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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 353 354 [355] 356 357 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Boeing CEO resigns!
« on: December 23, 2019, 10:03:22 AM »
Southwest demanded that the Max be on the same type rating as the other 737's, or they wouldn't buy it.  This is one of the major reasons you see the latest models of the 737 with the hodgepodge cockpits that look modern with 1960 switches and guages scattered about.  Southwest had a lot of input into the 737Max so they could keep a common type with only differences training.  Boeing felt pressured to comply to keep from losing a major customer.

 The Max was so different from the other 737 types that Boeing was doing some "creative" writing in the documentation to obscure some items that would have thrown the Max into another type.  The MCAS was a part of that.

 Boeing screwed up by trying to appease the customer and the FAA screwed up by letting Boeing self certify the product and not providing adequate oversight.

 The swiss cheese model.  Boeing should have been frank with SW and told them what they wanted wasn't going to be feasible.  The FAA should have been more proactive.  SW should start looking to a future with a new type.   

 The 737 has gone about as far as that model can go.  Remember it's a mid 60's design airframe.
I knew all of that, but I fail to see how SW could be culpable of anything.  They made a demand of their supplier, and their supplier acquiesced, unwisely as it turned out.

Spin Zone / Re: Former NSA chief talking to Durham
« on: December 23, 2019, 10:00:12 AM »
Love your Avatar.
Just out of curiosity, how long have you been sporting that?  I just noticed it.
Ha. I just changed it this weekend. My old one was on short final into OSH runway 9, and I’ve had it all the way back into POA days. However, I’ve been feeling a little feisty since the impeachment vote so thought I’d change it up.

I said they were acting like Monopolies, not actual monopolies in the technical sense.  Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and some others control the vast majority of information flow.  Ma Bell (AT&T) was less a monopoly, but they never broke in on phone calls to tell you to not say something, or CUT OFF your phone call all together.  Did they?  Yet they were broken up. 

Government sucks at almost everything they do.  They are a necessary evil.  Yet we still have anti trust laws.  Should we never follow them?  Should they all be repealed?
To regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states is one of the very few powers of congress in the Constitution. (Article 1, Section 8, clause 3.)

Whether they are monopolies or utilities or not, it is a proper function of government to regulate these outlets if they are not operating fairly.

Spin Zone / Re: Boeing CEO resigns!
« on: December 23, 2019, 09:27:12 AM »
When all of this is said and done, the final report will be interesting.   Boeing, the FAA and Southwest will all be culpable.

This will change how large aircraft get certified in the future.
How would a customer be culpable?

Spin Zone / Re: President Donald Trump Gives America Back Its Lightbulbs
« on: December 23, 2019, 09:15:51 AM »
This is me. I bought a lifetime worth of incandescent bulbs. They are the heavy duty ones that last a long time. I like the color and heat of the incandescent.

We could have had an endless supply of clean, cheap electricity with no need to ban lightbulbs if the federal government hadn’t ruined the nuclear power industry in the U.S.
Us too!

The problem is that I believe all US incandescent bulb factories have been closed since 2010.

Thanks a lot George, you asshole.

Thank God for Trump!

Spin Zone / Re: Former NSA chief talking to Durham
« on: December 22, 2019, 09:01:57 AM »
Yet, there is overwhelming evidence that Gen Flynn was set up by the FBI, he did not lie, and that the FBI altered documents.  And Gen Flynn is still facing sentencing next year.
Look for a pardon after 11/3/20.


Q:   What do 66.66% of impeachments have in common?

A:  An embarrassed and humiliated Hillary.
Ha. Brilliant!!!

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Is Not a News Network
« on: December 21, 2019, 04:24:05 PM »
Hannity repeats the same story over and over but I don’t mind because I think that’s one thing that helped get it out, he was relentless giving airtime to Sara Carter and others these past couple years when no mainstream “news” outlet would.

But what I can’t stand is his interrupting his guests. He has a way of cutting someone off right when they are about to make the main point of some thought they had just built you up for. He will interrupt with some tangent question and then they never get back to finishing their thought and I’m left hanging off a cliff. Drives me nuts.
I agree about cutting people off. He does that on radio too, and never lets people complete anything.

Tucker on the other hand is masterful. While he won’t let anyone bloviate BS endlessly, he allows adversarial guests enough time to hang themselves.

The other thing about Hannity is his irrational exuberance over the belief that
People will be going to jail or whatever. His predictions are worse than a Chicago weatherman.

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Is Not a News Network
« on: December 21, 2019, 11:18:21 AM »
Fox has indeed gone left, and honestly is not too far behind CNN.  The primary difference is Fox is still being a news agency, and is still reporting actual news, whereas CNN is full blown propaganda for the left.  CNN set the standard for “fake news” and is the torch bearer.  Zucker’s overwhelming hatred of Trump has destroyed them.

 Daytime Fox is unwatchable.  I could go down the list of their leftist host and reporters, but that list has gotten long.   Just remember that Fox is now run by the Murdoch brothers who are far leftist, and that RINO Paul Ryan sits on the board. 

Fox at night with Carlson and Ingraham are good.  Sean Hannity has become unwatchable, not for leftist views, but because it’s the same thing, every night, over and over. He has ruined his platform.   
Agree on all points. Hannity is unwatchable.

I do enjoy that they often run Trump rallies live.

Spin Zone / Re: Keep the donkeys occupied...
« on: December 20, 2019, 05:31:56 AM »

And right on cue...............
Wow. They REEEEEEALY want a President Pelosi, without having to go through the dehumanizing formality of running for the office.

This morning the thought of what Admiral Yamamoto is reputed to say when he heard the attack on Pearl Harbor took place before the so called Declaration of War was given to the USA comes to mind.  "I fear that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."  The Dims may have truly screwed themselves.  Time will tell.

That will be either mikey or flynn
Not just here, but yea, that’s probable.

I’m also waiting for Kristin to hop along and tell us based on her long and distinguished legal career that Pelosi is well within the bounds of the Constitution by withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate  so she can shape the Senate trial to her satisfaction.

I woke up with a big fucking chip on my shoulder this morning. While I knew this was inevitable, it still irritates the fuck out of me.

The first democrat that tried to spike the ball in front of me is going to get their nose broken.

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