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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 359 360 [361] 362 363 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: I would not want to be FBI Attorney 2.....
« on: November 27, 2019, 06:53:23 PM »
According to the Deep State, Democrats, and Media, Trump supporters are:

Trailer park trash
Live in "flyover country"

They need to FALSELY demonize Trump and Trump voters because it make them, the Progressives, FEEL better about themselves.  In order to value themselves they must devalue others.
I leave politics off of FB. FB is for family, flying and friends. Even when a lib friend posts something critical of the right, I typically just move past without commenting.

But lately a couple of lib friends have started making or forwarding posts demonizing ANYONE supporting Trump. Fuck that. Now I have to comment. I even told someone to unfriend me, and she was taken back by that.

These people don’t see how divisive they are becoming, and how they are creating enemies. It’s one thing to complain about Trump supporters. But when a Trump supporter pushes back, it’s always “I wasn’t speaking about you.”  Fuck you, yes you were.

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 27, 2019, 06:43:22 PM »
Most liberals would respond to that by saying that is the way a Grand Jury operates.  That is true, but even if the house impeachment inquiry is sort of, kinda like a grand jury, it is NOT a grand jury.  There really aren't any set rules except the rules the house sets.  So if the house acts in a manner that doesn't appear fair to the citizens, then they have to report to the citizens without the protections offered by the rules governing a grand jury.

If the house investigation were to have turned up real evidence of real wrong-doing, I would be among those calling for impeachment.  But after watching many many hours of testimony (I am retired after all), I have not seen that.
Joe, you haven’t seen that because you haven’t seen the people the Republicans may want to testify! 

So odd that you would say that knowing (I presume) that the witnesses are ONLY the witnesses requested by the democrats.

Sadly, we will have to wait until the senate trial for the defense to mount an argument.

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 27, 2019, 05:32:37 PM »
Trump won in 2016 because a lot of Dem supporters couldn't stomach Hillary and stayed home.  About 80-90K voters in PA, MI, and WI won it for Trump.  Likely had all Dem supporters voted we would have Hillary in the WH.  I don't think that they will make the same mistake twice.

Even if Trump wins again, he has little hope of getting the House back.  GOP members are bailing like crazy.
It is also historically consistent that the majority party loses seats in off-year elections if the majority party wins the presidency. I sincerely doubt it was a referendum against Trump.

In addition, the independents are very much against this impeachment farce, and Trumps approval with independents has been increasing. In addition, two polls show Trump’s approval with Blacks to be 34% and 34.5% respectively. In addition, the GOP base is infuriated with the democrats attempt to reverse the results of the 2016 election. They will come out for Trump with a fury. I predict he also wins the popular vote.

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 27, 2019, 05:17:50 PM »
You are ignoring the forest for the trees.  Trump as prevented those who could directly  testify that he gave the order.  Trump is clever enough to hide behind the attorney client privilege and has done so throughout his career.  But we don't need to have a recording of Trump saying it as we know that Giuliani was working to make that happen and Trump told Sondlund, et al to work with Giuliani.  We also have Trump on the conversation memo for the July 25th phone call asking for "a favor" from the Ukrainian president.  Also, when Trump told Sondlund "no quid pro quo" he knew that the whistleblower had busted him and he was covering his ass.  The preponderance of the evidence is quite clear.
I think you’re suffering from irrational wishing for facts to support a fraudulent premise. The preponderance of evidence doesn’t exist, and has never existed. If it does, please advise the House Intelligence Committee, because they flopped and generated nothing but supposition, presumption, and inuendo. Such is not the “evidence” to impeach a sitting president.

As a lawyer, are you not disturbed that the federal rules of evidence were not followed in this impeachment process, where Adam Schiff acted like judge, prosecutor and jury without allowing the minority to call witnesses and even stifled the minority’s questioning? 

Spin Zone / Re: I would not want to be FBI Attorney 2.....
« on: November 27, 2019, 01:22:29 PM »
The current mantra is to start shaming Trump supporters, and belittling.  It's pure desperation because they know they don't have a candidate that can win, the recent polling of minorities shows even more support for Trump and battle ground states are falling firmly into Trump's corner.

