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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 94 95 [96] 97 98 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: At core, what is a liberal?
« on: January 25, 2017, 03:23:28 PM »
Simple academics come to mind. A good example is scholarship money for academically gifted but socioeconomically disadvantaged students.  Not particularly popular with Conservatives, but they have functioned admirably in the past.
why should that come from the taxpayers?

Spin Zone / Re: At core, what is a liberal?
« on: January 25, 2017, 11:25:37 AM »
  I think the government should function as a tool to assist worthy but socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals achieve the same success as their affluent counterparts. 

That is not the role of the federal government.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 25, 2017, 11:19:34 AM »
Sure is.  There are very few people who would agree that M. Obama's appearance is in any way similar to a hairy sci-fi character.  I don't care a bit if he's racist, but he could at least quit hiding it under the guise that she really does have a resemblance to Chewbacca.

I beg to differ.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 25, 2017, 10:02:04 AM »
Michelle Obama is a hypocrite like her husband was.  She preached healthy eating but gorged herself on fried foods.  She is disgusting.

Spin Zone / Re: 20000
« on: January 25, 2017, 08:22:07 AM »
Ah yes, the single data point 3 days into the Presidency, lol.  I think I'll reserve any judgment on his impact in the financial markets for a good year or more, once the volatility from having a new President has worn off.  If he begins to institute import tariffs or screws up on the TransPac/NAFTA agreements, I have a feeling the DOW won't be painting nearly as rosy a picture.

I think the threats of tariffs is enough, because people believe he will actually do it. Plus he is providing incentives to companies to return some manufacturing to onshore. Besides, if public companies in the Dow were perceived to be at great risk due to Trump, the market wouldn't be going up, it would have crashed.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump
« on: January 24, 2017, 09:33:10 AM »
Im happy to help you here!

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

Apparently you never had to write a research paper.

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:51:29 AM »
I take exception to his pick of Steve Bannon (sp?).

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!
From what I have seen in the press about him, I don't like that pick either.
But then again, from what I have seen in the press about Trump, I wouldn't like him either.

In other words, I will reserve judgement about him until I see what he actually does.

Spin Zone / Re: Spicer Slams Media
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:22:41 PM »
Not at all.  Governmental bodies play the spin game with the press and the press plays back in turn.  IMHO, the President should pick his battles and let the insignificant stuff go by the wayside where it will be quickly forgotten and replaced by something different.

I'm guessing the goal was to put them on notice that they do not intend to take that kind of stuff lying down.  Setting an expectation.

Spin Zone / Re: Having A Ball
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:31:27 AM »
Glad Cheeto-face Vonpussygrabber is having a fun time.  Hope he lives up to all your expectations.

By "triple-digit IQ" you must have meant 000. And people pay you to impart your vast knowledge? You sound like a typical libiot Discus poster. If my kid was in your class I'd have him withdraw.

Spin Zone / Snowflake Wishes
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:27:21 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Inauguration Day
« on: January 20, 2017, 01:35:26 PM »
He's a goofball.  I read something the other day that seems to make more sense the more I think about it.  He'll do something so stupid in the next 60 days that we'll be referring to President Pence.

So which Republican controlled House is going to impeach him and which Republican controlled Senate is going to vote to remove him?

That about the most ignorant thing I have heard posted on this board.  The more desperate and unreasonable the Loonie Left becomes, the wilder their fantasies are.

Spin Zone / Re: It's "O"ver!
« on: January 20, 2017, 10:01:59 AM »
At last, our long national nightmare is over.


Spin Zone / Re: Obama's greatest legacy
« on: January 20, 2017, 08:24:27 AM »
Oh but Steingar blames the unwashed masses from his Ivory Tower.  We are so stupid to select freedom over his oppression and TYRANNY.  Please, if I wanted oppression, I'd go back to college. 

Spin Zone / Re: Obama's greatest legacy
« on: January 20, 2017, 08:03:04 AM »
Eight years of Obama has nearly killed off the Democrats.  Over 1100 seats lost nationally in his eight years of rule.  Lost the House, the Senate, the Presidency and so many local ans state seats and this year the legislature in KY.  Great job!!!

I wonder what the statistics are for the ability to find a job after unemployment benefits expire....

Unemployment lasts for six months.  Depending on the industry, skill, and employment level it can take longer than that to find a job, especially in the Obama economy with extremely low GDP growth rate, and the weight of Obamacare on employers forcing many to hire positions that have under 30 hours per week.  Any recovery we did have under Obama was a jobless recovery, therefore not any recovery at all.

I would wager that there are MANY that are unemployed, but no longer counted in the unemployment stats as their benefits expired.  Just check the more realistic numbers of people not in the workforce.  Real unemployment is probably closer to 20% than what the Feds are saying. 

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