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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 152 153 [154] 155 156 157
Spin Zone / Re: Reasons to Vote for Trump
« on: June 13, 2016, 09:34:10 AM »
The most overarching hysterical irony of this election cycle is after deriding Obama for having too little experience in government and public affairs extolling Trump, who has none at all.

Obama had zero experience in anything, except for "community organizing" and hanging out with radicals.  He never actually worked for a living and he never ran a company and made a payroll.   He was, and still is all hype.

 The most inexperienced amateur to hold the office.  And to date, the worse.

Spin Zone / Re: Critical topic of concern
« on: June 09, 2016, 07:43:35 PM »
Q: The difference between a Harley and a Kirby vacuum?

a: Position of the dirtbag.

Spin Zone / Re: Friends BMW damaged at Trump rally in San Jose, CA
« on: June 04, 2016, 07:40:56 AM »
And yet the left and Hillary blame Trump for the violence, and destruction because he "creates the environment."

Of course.  And the media joyfully joins in with the talking points.

However, a lot of Americans are tiring of the charades and seeing through this.

Spin Zone / Re: NRA endorses Trump
« on: May 26, 2016, 05:55:34 PM »
It really is literally tautologically true...

If you don't vote for anyone, you haven't voted for anyone.

To insist otherwise really comes across as retarded.


 Here is the reality of this years presidential election.  There will be two candidates, Trump and Clinton.  For third party there will be the usual libertarian, Green Party, etc that will garnish a very small percentage of the vote.

 The reality is the next president will be either a republican or a democrat, period.  If a registered democrat voter decides to sit out the election, it hurts the democrat candidate.  If a registered republican voter decides to sit out the election it hurts the republican candidate. 

 Back in 2000 had a few hundred registered republican voters in Florida had stayed home instead of voting and supporting GWB we would have had a President Gore.  Again, a very simple concept.

 Anyone who thinks it would be OK to have 4 years of Clinton as President needs their fucking head examined. The very thought of Hillary nominating 4 to 5 SC justices is repulsive.

Spin Zone / Re: It Was Predictable
« on: May 19, 2016, 06:22:27 PM »
I think BHO most definitely WANTS this bullshit stuff to be visible. If it ain't visible, it ain't an issue that can divide us.

Ultimate transformation.

Anytime the administration is up to something that they don't want on the surface they produce an "issue" that consumes the media and public.

I believe this is yet another ploy.

Spin Zone / Re: Exciting new health care plan changes!
« on: May 09, 2016, 08:04:40 PM »
Assuming I'm buying what you're selling, what's in it for him?

Go read "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky.  Then go read both of Obama's books.  While you are at it, go read Cloward and Piven.

 It should become obvious what's in it for him.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. Forces On Ground in Yemen
« on: May 07, 2016, 06:09:42 PM »
And into the French embassy, accidentally of course, as the French pussies didn't allow our F-111s to overfly French airspace.

I'm surprised the French let That's All Brother and thousands of other aircraft overfly France on 6 June 1944.


Like all of the French rifles that was surplused and sold after WW2 with the notation "Never fired, dropped once......"

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. Forces On Ground in Yemen
« on: May 07, 2016, 05:06:56 AM »
I'm all for US assistance with intelligence gathering and logistic support as long as only foreign troops are pulling the triggers on the offensive. I understand that our guys need to be on the ground in country to do their jobs and that they need the ability to defend themselves if need be, but they should be no where near the front lines, or covertly behind enemy lines. That is the job for the foreigners.

Should the people we are helping fail and start losing the battle, we should retreat and get out. It's not really our fight. As was pointed out above, this is exactly how Viet Nam started and in that case, we had way too much invested in trying to "save" people that either didn't want saving, or weren't worth saving. The Middle East is just like that.

You should add that whatever country we are "assisting" should be footing the bill. If they want our technical assistance, fine, pay the bill.  If they want hardware, fine, pay the bill.

Spin Zone / Re: Cruz Drops Out
« on: May 05, 2016, 05:21:59 AM »
As this unfolds over the next few months, we will come to know Trump much better.  We already know  everything we need to know about Hillary.

We will able to tell a lot about the Donald by who he chooses for advisors, who will be in his cabinet, who he announces he will wants for the Court, who he wants for VP.  He may just not be the loose cannon many fear.

It's 1980 all over again. Reagan was stupid, enept and didn't know anything, he was an actor for god's sake!  Reagan will be another Hitler.  Reagan will start WW3.  Doom and Gloom.

