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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 86 87 [88] 89 90 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: Mark Levin says it very well
« on: April 09, 2016, 05:45:49 AM »
A vote for Trump is a vote for torture and "taking out" terrorist's families.

And harkening back to those wonderful days when executing prisoners with bullets dipped in pig's blood was a reasonable technique for fighting terrorism.

Sorry, no.

Being violent back to the terrorists is the only way we are going to stop them.  I once saw an interview with a pilot that was a Vietnam vet.  I forget what he flew, but he really was upset by the rules of engagement prolonging the war, and getting more men on both sides killed.  He said we needed to be quick, and VIOLENT to bring the powers that be on the other side to the bargaining table to end the war.   

Spin Zone / Re: Childish and Dangerous Antics from Trump Advisor
« on: April 07, 2016, 03:48:55 PM »
Geez... what's up with y'all on the right side of the aisle??  And... who is Roger Stone, and why should I care.  Shoot, it's even infecting the Dems, now Hilary and Bernie are calling each other "un-qualified", pretty low down for the Dems.  ;)  Whats next?  Will they stoop to comparing anatomy??


Both parties are an embarrassment.  The nature of politics has really gone down hill in our lifetimes.  At this point, I think the Republicans are worse. 

I enjoy Mark Steyn as well.

He seems to make a lot of sense to me.  I like listening to him.  He subs for Rush a lot. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin Gave GOP Escape Route from Trump
« on: April 07, 2016, 03:01:05 PM »
Agreed. To some, praying or speaking of God outside the four walls of a church brands you a religious zealot, with no chance of redemption from the anti-God orthodoxy.

The media has branded Cruz a religious zealot.  Watch what happens if he is nominated.  They will ratchet it up several notches. 

Spin Zone / Re: Wisconsin Gave GOP Escape Route from Trump
« on: April 07, 2016, 11:02:10 AM »
We're doomed only if we quit. I refuse to quit.

I'm not quitting.  I just think the Republicans are so messed up they can't win. 

Spin Zone / Re: Election Update from Wisconsin
« on: April 06, 2016, 08:16:24 AM »
I hope so Stan.  It is getting very disappointing.  I live near the cradle of liberty.  When I go to Valley Forge I think of the sacrifices those men made during that horrible winter.  I can't believe they did what they did to get us out of the yoke of oppression.  We are now under a different yoke of oppression, but half of us or more actually want it.  We are exceptional not because we are better people per se, but through the unique concept of how our country was founded.  Obama won't acknowledge our exceptionalism.  We have been the most benevolent, freedom loving country the world has ever seen yet the left demonizes us.  Do they think the Soviet Union was perfection? 

Spin Zone / Re: Have You Served In The U.S. Military?
« on: April 06, 2016, 08:02:13 AM »
Jaybird and others.  Thanks for your service.  My Dad was drafted into the Army in 1942 as a Private while in Dental School.  The Army took over all medical schools at that time.  When he graduated, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant, was moved around the country, and then in 1945 to Germany.  Eventually he was assigned as Dental Officer to the Nuremburg War Crimes trials.  He knew many of the top Nazis very well, and also many of the judges.  He had some great stories of the trials, and post war Germany.  Eventually he was promoted to Captain, and toured some of the concentration camps, and saw that horror first hand.  He would get very emotional when people denied there was a Holocaust as he was there.   

Spin Zone / Re: Election Update from Wisconsin
« on: April 06, 2016, 06:10:08 AM »
The state of our country's politicians, and political process is disgusting.  When we can have people like Trump, who speaks the way he does, and Bernie and Hillary who are just anti American Communists it is ridiculous.  Cruz may b e OK, I don't know.  I am very disenchanted at this point. 

Paul Ryan is an establishment guy now, just like Rubio.  They get elected by Tea Party, then sell out for personal gain, and power.  The siren song is strong with these guys.  The mahogany walls, and deference, being treated like royalty is a drug. 

Spin Zone / Re: The 89% Pay Cut
« on: March 28, 2016, 09:58:35 AM »
Once Sam was gone the kids tuned Walmart into a Chinese bazaar.

People aren't forced to buy that stuff.  I blame the consumer for accepting sub standard goods.

Spin Zone / Re: Where are the Pro-Kasich, Pro-Cruz posts?
« on: March 25, 2016, 01:53:26 PM »
While I still think I prefer Cruz, at this point I don't care if it is Trump or Cruz.  I just don't want Hillary and her 3 - 4 far left, activist Supreme Court judges. 

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Cruz supporters.
« on: March 20, 2016, 04:27:41 AM »
Rubio, who was the GOP darling until he bailed, was elected to the Senate as a Tea Party endorsed candidate.

And then promptly sold out to the establishment. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump vs. Clinton
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:53:57 PM »
I am not sure that the Tea Party would support Reagan today as I don't think he fits the definition of "True Conservative".  However, if another Reagan shows up, I will vote for him like I voted for Reagan . . . twice.

I think the TEA party would support Reagan today.  TEA = Taxed Enough Already, and make the Constitution matter.  That's it.  Don't buy into the media demonization. 

Spin Zone / Re: Dick Morris: 2016 a repeat of the ’60s
« on: March 19, 2016, 07:54:31 AM »
I agree with much of it.  I think there are parallels.  The big difference is the 60's was about things that could go away.  The Vietnam War, and institutionalized racism.  Both of these are long gone.  Yes, we still have racism, but it is not backed by institutions any longer.  Our issues today are more complicated, and germane to our existence as a country.  Communism/socialism vs Capitalism.  Free speech vs PC thought control, etc.  These are issues now ingrained on our youth as positive traits for America, polarly opposite to the Constitution.

Will the Constitution matter in a post Hillary Presidential election?

Spin Zone / Re: "With friends like this, who needs enemies?"
« on: March 18, 2016, 07:16:57 AM »
The shock here is that ANYONE thinks that what Lindsay Grahamnesty has to say is worth noting.

The guy was the epitome of the "go along to get along" crowd.

Very true.  He is an establishment RINO. 

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