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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 517 518 [519] 520 521 ... 896
Spin Zone / Re: The Uncertainty Monster (interview with Judith Curry)
« on: June 02, 2019, 03:10:50 PM »
I agree. In fact, EVEN IF the worst case scenarios projected by the models are true, the Green New Deal fixes will not avert much of the coming disaster, and instead will leave us with less capital with which to build what we would need to adapt to climate change as it unfolds.

There are some "no regrets" steps we can take, things we should be doing for reasons unrelated to global warming. Alternative energy sources are a must because fossil fuels are a finite resource that we will almost certainly run out of within a few generations. We should not be shuttering nuclear plants, and we should be investing more in solving the problems of getting to and beyond break-even in nuclear fusion. I'm pessimistic about solar and wind ever being more than an extra source of "free" energy on the side, because of the intermittency problem and also because of the land area that has to be set aside for them. But by all means, let's keep working on them and deploying them where it's practical.

Whether we are the main driver of what's happening now or not, climate change is inevitable so let's work harder on strategies for adaptation. We don't know how much effect our GHG emissions will ultimately have but one thing is for certain, the climate will change in ways we can't imagine today, as it always has. Let's discourage further development along the coastlines - that will probably happen as a matter of course, as insurance on structures there will become more and more expensive. People who live in large coastal cities will have serious decisions to make in the next few decades. We can learn from past underestimates of the power of nature and design our buildings to withstand more powerful winds, earthquakes, etc. in areas that are vulnerable to those events.

The last thing we need is panicked, radical changes that are likely to leave us more vulnerable to what we fear most. Chicken Little is a shitty role model.

I can not fathom how people can look at the "Green New Deal" as anyway workable, practical, doable, or reasonable.  Many of the Democrat candidates have embraced it, or a variation of it.  Weird. 

Thanks, btw.

Spin Zone / Re: The Uncertainty Monster (interview with Judith Curry)
« on: June 02, 2019, 01:44:53 PM »
Isn't it quaint that Warren thinks climate change can so precisely target one city? Typical leftist myopic idiocy.

It is obvious the Democrats want to use the Hoax of man made climate change (why did they change the name from global warming) to scam more tax dollars, fees, and energy surcharges.  Cap and Trade will limit CO2 emissions to a finite level arbitrarily mandated by government then companies will have to BUY the required licensed amount of C02 "credits" in order to remain in operation.  This will force MORE companies to go overseas, and it will raise the prices of ALL GOODS on American consumers.  Electricity, oil, natural gas, and gasoline will all skyrocket in price, and be taxed even more than they already are.

The entire climate change fixes the Democrats want would be a Job and Economy killing measure. 

I don't believe Mueller is objective, nor unbiased.  I firmly believe he wanted to find illegal acts by Trump.  He couldn't.  End of story. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Oshkosh Anybody?
« on: June 01, 2019, 09:09:02 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Mexico - here we go
« on: May 31, 2019, 02:18:34 PM »
Both. They don't care and they don't have the long term vision AND they don't understand economics at all.

That pretty much sums it up.  But, to Lucifer's point, they don't want to understand as it would go against their hate Trump agenda, and narrative.  As you know, you can lay out a factual, common sense, reasonable argument and they will just meltdown.  (I love using the Libs "common sense" and "reasonable" against them!)


It's ALL FAUX News.  No credibility.  I prefer CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NYT, Washpo, AP, Reuters, etc.  Now that real NEWS.  You RWNJ's are all the same!

Spin Zone / Re: Mexico - here we go
« on: May 31, 2019, 07:12:32 AM »
The Media, Democrats and their supporters are melting down over the NEGOTIATIONS Trump is winning through Tariffs and the threat of tariffs.  I guarantee the other countries will lower or eliminate their tariffs as they need our markets more than we need theirs.  Yet the Left doesn't have the vision nor long term view to understand what Trump is doing. 

Spin Zone / Re: Car keys that need batteries
« on: May 31, 2019, 06:17:26 AM »
The Yugo was an older Fiat design.  I am jonesing for a Trabant.  Really!

Spin Zone / Re: Car keys that need batteries
« on: May 31, 2019, 05:27:48 AM »
You mean those Honda’s with mufflers that sound like a high-speed weed whacker aren’t “muscle cars?”  Lol.

LOL!  :)

No I was talking about the classic muscle cars that guys our age buy from the 60's and early 70's.  Mustangs, GTO's, Camaro's, Chevelle SS's, Old Vettes, etc.  Who is going to maintain them?  Kids of today that play on their phones?

Interestingly, a friend of mine has a Ford Focus ST, and I have "helped" him (I hand him tools) to mod the 4 cyl. turbocharged engine and other things like a better exhaust, CAI, larger intercooler, Stage II tune, etc.  Stock it was 252 HP.  Right now at the wheels he is getting over 300 HP.  The thing goes like a bat out of hell, but doesn't sound like the rice burner you cite above.  :)

BTW, have you looked at the economy lately, how about the unemployment rate or maybe growth in manufacturing jobs. Didn't Obama tell us those jobs were not coming back no matter what kind of magic wand Trump thought he had. Didn’t Obama also tell us that 1% GDP growth was the new norm?

Yes, because with Obama, even with QUANTITATIVE EASING 1% GDP growth WAS the new norm.  I have never seen a President in my life that had that kind of help from the Fed.  Who has ever heard or free money?  Zero interest rates?  Really?  And you can't get GDP above an average 1.6%??? 

Obama liked Solyndra because they were friends of his.  He liked Wall Street because they were financial backers and supporters.  He liked SEIU, and other UNIONS because they got him votes.  All else pfffft!

Azure, this is not directed at you.  I think I understand what you are saying. 

How can their be obstruction if there was no underlying collusion, nor any laws broken?  The basis for Russian Collusion and how they affected the election is still a mystery to me as no voting machines are connected to the internet, nor can they be "hacked". 

Was it just social media posts the Russians supposedly made to sway people?  I don't get it, but I am not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or any other social media. 

I am ready to move on from Russia, Muelller, collusion, etc. However, I am a Trump supporter, and people that aren't may want to dwell on it, and that's fine and that is their right.  I do think it is non productive, but again that's their right. 

They can ask any question of Mueller they want.  That does not mean that he has to answer them.  Oh he will say words in a response, but that doesn't mean he is answering them, and he doesn't have to say what they want him to say.  So, it would do nothing to subpoena Mueller. 

^^^^That's why I don't think they will move to impeach as it will further expose they have no facts, nor evidence.  They will TALK about impeachment and Mad Maxine will SAY they are going to impeach, but never will.  More Kabuki theater. 

Mueller couldn't bring charges.  But Congress can.  It is up to them to act or not.

I don't think Congress can "charge" anyone with a crime as they are a legislative body, not a law enforcement body.  They can move to impeach which they will not do as they know there is no real basis for it.  They will TALK continuously about impeachment then make excuses saying it's not worth it, or this or that. 

The Russian Hoax is over.  Stick a fork in it.  Maybe focus on "Orange Man Bad" type rhetoric or Trump is Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic. 

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