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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: FBI Raids Trump Lawyers - Witch Hunt Underway
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:13:23 PM »
Make no mistake, what we are witnessing is the middle phase of a fucking coup d'etat, of, by and for the deep state.

Imagine if Hillary and her team, or Barack Hussein O' had been faced with even a fraction of this level of actual scrutiny/pursuit?

I literally can't think about it because of what this means for our country and by default the rest of the world.

The double standard is so glaring it puts to rest any thought that the political divide in this country can be healed, they have come out and finally stated it openly, this is about the eradication of the opposition to the Left - Orwell's darkest imagination never approached what we are witnessing right now.


Spin Zone / Re: States Rights; Popular vote; and Representation
« on: April 10, 2018, 07:19:44 AM »
Your in laws are just poor losers, and the grapes taste sour to them.  If Hillary had won the Electoral College, and thus the Presidency, and Trump the Popular Vote, they would be extolling the virtues of our system that's been in place, and worked for hundreds of years. 

They can make up excuses all they want, but what they are advocating is DEMOCRAT MOB RULE due to the urbanization of America.  The huge metro areas (cities, and suburbs) across the nation are solidly BLUE now.  They control entire states like CA, NY, NJ, MD, IL, MA, CT, RI, PA, etc.  It is a disturbing trend, and could mean the end of the two party system in the U.S. 

The fact that Trump was elected, and many Governors, and State legislators are Republican shows the resiliency of those voters outside of metro areas.  But, I fear it can not be sustained.   

 The progressives are tweaking and perfecting their "work around" of the electoral college.  They just weaponize various government agencies with ideological appointees that can't be fired, use the resources of the DoJ and the FBI for campaign opposition research, and for other government officials, such as SC justices and such that don't tow their line and do what they're told, they remind them about the files they have on them and how unfortunate it would be if those files were "leaked" to their MSM.

Spin Zone / Re: FBI Raids Trump Lawyers - Witch Hunt Underway
« on: April 09, 2018, 03:26:13 PM »
Our country is so screwed and so over at this point. The Democrats will do anything to take or keep power from the Republicans.  I heard that the CEO of Twitter has stated that the Republican party needs to be done away with.

Let's go back to when Hillary was questioned, not under oath about her email problem.  Whoever it was (sorry don't remember) that was with Hillary was allowed to claim she was her attorney (even though she wasn't) and was given immunity and was able to use attorney client privilege.

Also, remember Mueller was tasked with looking into collusion, which is not a crime.  Since when did we start looking into non-criminal activity in hopes of finding criminal activity?

The U.S. of A. that we thought we knew no longer exists and will never exist again.  The bureaucracies have been well infiltrated over the last eight years and the deep state will no longer allow a Republican to lead this country short of a true revolution.

Spin Zone / Re: States Rights; Popular vote; and Representation
« on: April 09, 2018, 07:30:49 AM »
You concept was how our nation was intended to operate from the beginning. Even the name chosen represents that we are to be a group of states, which share attributes about liberty, and national defense. If one looks at the actual power delegated to the prez, they are surprisingly thin. Any reading of the Declaration of Ind will give clear evidence that they wanted no part of a king, or oligarch. The fed guv is out of control, and the powers assumed by the pres are all out of proportion to what was intended.

As for the senators, we should never have gone to popular election. I consider the upper chamber of the congress to be a deliberative body. Charged with seeing that the nation retain it's individualism and answer to the people of their own state. Appointment by the governors, or by the state legislature was the right thing to do. Moving anything toward democracy is a mistake.

As for the electoral college system, the way it's set up now is to prevent large states from having too big a democratic sway in the process. Frankly, I consider the needs of Wyoming to be nearly as important as the needs of CA. If the political landscape were switched from R to D in WY, I would still think the same way.

Spin Zone / Re: My Neighbors
« on: April 05, 2018, 05:38:55 AM »
There are some of these type signs in our neighborhood. I've always been of the opinion that those who protest loudest are the ones with skeletons in their closets...