 The whole impeachment charade is meant to discourage Trump supporters as well. 

 Yesterday we saw an example right here of a progressive that jumped back on the forum after a three year absence and started the same tired BS.  "Trump is corrupt, Trump is mafia, Russia!", and then references to "Trumpism" or some such nonsense.

 CNN Stelter ran a program calling Trump supporters a cult, and now that's the new catch phrase.

 The dims and their progressive handlers can't figure out how to win an election based upon ideas.  The next year is going to be a wild ride.
I will tell you I’ve noticed this change in tactics as well. Unable to separate us from supporting Trump, watch for renewed threats, slander, libel, shaming, and violence against conservatives and Republicans.

We can no longer hide or remain silent about these threats. The stakes are too high.

I’ll be getting a fresh MAGA hat for when the DNC Convention lands in Milwaukee this summer.

This’ll be all over CNN for sure.

Just one of the amazing number of issues on our President’s mind and to-do list.
Of course he’ll be branded a RACIST for this. Probably sexist and homophobe too.  Certainly anti-immigrant.

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 27, 2019, 07:55:31 AM »
With the most corrupt POTUS in at least the last three generations, we can be sure that there will be another scandal.  What it is, is anyone's guess.  If I were going to bet, I would bet it will have something to do with Russia.

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 27, 2019, 07:52:36 AM »
Never-the-less, she is a human being and she is a pilot and the party line goes "everyone is welcome here".

Here's an idea; try to counter her position with facts and try to do that without using the words "pathetic" or "communist".  I know you can do it.  I have seen it two or three times from you.
Agreed. I can be a hot head at times, but I’d rather see spirited debate even with a Troll than listening to 7 call someone names.

Spin Zone / Re: Dude Looks Like a Lady
« on: November 26, 2019, 06:26:58 PM »
It's Ray Davies of The Kinks!
Ding ding ding ding!  You win the Internet for the day. Congrats! 

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 26, 2019, 06:22:24 PM »
This from someone who claims she is “Militantly moderate?”  Right.

I presume you have proof of such corruption?  I ask because the democrats and MSM have spent millions of dollars and three going on four years in investigating Trump, and have come up with exactly nothing.

Since you’re looking at a 30-year timespan, do you consider Obama weaponizing the DOJ and IRS to investigate Conservatives to be corrupt?  How about the Clintons, who used their Foundation to launder money for influence and personal gain?  (Read the book “Clinton Cash” if you haven’t heard this before.). Is that “corrupt” in your world?
No answers, Kristin?  Certainly you can back up your claims.

If you’re trying to be a troll, you have some work to do in that regard.

Spin Zone / Re: It WAS quid-pro-quo!
« on: November 26, 2019, 02:11:34 PM »
With the most corrupt POTUS in at least the last three generations, we can be sure that there will be another scandal.  What it is, is anyone's guess.  If I were going to bet, I would bet it will have something to do with Russia.
This from someone who claims she is “Militantly moderate?”  Right.

I presume you have proof of such corruption?  I ask because the democrats and MSM have spent millions of dollars and three going on four years in investigating Trump, and have come up with exactly nothing.

Since you’re looking at a 30-year timespan, do you consider Obama weaponizing the DOJ and IRS to investigate Conservatives to be corrupt?  How about the Clintons, who used their Foundation to launder money for influence and personal gain?  (Read the book “Clinton Cash” if you haven’t heard this before.). Is that “corrupt” in your world? 

Spin Zone / Re: Holiday table talk
« on: November 26, 2019, 01:32:54 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: PoA at it Again
« on: November 26, 2019, 10:08:03 AM »
This should be good.....
What a shit show. Thank God I’ve never gone back. Obviously some people really get off on playing judge, jury and executioner.

Spin Zone / Re: The Coup Against a US President
« on: November 26, 2019, 08:22:49 AM »

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