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Topics - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / More Classy Liberals
« on: June 23, 2018, 07:02:37 PM »
So Sarah Sanders and family go out to eat at a place called "The Red Hen".  Seems the owner "took offense" and asked them to leave.

Classy move!

 So progressives, I can remember a time not long ago you did this to people based upon their skin color. The targets change but not the tactics.

Maybe they should have a special on the menu?  How about the "Hillary Special Chicken Dinner".  Two small breast, two large thighs and a left wing.  Should be a big hit there.

Spin Zone / Desperately wanting to remain relevant
« on: June 23, 2018, 07:16:15 AM »

“The Republican-controlled Congress, which waited for Trump to undo by unilateral decree the border folly they could have prevented by actually legislating, is an advertisement for the unimportance of Republican control,” wrote Will in the Washington Post column entitled “Vote Against The GOP In November,” adding that the president “attracts, and is attracted to, louts.”

“So, to vote against his party’s cowering congressional caucuses is to affirm the nation’s honor while quarantining him,” he continued. “A Democratic-controlled Congress would be a basket of deplorables, but there would be enough Republicans to gum up the Senate’s machinery, keeping the institution as peripheral as it has been under their control and asphyxiating mischief from a Democratic House. And to those who say, ‘But the judges, the judges!’ the answer is: Article III institutions are not more important than those of Articles I and II combined.”

Then we have this:

Washington Post columnist George Will took issue with Senator Bob Corker’s characterization of the GOP’s relationship with President Trump as “cult-like,” instead calling it one based on “fear.”

“It’s not a cult,” Will told HBO host Bill Maher Friday night. “A cult implies misguided if sincere worship. This is fear. They’re not worshipful, they are invertebrates. They are frightened.”

When Maher pointed out the historically high Trump approval rating among GOP voters, Will said, “Well it’s a cult of personality among his supporters, and his supporters are nothing if not vengeful if you differ from him, and for that reason that vast majority of people in Congress are in Congress to be in Congress. That is, they want to stay there. And therefore, absent term limits, this is the careerist motivation they have and he is the biggest threat to that.”

Spin Zone / Remember when entertainers actually entertained us?
« on: June 20, 2018, 10:13:49 AM »
Here's another classy "actor"

 I still find it amusing that these mouth foaming liberals refuse to acknowledge that their dark lord and savior DID THE EXACT SAME THING.

Spin Zone / Outrage
« on: June 19, 2018, 06:42:30 AM »
So when will the alt left progressives figure out that the constant stream of fake outrages are further diminishing the democrat party to the voters?

 It appears they are on a Kamikaze mission to regain control.   Guess having a message that resonates with voters is just too difficult.

Spin Zone / DOJ Inspector General is Investigating James Comey
« on: June 18, 2018, 12:39:18 PM »

 Let's see if Comey gets a criminal referral from the IG.

 The deep state coup d'etat is falling apart.   Rosenstein is about to get a contempt of congress charge and likely impeachment.  Strzok is wanting to talk to congress.

Spin Zone / Strzok Willing to Testify Before Congress
« on: June 18, 2018, 06:12:50 AM »

Better yet, impanel a grand jury and have him testify there, under oath, first.

Then have a 5am FBI visit at his home, go through all his possessions and seize phones, laptops, computers, etc.

Then, have him charged with some obscure crime from 15-20 years ago and threaten him with life in prison.

All's fair ya know.

Spin Zone / ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’
« on: June 12, 2018, 06:54:04 AM »
Gee, the MSM is really trying to bury this one.

President Bill Clinton’s new interview with PBS NewsHour, which aired last week, featured some shocking, and strikingly tone-deaf, comments from the former president about sexual harassment and assault, including his opinion that “what you can do to someone against their will” has changed.

Spin Zone / The Racism Liberals Don't Recognize -- Their Own
« on: May 29, 2018, 05:46:32 AM »
I usually don't agree with the author, but this column is dead on correct.

Good read.

Commentators, almost always from the right, have documented liberal media bias for many years now. And the response by the perpetrators of this bias has been both constant and predictable: Circle the wagons and blame the accusers. Accuse us of bias for seeing their bias.

The bias we've been talking and writing about is usually about partisan politics and hot social issues like abortion. But there's one kind of liberal media bias that hasn't gotten much attention. It's a bias that liberals both in and out of the media often attach to conservatives, but almost never to themselves. It's racial bias.

My friend Lee Habeeb, a conservative radio executive who appears on cable TV from time to time, has written a piece in Newsweek about how too many journalists have played down -- and often downright ignored -- the murder of young black men in places like Chicago.

Spin Zone / A question for our liberal friends
« on: May 28, 2018, 01:32:11 PM »
 I have a question for our liberal friends here.

 With the mid terms a few months away, what is the message the democrat candidates are trying to convey to voters?

 Seriously, I am interested to hear what message would motivate the folks in the middle to go to the polls and elect a democrat over their conservative counterparts.

Spin Zone / Health care savings for Congress
« on: May 27, 2018, 06:43:06 AM »

 Here's a thought for today.  Remove members of congress and the senate from their premium healthcare plan and place all of them under the VA.  This would save the country millions in tax dollars while allowing these elected public servants a chance to enjoy the benefits of what they created and continue to run.

 No extras, no "Cadillac" plans, just the same health service any other service member receives.

Spin Zone / The Real Story: Destroying Trump and Protecting Clinton
« on: May 25, 2018, 06:30:21 AM »
  This is truly astonishing of how BHO weaponized the DoJ/FBI, among other agencies.

 It's time to start purging the federal government of the "deep state".

You don't need to believe that the special counsel investigating President Donald Trump is a terrible person to conclude that the Obama administration and Clinton machine (and later their holdovers during the Trump administration) politicized and weaponized federal agencies to protect Hillary Clinton and damage Trump.

So if you just can't shake your instinct that Robert Mueller is the epitome of virtue and professionalism, hold fast to it, but consider the litany of facts that prove serious and abundant malfeasance on the part of the Obama-Clinton "deep state" actors.

The Department of Justice, especially the FBI, bent over backward to protect Clinton and bent over forward to harm Trump. Despite those efforts, the stubborn facts have emerged, thanks to patriots relentlessly pursuing the truth. More will be revealed as the Obama-Clinton glass house continues to shatter, but there's already enough to make an objective person gasp. If Clinton had won the election, this evidence would have remained buried, and the power-abusing left would have been emboldened to continue to thwart the rule of law and target its opponents. Before you say it's preposterous that Obama or Clinton would have politicized and weaponized government agencies, remember the actions of Obama's IRS and EPA.


 Of course, the alt left progressives are cheering as they didn't want to see this happen, for no other reason than it will make President Trump look good.

 With the now apparent deep state operatives within our government and intel communities hard at work trying to defeat the President, one has to wonder just what is going on behind the scenes to prevent this meeting from happening.

 Our country is in a sad state of affairs when rabid ideologues are in the government sabotaging an administration from within and working fervently to undermine a peace process anywhere in the world.   

Spin Zone / The gift that keeps giving
« on: May 22, 2018, 08:57:13 AM »
Please dims, keep this narrative going!   And please keep reminding everyone that you will put crazy Nancy back in as Speaker!

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