Spin Zone / Re: Glenn Beck loses $500,000 supporting Cruz
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:05:49 AM »
Given how globalized the world is, sometimes defending the U.S. means doing so on foreign soil. I would much rather fight there than here.

 This has been the excuse of the elites for 50+ years now.  Go out into the world, gin up a war "to defend freedom at home" or to "spread democracy" and the real winners are the industrial military companies who get awarded mega contracts to support the war effort.   President Eisenhower warned us of this as he was leaving office and it's come true, over and over.

Spin Zone / Re: The Pivot has begun
« on: May 03, 2016, 07:04:02 PM »
"The Republican Party is on the verge of nominating the least popular politician in American presidential history. Ironically, the party’s voters are doing it to spite its own leaders, but its leaders prefer Trump to the other guy.

"The result will be Hillary Clinton winning in November. Trump cannot build a meaningful coalition outside of blue collar white voters, white supremacists, and internet conspiracy theorists. The rest of the voting public no more wants Trump than herpes.

"Already Trump supporters are setting the stage for Trump’s defeat in November, blaming those of us who have declared ourselves “never Trump” for his loss. But Trump’s loss will be squarely on him and those who chose to support him while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that the American public would reject him."

Wow, those are some pretty sour grapes huh?

Spin Zone / Re: Why Won't Mr. "Will of the People" Debate?
« on: April 27, 2016, 07:29:29 AM »
So in other words, (I'm starting to like that debate style) You are saying that CNN, CNBC, FOX, MSNBC etc are the President's employer.

If the debates were actually methods of extracting real information, rather than ratings wars with 'gotcha questions", I might agree with you.  But your opposition to Trump skipping the debate is solely based on your dislike of Trump.


If the positions were switched, and Cruz was the front runner and Trump had been eliminated, and the Trump campaign asked for more debates we would be hearing an entirely different tune.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: April 24, 2016, 06:38:46 AM »
The same blank canvas as long as you don't peak under his kimono.

Obama had a radical past, associated with radicals, and had an unremarkable legislative career topped off by his staunch opposition to the Illinois version of the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.

The media was unwilling to take a peak, or address any of these issues once they were known.

The media had not taken a look under Trump's kimono either, or address any of these issues once they were known.

They difference is, all of this will be put out once his opposition is Hillary. He will be eviscerated.

Maybe the media where you live doesn't bother, but what I've been reading and watching the media has made an all out assault on Trump and it's been on going for months.  Every detail of his life from childhood, everything he has wrote, interviews from 30+ years ago, interviewing ex wives, ex workers, anyone who will say something negative, etc.  Couple that with the millions of dollars in negative ads against him running 24/7.  They even tried to blame him for the missed registration on one of his airplanes.  I'm sure right now they are looking into every auto owned by a Trump company to make sure it's properly registered.


Spin Zone / Re: The illusions of Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:21:11 PM »
Playing word games and semantics.

 Does anyone here actually believe the delegates appoint themselves to go to a convention?  Does anyone here believe a person wakes up one morning and says "Hey, I' think I'll go to Cleveland this summer and be a RNC delegate!"

 To be a delegate you must be in the party.  To be in the party and work within the party you must get in with the right people.  Show up at a party meeting one day and tell the leadership "I'm here to be a delegate at the next convention!" will get you a lot of blank stares.

 The leadership picks people to be delegates.  It's partisan and if you don't play by the leadership rules or appease the right people, you ain't playing.

 Please try to tell me that the various state RNC committees don't play favorites and don't pick people based upon their likes and dislikes, and if you do, provide evidence. (one exception is some states do put delegates on the vote during primaries, just not who the delegate actually supports)

 If someone is a delegate and goes to the convention more than likely they will have their leadership from whatever state giving them direction.  Don't listen and do it your way?  Don't expect to ever be a delegate again much less any position within your state party.  Go along to get along or look elsewhere.

 So please don't sit here and tell me how the delegates won't change rules or will and won't do this or that.  And don't be so ignorant to say the RNC leadership doesn't have any say in the rules or how they are made. 

 This ain't my first rodeo and having been involved in Republican politics on a state level previously it goes without saying the party leadership calls all of the shots, period. Rogues need not apply.

Spin Zone / Re: 2016 Congressional Pork Barrel Spending
« on: April 18, 2016, 06:41:49 AM »
arguably, that 84% overun might be less than it would have been otherwise.

 An over run is an over run.  When you have these so called fiscal conservatives running the show and engaging in this kind of behavior it just goes to show it's politics as usual. 

 Both parties are bought and paid for, and must now service their masters.

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