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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 05:10:14 PM »
Same reason you old people want your damn social security. (Makes motion of shaking cane in the air.)


Maybe because WE PAID INTO IT?  If I invested it myself I'd have a lot more, yet the Fed government stole from me all those years.  Nice huh?

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:22:15 PM »
So me where they've made more than they inherited from the Orange one.

I don't know specifics, but I don't think they were really given a free ride, but had to work for what they have including doing hands on manual labor in construction. 

Chelsea Clinton?  She married a crooked Goldman Sachs investment banker who is the son of a criminal investment banker who spent time in the Federal penitentiary for FRAUD.  Ed Mezvinzky.  His Mom is communist, and one term Congressman from PA, Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky.  Well she's divorced from her criminal husband so I guess she's back to just Margolies. 

Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:12:36 PM »
I had a very good instructor that transitioned me from my Cherokee 140B to my Grumman Tiger.  Ron Levy.  Ron, had the sweat running down my back, and gave me great advice, and instruction.  I knew the plane was different from my Cherokee, and the Cessnas I learned in when I pulled the power back to enter the pattern, and it didn't slow down!  LOL!  I learned, early on that when I had too fast of a sink rate, to nudge in some power, and keep the nose up, and watch the air speed.  Never force it down, and if you were running out of runway, go around.  I very rarely had to go around in the Tiger, as I just seem to be able to fly that plane well from the beginning.

I really like Mooneys, and have wanted an M20J/201 for a long time as a travelling machine.  Don't give up on the M20C, it is one of the best GA airplanes ever made. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 26, 2016, 10:35:39 AM »
The Donald may be flawed, but he is a lot better than Hillary, Bernie, or the Green Party other Commie, what's her name.  Oh yeah, then there is Fauxchohotas. 

Compare Chelsea Clinton to Donald's kids, Eric, Don Jr, and Ivanka.  They are accomplished business people, and speakers.  Chelsea?  What has she done except get bribed by NBC for favors from her mom and dad. 

Spin Zone / Re: An alternative to gun control
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:16:03 AM »
Why medicate when you can indoctrinate in the public school system?

I keep harping on this but the Media, Education, and Government is willingly indoctrinating us to be Progressive, anti American, and docile to government.  Look at many Millennial males.  What do you see?

Spin Zone / Re: Toy guns vs replicas vs real firearms
« on: September 26, 2016, 09:13:52 AM »
My brother lives there. I've heard all about the laws. I bought my AR up there years ago, minus the flash suppresor, you know "because they make them more deadly and scary looking", and we can't have that ;). What the hell happened to that state? Pretty much they started the revolution by saying "Screw you" to overreaching government. Now look at them.

What happened to Mass?  Boston happened, and academia happened.  Almost the entire northeast is plagued by big city, progressive, anti American attitudes.  Let's face it.  America is under siege, especially our 2A rights. 

Why does a flash suppressor, or a bayonet lug, or pistol grip make a rifle more dangerous than another rifle?  These rifles are rarely used in crime.  Gang bangers, and drug dealers typically use hand guns that they obtain illegally, and that's where most of the murders occur.  It is not law abiding gun owners, with legally owned guns, but that's what these stupid laws restrict. 

The politicians WANT to restrict the law abiding because that is what gives them power over us.  It is purely a power game for them.  They do not want us to have the ability to resist their will.  Washington DC is worse than England when we were a colony.

Spin Zone / Re: What Kind of White Person Do you Want to Be?
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:38:39 AM »

"I road a tank, held a generals rank when the Blitzkrieg raged, and the bodies stank..."

Spin Zone / Re: Toy guns vs replicas vs real firearms
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:36:18 AM »
Where I take exception is for those who expressly own their firearms for defense against home invaders.  They're trying to tell me I need one for my self defense.  I promise you the day I need one for my self defense is the day I move.  And if I can find nowhere in the US where I can only find safety in carrying a firearm, I will become an expatriate.

