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Topics - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 111
Spin Zone / Baltimore
« on: August 01, 2019, 06:23:46 AM »

Spin Zone / Shithole Countries
« on: August 01, 2019, 06:06:53 AM »
Were's the outrage?   Where is the cry of "racism"?   Obviously Corey Booker must be a racist for calling out these "shithole countries"?

Spin Zone / Why Trump Will Win Independents in 2020
« on: July 29, 2019, 09:18:43 AM »

Like many World War II veterans, my father didn’t talk much about the war, but he occasionally retold one anecdote that clearly made a strong impression on him at the time. At the end of the war, when it became obvious that the Nazis had lost, thousands of German infantrymen suddenly began appearing at the American lines anxious to surrender. This was less about love for our GIs than fear of the Red Army. And it’s not a bad analogy for what Independents will do in 2020. They are ambivalent about President Trump and the GOP, but they are afraid of the Democrats.

Why? Independents see themselves as reasonable people who reject what they perceive as extremism in one or both of the two major parties. Most Democratic positions are now seen as radical by these voters. For example, virtually every candidate vying for the Democratic presidential nomination favors providing taxpayer-funded health care to illegal aliens, but this position is deeply unpopular with Independents. An NPR/NewsHour/Marist poll, conducted July 15-17, found that 67 percent of Independents characterized this proposal as a “bad idea.”

And these people will decide the 2020 election. Gallup reports that 42 percent of Americans identify as political independents, while 29 percent say they are Democrats and 27 percent call themselves Republicans. It is no coincidence that the man who now resides in the White House garnered more Independent votes than did Hillary Clinton. And, if the 2020 Democratic nominee tries to win the general election with the kind of left-wing red meat the candidates have been tossing to the audience in the recent “debates,” it will drive Independents toward Trump.

Consider another crowd-pleaser that has wowed the attendees at the Democratic debates. Virtually all of the candidates propose to “decriminalize” illegal immigration. This idea is even less popular with Independents than providing free health care to “undocumented immigrants,” as the Democrats call them. The NPR/NewsHour/Marist poll found that even more Independents — 68 percent — dislike this proposal. When decriminalization came up in the second Democratic debate, Pete Buttigieg demonstrated that their general position is incoherent:

  " Let’s remember that’s not just a theoretical exercise — that criminalization — that is the basis for family separation. You do away with that, it’s no longer possible. Of course, it wouldn’t be possible anyway in my presidency because it’s dead wrong.… The Republican Party likes to cloak itself in the language of religion. Now, our party doesn’t talk about that as much largely for a very good reason — which is, we are committed to the separation of church and state."

If you believe this works as a justification for an open-borders policy, and that’s what he’s arguing for, you should probably demand a refund from whatever university you attended.   

Spin Zone / Carbon Tax
« on: July 26, 2019, 07:15:38 AM »

Coons’s bill with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Climate Action Rebate Act of 2019, would start greenhouse gas fees at $15 per metric ton of carbon and gradually increase the fee over time.

It estimates the tax would bring in $12 billion in revenue, which would then be distributed in part as a rebate to low income families. A portion also would be used to invest in clean energy. The bill aims to reduce U.S. carbon emissions 55 percent by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. 

 So, exactly what is that "increase the fee over time"?

 And notice the next paragraph: "which would then be distributed in part as a rebate to low income families".    How in the hell does this combat supposed climate change??

Spin Zone / Mueller Testimony
« on: July 24, 2019, 07:40:22 AM »

This is blowing up bad for the dims. Mueller looks really bad in this.

Ghomert, Gaites and Jordon really landed some hard hits.


Yet another way the MSM twist a story in an attempt to make the President look bad.

Trump didn't design this helicopter, he's not even flown on it.  This story should have been "New Presidential VH-92 Helicopter has a Design Problem", then the story should have focused on the exhaust problem.


Spin Zone / Keeping it in perspective.
« on: July 19, 2019, 09:17:42 AM »


So maybe a remake of "Rambo" with a black Somalian woman cast in the lead?

How about a remake of "Dirty Harry" with a hispanic female lead?  Or maybe a trans?

Spin Zone / Eat Popcorn As Democrats Eat Themselves
« on: July 15, 2019, 06:06:41 AM »

The pain of your enemy should be your joy, and we conservatives are pegging the joymeter right about now watching the political sepsis that is CongressKid AOC and her merry band of idiots running rampant within the flabby body of the Democrat Party. There’s only one solution to the gangrene caused by her and that brother-marrying weirdo who cheers for the wrong side in Black Hawk Down and Ms. Palestine. You have to amputate. But the donkeys can’t do it. That would cripple or kill the patient. So, what to do about the infection ravaging their party? It’s quite the dilemma.

Quite the hilarious dilemma. Pass the Orville Redenbacher while we watch them cannibalize themselves in Donner Party 2: Election Boogaloo.

Oh Nancy Pelosi, you thought you could harness the eager energy of these Socialist Sisters of Mediocrity for your own purposes, but you didn’t quite understand the situation. For limo libs like you – literally, because you’re a zillionaire – all this “for the little guy” stuff was always just a pose and a cynical scam. You don’t believe it. You just exploit it because you figure that the shiftless saps and lay-about suckers are your constituency will like it, and they do. You talk a good game about helping and caring for the downtrodden, but if one of the local bums tried to use the sidewalk in your neighborhood as a john, you’d have the Scat Francisco PD all over him like Jerry Nadler on a doughnut.

You’ve gotten used to posing as the heroic rebel voice speaking out in a stirring defense of the status quo that made you rich n’ powerful. All the other Democrats used to feel the same way. You were all in on the scam. Wink, nod and back to business as usual. But these dummies, leveraging their youthful inexperience, actually believe the nonsense they spew – that you all spew – and they are now learning that you really don’t.

Uh oh. 

Spin Zone / Antifa Origins & Tactics Exposed
« on: July 08, 2019, 07:08:59 AM »
It's 40 minutes long, but well worth the watch if you want to learn more about the dims hate group ANTIFA and it's origins.

Spin Zone / the racist Betsy Ross flag
« on: July 04, 2019, 06:01:37 AM »
Another use of the racist Betsy Ross flag!

 Oops!   That's Obama's inauguration......

 Nothing to see here!

Spin Zone / The Liberal War On You
« on: July 04, 2019, 05:39:13 AM »

We are witnessing the death of the liberal political machine that the elite has operated since the end of World War II, and everything that it is doing to conservatives right now – the censorship, the threats, the intimidation, the violence – is proof that it is dying. These are not the acts of an ideology in ascendance but rather of a scurrilous political paradigm in precipitous decline. And it’s only going to get worse as those losing their grip on political and cultural power desperately try to hold onto it in the face of our populist revolt.

Be prepared. It’s going to get uglier. Our would-be masters see the stakes – their power, prestige and position – and that’s why there is nothing they won’t do, no alleged principle they won’t upend, no bogus value they won’t abandon, to put off the reckoning that their greed and incompetence have brought upon them. 

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