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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 25, 2020, 07:24:46 PM »
I’m optimistic again. This is worse than a roller coaster. It’s like alternating between the top of Mt Everest and the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

Hang tight.  I find it fascinating. 

We are witnessing history.  We had it happen in 1800, 1824, 1826 and 2000. 

The dims got too exuberant in their election heist, and were sloppy leaving evidence laying around.

The Rule of Law will prevail.

Spin Zone / Re: Cases! Cases! Cases!
« on: November 25, 2020, 07:51:07 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: If You Listen Carefully...
« on: November 23, 2020, 06:32:43 AM »
I hate to be the first to “flame” but here goes. Technically, the United States may survive a Harris administration, but it will be a hollow shell, rotten on the inside. China survived the cultural revolution; Russia survived the Red revolution, and so on.

But the U.S. was where escapees from those places fled to. As Magda Faith said at one of the recent Trump rallies, the planet has run out of places to go to escape these tyrants. The U.S. is the last harbor of freedom. So if we lose this election, not only is the free U.S. lost, so is the entire world. They will have solidified communism globally.

 By conceding this election and acting "gentlemanly" only tells the left that their electioneering does indeed work, and they will refine it for elections to come.  The next step will be eliminating conservatives totally from the blue states in legislatures, the house and senate.  We will see a 2/3rds house and a 2/3rds senate of democrats easily.

 The presidency?  Predetermined way in advance of any election.  We gave them the tools.

 Asia.   China will overtake Taiwan and then begin overtaking the countries around the South China Sea basin.   A President Biden will be powerless against them as he has been bought and paid for.   Our manufacturing returns to Chinese control while the Chinese return to their practice of heavily tariffing  our products.   The Chinese will expand themselves in the west slowly devouring SA and CA countries for their resources.    China will end up controlling Africa.

 The Middle East will nose dive once again.  The dims are already bitching how Trump has made the ME "dangerous" (although we've seen record peace there).   The dims love a divided ME.    Israel is toast once again.

 More nonsense endless wars to fuel the MIC.   Iran will become fully nuclear capable.

 We will return to paying for the majority of NATO as EU countries won't feel obligated any longer.   And we will be dragged into nonsense "Paris Accords" which are nothing more than a vast transfer of our wealth.

 I can go on and on.   Many reading here are in the same age group, and have nice retirements awaiting us or already in use.   Get ready to start kissing that goodbye.   Don't believe me?   Go spend some time reading up on what plans the dims have on those huge pools of money sitting in IRA's and 401K accounts.   

 We will see socialized medicine as "Obamacare" morphs into "Bidencare".

 But yea, let's be "gentlemanly" and hand a bunch of fucking theives an election they blatantly stole.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 22, 2020, 06:50:53 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 22, 2020, 05:30:42 PM »
Puts the Russian interference thing in a whole new light. Create a fake story over Hillary’s emails being linked to Trump, when the CIA itself is hacking our fucking voting machines! Brennan has been a communist from the start - quite literally. And yet the CIA Barack Obama still hired him.


Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 22, 2020, 12:12:50 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: If You Listen Carefully...
« on: November 21, 2020, 05:04:51 PM »
The flak is always the heaviest when you are over the target.

Just keep that in mind.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 21, 2020, 06:48:37 AM »
We are in a situation where no matter which gets inaugurated on Jan 21, the losing side will see the government as illegitimate. Think of that: an illegitimate coup, a stolen election, no matter which way this goes. The losing side will see themselves as the “real” government, and therefore justified in taking extreme measures to “take it back”. The winning side will feel justified in using any means necessary to suppress the other. It will get very ugly.

The only way to prevent this is for the whole country to accept the election result as valid. But there is no scenario in which that can happen. If Biden takes office, our half knows for fact that the Dems cheated. If Trump wins, most of the half that voted Dem will never believe the evidence was real, even if the proof is obvious. The media will continue to lie and it will be explained away as a conservative plot by whatever Republicans are involved in the decision. Only the many Dem operatives will know the truth and they feel morally justified to cheat. They imagine themselves taking down “Hitler”.

Within the government itself there is an irreconcilable divide, within all the agencies, the IC, the military, etc. The only thing keeping the Federal government stable is that they accept that the occupant of the Oval Office is legitimate. Starting now, that is no longer possible.

There’s no way out of this except through it.

Here's my take.

 We do not have a 50/50 split in this country.  I would think it's more like 70/30 or even 80/20 favoring the people who know this election was rigged.   Some recent polling bears this out.

 The radical leftist are not a majority, and have never been.  This is another myth.  The perception that the radical leftist are an overwhelming majority is because they now control the MSM and the DNC.

 History has shown, over and over, that when a tyrannical regime takes over it's typically a small group (compared to the population).  What we are witnessing in this country are the exact same tactics that's been used for over a 100 years around the world.  Exactly the same.

 The tyrants begin by gaining control of segments one by one.  Education is key, media is key.  Healthcare is another key.  Then they begin getting their own into various government agencies, what is typically called "weaponization".  Using someone's own laws and rules against them is key.  Sound familiar?

 Next start working the radicals into local elections.  These lower elected officials start making a lot of noise, which in turn gets lots of media attention, which in turn begins swaying public perception and creates the myth that the movement is huge.

 Another technique used is to crash the current system and replace it with their own.  Why do you think the radicals in congress keep wanting to hand out more and more money from the government?   It's unsustainable and will create a crash.

 The next technique?  Create an enemy that only they can define and see, and control.   Covid is perfect.  They control the information (and disinformation) on it, it creates fear and it has been proven to be extremely effective in control.

 All of this has been used and repeated with every overthrow.  There are more points, but I think you see the picture.   Again, we are not dealing with a huge part of the country. 

 The way to defeat these tyrannical leftist?  Expose them, stand up to them and fight back.

Spin Zone / Re: Election 2020
« on: November 20, 2020, 11:30:10 AM »
OMG, the guy that just called Rush, what a story he had, what a call. He went to the MAGA Rally in D.C. with his 31 yr old son and said not a single Republican politician was there as part of it.  He said he's tired of being stabbed in the back by Republican politicians that need us to get elected and then abandon us. The due, William, was practically in tears.

  George Wallace "There ain't a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and the Democrats."

 He was right.  The mainstream (establishment) republicans are disgraceful.  Just look around right now at the "conservatives" that are saying the election is over and let's move on, totally ignoring the election fraud that took place.

 They want their old system back.  They want to stay in bed with their lobbyist keep taking donations from Big Tech and Big Corporations.  And they want more wars so they can keep feeding the MIC.

 Career politicians on both sides have destroyed this country.  Never, ever did the founding fathers envision someone spending decades in elected office.   We so desperately need term limits on all elected positions.  We need to repeal the portion of the 17th amendment that allows for popular vote of the senators and put it back to the state legislatures.

Spin Zone / Re: Over/Under on when gropin' joe "resigns"
« on: November 20, 2020, 07:40:59 AM »

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