Spin Zone / Re: My Neighbors
« on: April 03, 2018, 07:21:04 AM »
Virtue signalling.

We have a spate of signs in yards around here that say "Hate has no home here." Friends refer to the one in their neighborhood as "the hate house." Essentially the sign posters are saying that only their type of hate is acceptable.

Kind of like ... only your take on science is real, Muslim treatment of women and gays is not worth mentioning, Christian businesses don't have rights, borders should be open no matter the dire consequences to legal residents, black lives matter but only outside the womb, and by implication whites are oppressors ...

The holiness spiral is evident. Your desire to feel and believe you are superior is the mechanism by which your party gets its power. It creates the stench of liberalism.

Spin Zone / Re: Inconsistent pro-lifers
« on: March 22, 2018, 05:59:45 AM »
If you have to ask there is literally no reason to engage in good faith because the outcome is sadly predictable but I'll try quickly.

An unborn child is 100% completely innocent, it has done literally nothing to deserve death, 'deserve' being the key element with respect to someone like myself who is pro-life/anti-abortion but also pro death penalty.

A criminal who has been found guilty of a heinous crime by a jury of their peers and sentenced to death has been judged in accordance with the laws we all agree to abide to by, the laws which make our society possible.

The death penalty is not used willy nilly and is in fact extraordinarily difficult to actually enforce.  There are a myriad of protections for criminals, far too many in my opinion, as I believe someone who is found guilty of a crime that the death penalty can be applied for deserves to die, but it is the system we have, perverse as it sometimes seems.

The issue with abortion on demand is that it is being used as an afterthought method of birth control, with two victims, the mother and the unborn child - one will carry mental/emotional scars for a period of time, but only one of them actually dies, and for no cause of their own, no deliberate decision to harm someone else, no violence. 

While I don't like the result, I see a reasonable allowance for cases where the physical health of the mother is in actual imminent jeopardy to take the pregnancy to term.

When you understand how the death penalty is enforced you see that it is reserved for a special class of crimes where intent is important, this is why mental competency is an important element in determining whether or not to push for the death penalty - it provides an unfortunate and undeserved out for clever criminals and defense teams, but is important because there are potentially a small number of perpetrators who don't understand their actions, but that is not most violent criminals.

The real aggravation for me is out of all the people effected by crime and abortion, there are significant protections under the law for the violent criminal or the mother (not making a one-to-one equivalency here), but there are not as strong protections for the victims of violent crimes (or their survivors), and there are NO protection for the unborn who are by definition the most innocent of all, and that is an abhorrent moral travesty to me.

This is not even apples and oranges.


Spin Zone / Re: School shooting in Maryland
« on: March 21, 2018, 08:31:18 AM »
If you took the time to read it, what I stated is that a better outcome would have been if there hadn't been an attack in the first place. 

Or are my Leftie friends right and Republicans are more concerned with crowing about an SRO working rather than life?  BTW, I think they're full of shit on that, they care more about losing than they do life.  But on the other hand what I'm hearing is that you're thrilled that an SRO shot a bad guy because it proves your position.  Who cares that a life was lost as long as YOU won, right?

The answer, for me at least, is respect for life and for other people.  All lives matter and ALL means everyone.
Yea, I read it. I have difficulty living in the world of rainbows and unicorns. I’m what’s called a realist, and I deal with facts, not wishes.

The fact is a bad guy tried to kill students. Bad guy was quickly killed by good guy so bad guy couldn’t attempt to kill more people.   End of story.

Grow up. It helps you live in the real world.

And as for your liberal friends talking about Republicans, they need to grow up too. Not a single liberal “solution” to school shootings like banning bump stocks, AR-15s, or anything else, would have stopped the Florida shooting or any school shooting. Not one.

But having armed officers in schools works. Proven by the MD shooting.