I own firearms mainly for target shooting. I used to also hunt, but haven't for years since I got spoiled from living in Colorado, and the outdoor environment there.  However, even in my "nice' neighborhood, I know that HELL can come through the door or window at any moment.  Do I live in fear?  NO.  Do I expect that to ever happen?  NO.  It is a possibility though, so I am prepared for it.  I will not be a victim, or have me or my family held hostage, and/or murdered. 

Spin Zone / Re: What Kind of White Person Do you Want to Be?
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:29:24 AM »
I used to be that way.

Now, when I meet a black person, I assume he already hates me.  Jaybird helped push me in that direction.

Today, that is an easy trap to fall into.  However, I have Black neighbors.  I live in a pretty affluent, semi-rural area, so as far as I know they are the only Black family in my vicinity.  They own their own landscaping business.  Their kids are hard working, and respectful.  I hire them to trim my trees and do other lawn work.  They are VERY good people. It is not about color, it is about VALUES, and character.  Their values are similar to mine, and I like them very much.  The challenge is to show the rest of the Black community that these values can improve their lives. 

Spin Zone / Re: Black man shot "for being black"
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:09:31 AM »
Trees don't go out of their ways to kill loggers.  Roofs don't decide one day to kill roofers and airplanes don't wake up in the morning deciding to go get a pilot because they don't like them.  While there are jobs that can kill more of their practitioners then being a cop, none of them have sentient beings deciding to kill the practitioners.

John, my friend, it is great to see you here!!!

Spin Zone / Re: Toy guns vs replicas vs real firearms
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:07:57 AM »
My gun club raised its rate to $100 a year.  A Tiger costs $300 to fill the tanks, so staying proficient even with ammo costs, and I reload to save money, and tailor loads pales by comparison. 

Spin Zone / Re: Black man shot "for being black"
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:02:38 AM »
I've been a LEO for 13 years. Been in a shooting, been to the emergency room twice (once in the back of an ambulance), surgery to fix injury on the job, and been in more fights than I remember. More dangerous than my father-in-law the retired roofer, and he will even tell you that. Do I fear for my life all day, no, but I've been in plenty of situations where I have.

My Grandfather was a Philly beat cop, then a Philly detective.  He never had to draw his Smith and Wesson revolver.  It is a different world now.  Glad you pulled through, and thanks for being one of the good guys.  I do think some police are different now, as municipalities want to generate revenue from traffic stops, and other means.  A lot of fishing expeditions going on for broken tail lights, etc. 

Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 06:57:18 AM »
Major issue.  Prop strike which was entirely my fault.  I am almost ready to bag the whole thing, since I feel like a truly lousy pilot.

Sorry to hear that Michael.  The Mooneys handle like Grummans, and unfortunately will get into pilot induced oscillation if you don't come in at proper airspeed on final, and hold it off, and not force it down.  A go around is your friend, but you know that.  Don't give it up.  I like the M20C's a lot. 

Spin Zone / Re: What a Lady
« on: September 26, 2016, 03:37:27 AM »
The Clintons make Nixon's paranoia look like mild consternation.

The Liberal, Progressive media made such a big deal out of Watergate to bring down the Republicans.  Watergate was a joke, but killed the Republicans from 1972 to Reagan's election in 1981.  It was the first time I saw the media coup.  Back then there was no alternative voice.  Cronkite even admitted he was a liberal towards the end of his career, and admitted bias news coverage, which wasn't really "news" but liberal, progressive indoctrination. 

Spin Zone / Re: Clinton Begins Planning White House Agenda
« on: September 26, 2016, 03:20:15 AM »
Agreed.... both candidates are turds.  However, any vote that helps elect Hillary is a vote for a rapid acceleration to socialism and substantial changes to the constitution through executive and judicial fiat.  We may end up at the same end with Trump, but at least it may take longer to get there.  There is no mystery what Hillary and her far left band of kooks want to accomplish.  Just like there was no mystery what Obama wanted, yet many seem genuinely surprised at the outcome after 8 years of his destruction.

We are assured of a totalitarian, communist regime with Hillary along with three to four far left, radical, anti Constitution SCOTUS judges which will do far more damage than a Democrat legislature.  Hillary will use the courts to legislate, especially against the Second Amendment which she despises because it is a challenge to DESPOT POWER. 

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