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Messages - Lucifer

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You are right.  The 2nd itself won't go away.  But a liberal court will transform it to the point where we would need governmental permission to own a gun, and probably additional permission to buy ammo, and it will have to be locked up except for times when we have permission to hold it.

That will all probably happen eventually, but if we elect Hillary, it will happen sooner.

A liberal/progressive court will nullify the 2A as an individual right.  Hillary says she "respects" the 2A, but she only respects as a GOVERNMENT RIGHT, not an individual right.  Hillary, and the Democrats do not want to have any obstacles to a full totalitarian dictatorship. 

The "Militia" will be reinterpreted to mean the state National Guard which is not "the People", but the Government run Army. 

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 23, 2016, 06:48:56 AM »
I certainly admit to moments of weakness. But I don't use conservative as a pejorative. I never call the entire group of you names like fascist and totalitarian. I never suggest that you are all willfully ignorant or blind. And I certainly don't think you all are gullible fools with the wool pulled over your eyes by the Republican party.

All of that I see from you guys, toward Democrats, on a daily basis.
Maybe there is a good reason for that.

Your Precious 2nd amendment isn't going away, despite all the scare tactics the NRA likes to spread. (But go ahead and keep fooling yourselves)
You are right.  The 2nd itself won't go away.  But a liberal court will transform it to the point where we would need governmental permission to own a gun, and probably additional permission to buy ammo, and it will have to be locked up except for times when we have permission to hold it.

That will all probably happen eventually, but if we elect Hillary, it will happen sooner.

Spin Zone / Black Panther Leader: Vote For Trump
« on: October 22, 2016, 08:18:23 PM »

This is amazing.

"Barack Obama served two terms.  I ask our black brothers:  Has our condition improved?"

Spin Zone / Re: DNC Bus Drops Raw Sewage into Storm Drain
« on: October 22, 2016, 11:48:08 AM »
I love how people think that the actions of a third party contractor represent the moral views of an entire organization. These bus companies drive for everyone and are just hired guns. The dumb arse contracted XYZ bus company dumped it, not the DNC or a DNC employee. Stupid, yes...but equally stupid to imply the DNC knowingly dumped it.

So if it were a Trump bus, what do you think the media would have done?  Don't you think the party of uber environmentalism (fascism) should be more careful when they hire contractors?  How are they at selecting, and running subcontractors when they are in power, like they are now?

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:05:35 AM »
If you intend to change hearts and minds, go into the discussion with a recognition that their views are valid. Then focus on plugging gaps in knowledge and promoting what you see as simple truths.

Pure lies, and falsehoods are NOT valid.  That is what the Democrats use to further their control of law abiding citizens that own guns.  The simple truth is that people cause violence, not guns, and most of the stats the Dems use to further MORE gun control are suicides, and gang violence.

Criminals DON'T follow more gun control laws.  It only affects the law abiding gun owners, and the reason the Dems don't want the law abiding to have guns is more CONTROL, and dependence.   

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:40:23 AM »
If you intend to change hearts and minds, go into the discussion with a recognition that their views are valid. Then focus on plugging gaps in knowledge and promoting what you see as simple truths.

That first sentence is important. If, like so many on this forum, your position is that Democrats are gullible fools with the wool pulled over their eyes, your veiled condescension will be apparent, and debating in good faith will be difficult.

And you my friend, need to read that first sentence again, because judging from your last sentence, you are not practicing what you preach.

Spin Zone / Re: More debate hilights
« on: October 22, 2016, 06:24:19 AM »
You really need help.  You are sounding more and more like a SNL watching liberal all the time.

Spin Zone / Re: Opinion
« on: October 21, 2016, 08:12:09 AM »
I would not bother, ideology trumps fact for many on both sides but especially with Leftists in my experience - if they are OK with her statements and policy positions to-date, or are unaware of them, if they are OK with her seemingly endless scandlas or completely unaware of them is not relevant at this point.

The only folks who are still reachable IMO are the wish-washy Republicans who have their panties in a wad about the latest media-manufactured Trump scandal that are thinking of sitting it or wasting a vote on Johnson, and the truly undecided - and that requires a balancing act of pointing out the POLICY strengths of Trump while attacking the POLICY and PERSONAL issues for Hillary.

No easy task, I have given up on it all - I'm going to hunker down and take care of me and mine regardless of the outcome (I have my doubts about the ability of Trump to win given the closeness since he has to not only win the actual vote, but to win by more than the margin of fraud, fighting the fully exposed and partisan media as well as the Republican establishment itself).  And to be clear lest my comments be taken out of context, I think out of the entire crop of candidates this cycle he is doing better than any of the others would have been doing since I believe they would have all folded like cheap suits months ago.


Spin Zone / Re: George's note to Bill
« on: October 20, 2016, 11:16:06 AM »
...Trump, who may not even accept the results of the election ...

"At a private fund-raiser in Los Angeles for Democratic Sen. Jean Carnahan of Missouri, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told the crowd that President Bush merely had been "selected" president, not elected, Newsweek reports in the current issue." (linky)

Cue the media histrionics about "not accepting the results of an election". Leftism is nothing if not a case study in psychological projection.

Spin Zone / Re: The final 2016 debate
« on: October 20, 2016, 05:33:33 AM »
I can't watch the debates, nor the "news" anymore.  I just can not stand the sight nor sound of Hillary.  It is not just her totalitarian Commie message, it is literally her image and voice.  She is just GROSS.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax returns for emails?
« on: October 19, 2016, 11:55:13 AM »
That assumes "Democrats" agree with her. Not necessarily a good assumption.

But they will vote for her, en masse. 

Spin Zone / Re: Tax returns for emails?
« on: October 19, 2016, 11:23:11 AM »
It's a matter of degree.  Neither party is squeaky clean but Trump takes corruption and institutionalizes it.  He publicly brags of bribing officials.  He takes money from his foundation and illegally contributes to a State Attorney General who decides to look the other way in the Trump University controversy.  He publicly incites followers to commit violent acts and then attacks the Democratic party for some fringe element doing the same and tries to connect this fringe element by innuendo to the main stream. He's a hypocrite who can't STFU no matter the consequences.  He's taken lying to a whole new level.  It's ludicrous to dismiss his level of lying by comparing it to the opposition--it's several orders of magnitude worse.
Wow. Good thing the DNC talking points aren't copyrighted, or you'd be in trouble.

Spin Zone / Re: Tax returns for emails?
« on: October 19, 2016, 09:54:29 AM »
EVEY time a progressive loses an argument about Trump versus Hilary, the immediate fallback position is to claim both sides are guilty to try and hold some high ground.
Nothing new here.

Spin Zone / Re: Unwanted sexual advances; be honest.
« on: October 17, 2016, 08:33:48 AM »
It is a tactic that both sides use against the other. However, in the instant case we have a man who, by his own mouth, did the things these women claim he did. And then he went on national TV and said he never did those things, despite previously saying he did. Now if I was a woman who had my crotch grabbed years ago by this dipshit, it'd rightly burn me up to see him on national TV claiming he never did those things, and I'd be highly motivated to go public just to screw him over.

So maybe you're right. Maybe the Clinton campaign dug up women who were willing to fabricate these instances. But perhaps you're wrong, and Trump did to many women exactly what he said he did.
These alleged things didn't happen in the Mad Men era of the 1960s. This was the 1990s or so - I've been in business during all the years this stuff was alleged to take place.

There were plenty of remedies that these women could have taken, in a contemporaneous manner, just like Bill Clinton's accusers. None of them availed themselves of any possible remedy until 3 weeks before a presidential election.

Pardon me if my bullshit meter is going off the scale.

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