If you fail to point that out to your liberal friends, then you’re part of the problem, not the solution.

When government employees choose political sides, that is one thing. When they use their station to persecute those who dare not take the side they advocate, you are talking marxism. IF the conflict was simply over where the student would spend his time while thew assholes made their repeat protest, then that would be one thing to consider, but we know that in another school a student was threatened with arrest for holding an American flag, so there is plenty of government funded marcists int his argument.

We've been allowing this type of abuse to go on for way too long, because the fucking losers that make up most of the teaching profession these days whine so much that no one wants to deal with them.

Being a big enough pussy can have advantages and we've allowed them for far too long.

Spin Zone / Re: When Your Movie Sucks, Blame Racism....
« on: March 15, 2018, 08:19:31 AM »
Turn a beloved classic story filled with home truths into a cuckified, watered down and incoherent yawn, only to find that people don't like it?

She should go on a blaming tour in India!


Spin Zone / Re: Home deliveries should be banned!
« on: March 12, 2018, 12:58:25 PM »
When boxes are outlawed, only outlaws will have boxes.

Since they either are, largely anti-semitic themselves, or are, largely, self-hating jews they don't see a problem with this, Farrakhan also has the benefit of his association to the civil rights movement so like Elijah Cummings, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Sr., etc., they have a fairly high level of immunity from scandal being viewed as fellow travellers at best, house negroes at worst.

The Left is and has always been the real home of political racism in the US.


Spin Zone / Re: Trump meeting Kim mano-a-mano
« on: March 09, 2018, 11:00:51 AM »
I don't watch mad-cow but somehow I saw a blurb a few months ago with her ranting about Trump having his finger on the 'nuke button', and how Trump was gloating how is button was bigger than anyone else. She was all put-out that we might vanish in a cloud of radioactive dust because Trump was going to get us into a hot nuke exchange. Now - Trump agrees to sit down and de-escalate, and try to come to terms with a reduced nuclear threat to the US by negotiating, and she's spewing negativity again.

Trump can't win with the MSM. They are on a hate crusade WRT Trump and nothing will sway that. He could fund a cure for cancer and the left would complain about the cost and how long it took to get here. What a fem hygiene product, and the container it was wrapped in. Glad I don't have to listen to that cnut.

Spin Zone / Re: Dreamers want action, firing Dems
« on: March 08, 2018, 03:51:49 PM »
Trump will win with the dreamers and the Republicans will benefit from it. 

The Dem's are foolishly wasting this issue and are pissing off the dreamers - Trump is the only one talking to and about the dreamers, and oddly is the only one making actual proposals to help them. 

The R's will yield to Trump's push and something will pass with little/no Dem support, Trump and the R's win, Dem's lose.

Trump keeps doing these rope-a-dopes and people seem not to be realizing what is going on, he is removing or emasculating every major Dem platform point by offering them what they want, sometimes more, in exchange for what seems like, to conservatives, way too much - the Dem's balk, Trump wins.

It is damn entertaining to watch.


Spin Zone / Re: On gun control.
« on: March 07, 2018, 11:56:12 AM »
I reject the premise that 'a majority of voters want something done'. 

We no longer have a reasonable and reliable method for determining what 'a majority of fill-in-the-blank' actually want, given what we have learned about push polling and outright lies masquerading as polls.

We do have a small, vocal minority pushing for something, but they are always there - the only thing that changes is how much focus they get from the complicit fellow-travellers in the political Left and the media (but I repeat myself) following a tragedy (never let a crisis go to waste).

The reason we have not seen substantial changes in the gun laws in the US in terms of major restrictions is not because of the NRA but because 1 in 3 Americans owns at least one weapon and enjoys having them, and a number of us are very much single-issue voters when we feel there is a real threat - see jumps in NRA membership and gun sales at the mere mention of restrictions by Obama and the latest push from the Tide-Pod eating chirrens with skulls full of mush.


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