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Messages - Anthony

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Establishment Republicans Suck. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your divorce is Trump’s fault!
« on: November 30, 2018, 08:02:10 AM »
That picture is horrific.  Yuck, she is gross.  Yes, I know, that's racist. 

Spin Zone / Re: Black Rifle Coffee Company
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:21:02 AM »
Plus those companies in foreign hell holes have very little environmental regulation, or other government requirements, fees, etc that strangle American business on the Fed, State, and Local level. 

I still think that distinction belongs to Anthony Weiner.
Flake is a very strong contender though.

NEVER trust anyone named Anthoy.  Don't ask me how I know. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your divorce is Trump’s fault!
« on: November 29, 2018, 07:47:45 AM »
Wow, if I were a man married to some of those women I would slit my own throat.

None of those marriage problems were Trump's fault; the first five were due to insane activist females making their rage and hatred into a constant obsession that even their liberal husbands couldn't handle, and the last was due to the liberal male unable to handle his wife being a normal garden variety conservative until he applied professional level psychological relationship techniques just so he could coexist with someone not a left wing nut.


I've met some of these women.  At the state level I am somehwat active in the promotion of our Second Amendment rights so have attended some anti-gun rallies run by Mom's Demand Action, and Our Town for Gun Safety.  Both Soros, and Michael Bloomberg funded groups. Our group attends these anti-gun rallies to legally, and peacefully counter protest.  I always go UNARMED, as I don't want one of these mentally ill women accusing me of "threatening her with a gun". 

These women are absolute unhinged, far leftists with their little beta male husbands in tow.  They are totally emasculated men that just parrot what their wives scream.  These guys are miserable, their wives are miserable, and I guess they attempt to fill whatvever holes in their lives with hate for anything conservative, especially legal gun ownership.  These women are SCARY.  Do not ever put your **** in one of them!

Spin Zone / Re: Your divorce is Trump’s fault!
« on: November 29, 2018, 07:39:33 AM »
I keep harping on this, but I will say it again.  Whomever is pulling the strings is in a full court press to Fundamentally Transform the U.S. into a Progressive/Democrat country more like Europe, Canada, and Australia than what traditionally has been the America in which we grew up.

Both Obama, and Hillary said this but the Trump hiccup paused it for a bit.  The Media, Corporate America, the Tech Inndustry, Social Media, Entertainment, Eduction K - University, are all Far Left Progressive, and promoting Big Government solutions for everything.

Watch TV, advertising and the content of shows being broadcast.  Constant Virtue Signaling to Women, young girls, and minorities.  It is constant.  If I see one more commercial showing a young girl, and mom with NO HUSBAND or male figure, or a show or ad where the Man is an utter goofball, I am going to puke. 

We need to find who has the money behind this.  Bloomberg, Soros???  Yes, it used to be tinfoil hat territory, but no longer.  It is another reason why all of the above are demonizing private citizens legally owning firearms.  They know the vast majority of crimes is committed by people ILLEGALLY using, or owning guns, yet all the laws they push just remove them from the law abiding.  They KNOW all this. 

Spin Zone / Re: First picture of water on mars
« on: November 28, 2018, 05:07:14 PM »
Our Stukas will deal with them. 

Spin Zone / Re: Murphy Brown Cancelled Among Historically Low' Ratings
« on: November 28, 2018, 05:05:00 PM »
She's a D Bag.  Sucks to be you Candice. 

Spin Zone / Re: Black Rifle Coffee Company
« on: November 28, 2018, 05:03:35 PM »
 I let my Colt M4 speak for me, and my CZ's. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Surrender your Sporting Rifles or Face Prosecution
« on: November 27, 2018, 03:32:10 PM »
Don't be so sure about the Supreme Court.  Roberts has shown himself to be a traitor.  The Dems will push something through the House, and with the narrow R margin in the Senate, there could possibly be a few flips, and it could pass there.  Trump is a known deal maker.  I could see him trading signing a Gun Bill for the Wall, or some other thing he wants. 

A "mass shooting" or "school shooting" will be used to time the Bill, and the Media will talk it up 24/7 to generate manufactured "public outcry".  The Bloomberg and Soros groups will also be out in full force.  The NRA is too small to combat all of them, even though the media says they're some huge lobby. 

Spin Zone / Re: PoA mods do it again...
« on: November 27, 2018, 01:12:22 PM »
I just posted. I wonder how many of us who said something in that thread will get banned?

Maybe y'all should get together, and have a MASS banning!  :)

Teslas are a huge status symbol, and very popular in my area.  There is a dealer pretty close by, so that may be part of it.  For $100K, I just don't get it, as there are nice, better performance sedans out there for less.  Again, pure Lib Status Symbol. 

Spin Zone / Re: ERA ratification?
« on: November 27, 2018, 11:21:11 AM »
You have to register, they just haven't drafted anyone since Vietnam.  We are now afraid to draft people due to our illustrious Media, and PC attitudes.  I have no problem with making young men serve their country in the military for a certain amount of time.  My Dad was in Dental school during WWII, and instantly was forced to become a Private in the U.S. Army along with Basic Training, drilling etc during school.  If he didn't like it they told him to report to his draft board, and be assigned anywhere they wanted to put him.  He stayed in school, and upon graduation became a 2nd Lt, and eventually Captain.  It was probably the BEST experience of his life having to serve the years after he graduated as he moved all over the U.S. and eventually went to Germany.  He talked about it his entire life. 

So forced military service doesn't have to be the nightmare the media and Libs makes it out to be. 

Spin Zone / Re: The island you can't visit
« on: November 27, 2018, 08:48:21 AM »
Yes, drop a Coke bottle on them!

We may be forced by various governments to buy EV's, and then instead of the Volt, you may have the RE-VOLT. 

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