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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 86 87 [88] 89 90 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: Trump Receives Another [Almost] Endorsement
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:02:51 PM »
In other news, Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan has invested $10 million with in financier by the name of Henning to investigate "European Banking Interests'" control of the US financial system. 

Spin Zone / Re: Any hillary supporters here?
« on: March 01, 2016, 06:03:13 AM »
So what you're saying is that they are just indoctrinated, brainwashed far leftists that can not think for themselves?


If I had wanted to say that, I would have said they were just indoctrinated, brainwashed far leftists that can not think for themselves.

But I didn't. That was you.

But I would urge caution before just painting roughly 1/2 of the electorate that way. It's kinda what they do as well, making a caricature of the other side's positions for the sole purpose of attacking them.

As an aside, I'm kind of in the air on who to vote for in today's GA Republican primary. I think Kasich would make the best president, but it seems like a wasted vote at this point. Among the remaining four, I find Rubio least distasteful. What to do?

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Thomas speaks up- first time in 10 years
« on: February 29, 2016, 01:40:10 PM »
I have my opinion, I'd like to hear others
Personally, I like the fact that he's remained silent.

It's not the job of the justices to be advocates from the bench.  The various parties should prepare their best possible cases and present them without be continuously interrupted from the bench.

Spin Zone / Re: The Decline of the Dollar
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:22:34 AM »
I'm not opposed to making a living while not having to work at a factory.  Working at a factory isn't as enjoyable as some of you seem to think.

As for making this country great again, it's still pretty awesome.  The average American is a blooming idiot.  How else can you rationalize the president we have now, and worse, the guy leading the 2016 race to the White House?  Several years ago I went with my wife to her high school reunion.  While she was socializing I was talking with another spouse of a classmate.  He said he worked on a Ford assembly line.  The money was decent but each day was pure hell.  This guy was pretty low-key, clean cut and seemed down to earth.  He explained that the vast majority of the people he worked with were rough cut, crude, immature and prone to violence.  That there was always some drama on the shop floor with guys arguing and fighting.  He just wanted to go to work, do his job, and go home.

My only experience with factory work was a short stint at a Quaker Oats (owned by PepsiCo) plant.  It was a sweatshop filled with much of the same type of people mentioned above.  If it was my only way of supporting my family I'd have found a way to make it work.  But it's certainly no way to enjoy life. 

Spin Zone / Re: Sandy Hook Parents Sue Remington Arms
« on: February 24, 2016, 09:12:19 AM »
Yes, Colt made the original AR15.  Now when you read an article that refers to an AR15 they're referring to a rifle of a particular platform, not a rifle from a specific manufacturer. 

That's not true here in California, where, if you have a rifle that actually says "AR15" on it (yes, made by Colt or some other manufacturers) it is unconditionally illegal unless you registered it when the "assault weapon" ban went into effect.  If you have a rifle that says something else on it, it may or may not be illegal, depending on how it's configured.  I am not making this up--our legislators are morons.

This flowchart describes the whole mess:


Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:40:07 AM »
The ideal response is for the Senate to wait and see what happens, then hold a hearing at the appropriate time, and vote down anyone that is not properly qualified, to avoid another train wreck dyke like kagan, or "wise latino," jerk like sotomayor. Jumping up and down just gives whiners, liars, and sleazebags more ammunition to attack republicans as that's they do anyway, so why make it easier?

Spin Zone / Re: A Valentine's present for Pilot Spin!
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:36:39 AM »
What was the New Yorker attempting to say with that?

No idea, I guess you would have to ask them. The only parallel I can draw is- George Washington = 1st president, Barak Obama = 1st black president. Other than that, it is a mystery. Maybe it sort of a bookend thing. One is the beginning of our country and the other is the end of our country.  ;)

Spin Zone / Re: A Valentine's present for Pilot Spin!
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:54:12 AM »
Didn't he invent the peanut?

Spin Zone / Re: Republican Debate 2/13/16
« on: February 14, 2016, 08:50:38 AM »
Lucifer, I think most of congress' problems are related to weak president along with very weak congressional leaders.  I think a strong president will shake things up enough that some coordination will start to happen. 

 The Democratic side of Congress is indeed strong, they show that by leading Ryan/McConnell around by the nose and forcing them to give them EVERYTHING they want.  In reality Harry Reid is still in charge of the Senate and the dems still control the House.

 A President Cruz will have a difficult if not impossible task of getting anything through as the democrats hate him and half of the Republicans (including the majority of Senate Republicans) despise him.

 Now all of this is based upon the current make up of Congress.  Come November that could change dramatically.

 Bottom line is this: Unless the President can form a coalition in Congress and the Senate, any and all proposals by a candidate is nothing more than vote pandering.

Spin Zone / Re: Jewish Voice For Peace
« on: February 12, 2016, 08:23:15 AM »

Do I get the Order of Lenin now?

Don't worry, your turn is coming!

Spin Zone / Re: Tuition Free College........
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:52:15 AM »
Do we agree that an educated citizenry is incredibly important to remain a world leader in...lots of stuff? That's why it's "free" at primary and secondary levels. That's also why it's compulsory for those same levels. It is considered a public imperative to educate our people. There is an argument that the modern world increasingly demands some level of post-secondary education, not only to be personally successful, but to remain as a nation on the cutting edge globally. This is why public support of all levels of education continues to be a topic of conversation.

Where does it end?  Should we demand that all citizens obtain Ph.D. degrees?

Why should "central planners" in Washington decide these matters? Do you believe people are to dumb to find a way to help themselves, and therefore the country reach it's maximum potential?

Spin Zone / Re: The Children Are Our Future...and we're doomed
« on: February 10, 2016, 05:02:35 AM »
Oh, you mean sorta like the guy with the camera who goes to a Tea Party deal and looks and looks till he finds someone with a swastika who didn't belong there in the first place and then tries to pass that off as typical.


Spin Zone / Re: C'Mon Mainstream Media - Waiting for you to call them THUGS
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:38:44 PM »
Thanks Jeff.

Spin Zone / Re: The world is FLAT not ROUND
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:31:55 PM »
Jonesy, good to see you!!

Spin Zone / Re: The world is FLAT not ROUND
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:35:43 PM »
If only half of the media wouldn't play along and would act like the Fourth Estate that they purport to be, we would have a fighting chance of being the United States of America 200 years from now.

Journalism in America is all but dead. It's strictly an alternative platform for projecting their point of view. It's quite sad, really. Such a far cry from the Woodward and Bernstein era.

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