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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 481 482 [483] 484 485 ... 896
Spin Zone / Re: Retired Police Officer...
« on: August 26, 2019, 03:57:28 PM »
The narrative changed from Gang Violence to Gun Violence 20 years ago. 

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 26, 2019, 11:05:39 AM »
From the article:

“Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin and Mao were in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were,” Frances continued.

Just more leftist sensationalized bullshit. They must think that if the bullshit comes from a PhD is will be more palatable. The above statement is really quite laughable, really.

The media has NO CREDIBILITY.  None.  They print stuff that is caustic, and has no basis in fact.  Stalin killed 20 million.  Hitler 6 million.  Mao possibly 40 - 60 million.  How many has Trump killed?  Where are the death camps?

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 26, 2019, 06:22:51 AM »
I cut my cable off, and I don't bother watching network or cable news anymore.   It's all become propaganda.   Even Foxnews has fallen off to the progressive left with the exception of a few shows that are commentary.

 Drudge Report has become nothing more than a conduit to lead readers to progressive internet sites.  The unbiased internet sites are under constant attack by the left.

 Goebbels would have been down right envious of what the MSM has evolved into.

I cut the cable about a year and a half ago also.  I do still get tv programming via antenna, and yes then networks are just all Democrat propaganda outlets.  I can't watch them.  I've noticed Drudge has turned too. 

The only unbiased news is from bloggers, and they are attacked as you say. All I know is the crap that I get from the MSM is far left biased, so if I believe the opposite, I probably have the truth. 

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 26, 2019, 05:55:12 AM »
We have freedom of speech, at least until the Leftists pass "Hate Speech" laws and they get to define that hate speech is anything in which they disagree.  However, that being said, who holds the Media accountable?  They now accept outright lying as acceptable. 

The "Russia" Coup Attempt was a Media/Democrat failure, yet nobody has paid the price for this crime of Sedition.  The Media is out of control, and our only recourse is to turn them off, or not read their crap on line.  Yes, I know this has existed for a long time, Hearst, etc. 

It never goes well for anyone the Left considers "one of them".  Heaven forbid you go off the "woke" plantation. 

Spin Zone / Re: Amazon rainforest burning
« on: August 24, 2019, 05:35:37 PM »
How will the Obama's Martha's Vineyard Ocean Front Estate be affected by it?

Spin Zone / Re: Hockey Stick mmgw scam loses BIG in Lawsuit
« on: August 24, 2019, 05:34:02 PM »
Fuckin A!

Total hypocrite liars.  HUGE carbon footprint, right on the ocean, on a island.  Gore has one on the West Coast.  The Obama cronies like Richard Branson and David Geffen have huge yachts they frolic on.  Liars, con men, scam artists.  They have convinced USEFUL IDIOTS of this non problem. 

Spin Zone / Re: Drag Queen for Congress
« on: August 24, 2019, 02:24:50 PM »
That dude looks a tough as Patrick Swayze in movie To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.

LOL!  I remember that movie.  Huge Julie Newmar fan from her Catwoman days!

Well, we've already had one as First Lady, so......

Spin Zone / Re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Treated for Pancreatic Cancer
« on: August 24, 2019, 08:01:02 AM »
The term limit of a SC Justice would have to be a constitutional amendment.   Like the presidential term, I believe it would be a good thing to term limit everyone in elected government as well as positions that are now "for life".

Career politicians of both parties have become de facto ROYALTY.  Incumbents stay in power, many for over 30 years, and some attain higher office, and are lifelong politicians like Joe Biden.  The ones that don't, join the swamp and get RICH as lobbyists.

RBG has stated that she plans on staying into her 90's, but with the latest rounds of treatment, that's not going to happen.  And just the mention of her health drives progressives into a mouth foaming frenzy.

The President will get another SC appointment, and in his second term he'll get possibly two more.

Agree.  She's not going to make it to the end of Trump's first term, but definitely not his second.  I am not wishing ill on her, just stating a probability. 

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 24, 2019, 05:29:03 AM »
You are all spelling it wrong, it's P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A.

Yes it is.  If it doesn't fit the Far Left Progressive narrative they either OMIT the story, or change it to have a leftist bias.  Pure propaganda. 

Spin Zone / Re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Treated for Pancreatic Cancer
« on: August 24, 2019, 04:39:50 AM »
The left went all over n on the evil this morning when news that Mr Koch died. Not a single bed wetting liberal stood up and told them to have a little class.
Mic one conservative hints that Ruth should retire would be burned at the stable for being mean.

Hypocrisy thy name is liberal.

Yes, they did.

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher reacted to the death of David Koch by saying, “I’m glad he’s dead.”

After making jokes about Koch, Maher said, “I know these seem like harsh words and harsh jokes, and I’m sure I will be condemned for them on Fox News, which will portray Mr. Koch as a principled libertarian who believed in the free market. He and his brother have done more than anybody to fund climate science deniers for decades, so f*ck him. The Amazon is burning up. I’m glad he’s dead.”

Spin Zone / Re: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Treated for Pancreatic Cancer
« on: August 23, 2019, 02:17:11 PM »
I also hopes she recovers, and retires. 

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 23, 2019, 01:20:09 PM »

You are only getting part of it out of context.  CNBC is owned by Comcast who also owns NBC, and MSNBC.  Comcast held Biden's campaign kick off fundraiser in Philly. Brian Roberts their CEO is a big Obama friend and former financial bundler for him.  He's now backing Biden.

WASHINGTON, Aug 23 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he was ordering U.S. companies to look at ways to close their operations in China and make more of their products in the United States instead, a rhetorical strike at Beijing as trade tensions mounted.

Trump cannot legally compel U.S. companies to abandon China immediately and he gave no detail on how he might proceed with any such order, although he said he would be offering a response later on Friday to tariffs on American products announced by China earlier in the day.

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