coming Ice Age on their cover.  Guess what?  Nothing happened.  Now I see where our own government agencies like NOAA, and NASA used falsified data, or actually went back and "modified" data to support big government solutions to man made climate change.  No thanks. 

It seems Obama's inner circle is a little upset.  Awwww, poor babies.

]“Malicious idiocy derived from willful ignorance motivated by avarice,” Obama’s former senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer wrote, reacting to the news.

“Have been in two European cities today. News is all Paris. Vibe is mournful,” wrote Obama’s former speechwriter Cody Keenan. “Feels like U.S. giving up 75 years of global leadership.”
Keenan also wrote that Trump would be “cursed and loathed” by future generations because of his decision.
Obama’s former National Security advisor Susan Rice also indicated her disappointment.
“The cumulative effect of Trump policies, capped by his foolish, tragic Paris decision = abdication of America’s global leadership,” she wrote. “Shame!”

“Trump destroying ability of any US President, including himself, to garner long term international commitments on anything,” wrote Jesse Lee, a former White House director of rapid response. “Make US word meaningless.”

“Literally every other major government and political party in the world believes this except for the US and GOP – a staggering disconnect,” former National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes lamented on Twitter.

He described White House economic advisor Gary Cohn and H.R. McMaster “complicit” in the acceleration of “the destruction of our planet

We have an out of control media feeding us Democrat propaganda. 

Spin Zone / Re: Should the Washington Post be held responsible?
« on: May 26, 2017, 07:56:23 AM »
This is silly. What did you think I meant, that we were ruled by King Xenu?

I take being a CITIZEN over being a SUBJECT very seriously.  It is NOT silly.

Spin Zone / Re: Should the Washington Post be held responsible?
« on: May 26, 2017, 07:06:30 AM »
Let's also remember that just because a set of information is harmful to national security does not mean that the governed people shouldn't know about it.

I don't like the term "governed people".  Didn't we fight a revolution to change that?  Doesn't the government work for us?

Spin Zone / Re: Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
« on: May 26, 2017, 06:40:49 AM »
Saying there is a coup is hyperbole. I'll agree there are people who are actively trying to damage Trump and his administration and I think there are many who would love to see Trump resign or be impeached and removed. But that's hardly a coup.

I think there is a planned, methodical approach by the Democrats, and the Media to undermine the Trump Administration.  I don't think calling it a Coup is hyperbole.  I think it is real, call it what you will, but except for the violence, we are seeing all the indications of an attempt to overthrow the legitimate President of the U.S., without any facts, nor a rationale for doing it.  When the false accusations don't work, they may resort to violence.  That is if trump continues to actually do what he said he would do.  If he folds, and we remain business as usual (crony, big government, more taxes, etc) then they will back off. 

Spin Zone / Re: Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
« on: May 24, 2017, 11:35:38 AM »
Interesting point brought up today on the Patriot Channel (Andrew Wilkow's show):

 Where is Seth Rich's computer?  Who has it?

 That alone will either prove or disprove if he in fact was the WikiLeaks contact.

Maybe it's with Hillary's email server in Chappaqua, NY?

(Most likely it is in Chappaquiddick)

Spin Zone / Re: Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
« on: May 24, 2017, 07:08:16 AM »
The whole Trump Russia narrative is there to delegitimize the presidency and to further slow down any implementation of the administration.

The Democrat propagandist media (95% of it) is staging a COUP, as I have said before.  It is purposeful undermining of the legitimate government of the United States, and they need to be held accountable for it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 24, 2017, 07:00:13 AM »
My point remains. This site wasn't started as a conservative discussion forum, it just happened that the majority of regular posters here are more conservative minded. I want more people to post here in general, including more people with differing view points. Generally speaking, you're not likely to see people name calling here whereas if I posted over at DailyKos, I would likely be immediately insulted for daring to disagree with their narrative. But again, that's a known liberal site. PilotSpin wasn't started to be a conservative site.

My thoughts exactly.  Nobody mandates this site to be conservative leaning.  As a group, it seems, pilots/aircraft owners are more conservative by nature.  We are responsible individuals, we pay for things, and we accept being held accountable for our actions.  Plus we burn 100LL, and/or Jet A.  By contrast, many liberal/progressives (not all, mind you) blame everyone else for their circumstances, have a victim mentality, and often think the USA is a empire that enjoys taking advantage of others, and exploiting them. 

Spin Zone / Re: Have all the liberal/progressives left?
« on: May 23, 2017, 11:37:00 AM »
Maybe they get tired of the fact that a vocal subgroup of conservatives would rather discuss their psycho-analysis of liberals (e.g. this entire thread being an example) than whatever point the liberals are trying make?

Guess I hit too close to home, huh?

Spin Zone / Re: Cable News Ratings Upheaval
« on: May 23, 2017, 08:39:13 AM »
Hannity is amazing.  I haven't had that much of a chance to listen to Beck but in the past have been very impressed with some of his stuff, he is brilliant, but also have heard him say things that made me go, what??????  Can't agree with him all the time and when I don't it's major, where I usually find myself enthusiastically agreeing with Hannity.

I like what Hannity says, and find myself agreeing with him most of the time.  The consistent theme I see with the more conservative talk show hosts like Mark Steyn, Mark Levin, Rush, Hannity, etc are twofold.

1.  They ADMIT, and promote their show as not "news" but conservative opinion.
2.  They are NOT lock step with the establishment Republicans, and will criticize the Republicans when they go off the conservative reservation.

Spin Zone / Re: Cable News Ratings Upheaval
« on: May 23, 2017, 06:18:38 AM »
I would hope not. The Blaze is having issues right now, especially after the Tomi Lahren incident. CRTV may be the better option, or a new network altogether. I'm not a fan of Glenn Beck. I'm really not a huge fan of Sean Hannity either, for that matter.

I like Hannity more than Beck, although he certainly isn't my favorite.  Beck is a LOON. 

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