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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 63 64 [65] 66 67 ... 94
Spin Zone / Re: Ryan faces heat back home in Wisconsin
« on: August 22, 2017, 05:54:39 AM »
That's the trouble.  These guys are charismatic, politicians, that say the right things (then do the opposite), but can convince people in their local districts they are "nice guys".  His constituents are duped. 

Keep in mind that the Progressives are a very minor group.  The only reason they appear to have any traction is the MSM is in bed with them.

When push comes to shove this will become evident.  The progressives have severely under estimated the people in the fly over country, ya know, the delorables that cling to their bibles and guns.  BHO had the progressives convinced they were no longer a factor.    Wrong.

I used to think we needed to pull politicians out of their offices, physically, and tar, and feather them, throw them in a cattle car, and run them out of town.  Now I think we need to do that to the people in the media.  The media is THE ENEMY.  They hate America, and all it has stood for.  They are WAY too powerful. 

Spin Zone / Re: What a crybaby!
« on: August 15, 2017, 05:17:07 PM »
The police were ordered not to interfere.  The goal was to allow chaos and it turns out, even a human sacrifice, to attempt to make Trump look bad.   Terry McAuliffe and the Mayor should be the ones taking heat for this, not Trump.

^^^^^This.  It was a total set up.  If there were still a thing as investigative reporting, it would be all over the "news".  Since they only investigate Republicans, it will never happen. 

McConnell, (Mr. Turtle) needs to GO.

Agreed. McConnell, Schumer, are precisely what is wrong with Congress.  If the Convention of States fails to address term limits for Congress and the Judiciary, we are totally fucked.

The only reason, I am staying a registered Republican, and not become a registered Independent is to vote in the Primaries against Republican incumbents. 

Spin Zone / Re: Where's the Special Counsel for this?
« on: August 08, 2017, 09:02:33 AM »
Be very careful.

I'm pretty sure even discussing Loretta Lynch breaking the law is racist.

Or Eric Holder, and if you discuss Lynch you are racist, and sexist. 

Bottom line for me is the military shouldn't be a place for Social Engineering Experimentation.  We are putting soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines at risk, and it is not fair to them.  These are life, and death issues, plus mission readiness, and success issues.  Would the lib/progs like their sons to get killed, and the missions to fail to make themselves "feel" better about LGBT people, and women?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 08:28:09 AM »
Not saying this about anyone here, but I do think that many liberal/progressives are of a mindset of do as I say, not as I do.  Also, they are quick to commit other people's money for their pet, feel good causes, especially when they don't have any skin in the game.  So, I think invflatspin's sentence is valid. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving
« on: July 28, 2017, 07:07:16 AM »

Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to fuck it up, in the next election or beyond. Of course, the same applies to the Democrats, as evidenced by the nomination of the Anointed One. What I'd like in a candidate, broadly, is social liberalism, fiscal sense, and answers that aren't automatically "more government" and "more shitty laws".

^^^^^For the most part I agree.  However, I would want "social liberalism" to not mean social engineering policies that also destroy "fiscal sense". 

Spin Zone / Re: Breaking News!
« on: July 26, 2017, 06:00:17 AM »
We may know this is a lot of nothing (Russia, etc), but the mainstream media has successfully convince, or at least reinforced it is real to a lot of people.  Of course they are mainly Hillary supporters that are still butt hurt she lost, but still.  It is scary what people believe, and WANT to believe.

Spin Zone / Re: Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases
« on: July 22, 2017, 10:07:31 AM »
The debate is over!!!  There is no voter fraud!  Just like the debate on MMGW 

I do not like the man's politics, nor demeanor, but I would not wish ill on him.  I hope he recovers, and retires.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Government Can't Fix Healthcare
« on: July 19, 2017, 07:00:19 AM »
The Democrats may smarten up, and run a moderate, populist that can be embraced by union types, and blue collar, middle America workers.  Naaaaa.  They are still eating brie cheese, drinking Chardonnay, and ridiculing FLY OVER AMERICA. 

I'm not sure whether you are saying that *I* think that or someone else (missing pronoun in your sentence). I don't actually think that. Tighter restrictions on gun ownership will probably have close to zero effect on violent crime by gangs and predatory criminals. I do think that making it easier for people in large cities to buy guns will probably lead to higher levels of domestic violence, perhaps vigilantism as well. Pack enough people close together in tight quarters and stress levels rise, it is human nature. Stress leads to disputes, and if the most convenient way to resolve a dispute is with a gun, some people are going to reach for the gun. It's hard to argue with that logic.

Where stress levels are low enough that such incidents are rare (such as here in VT), taking guns from honest people would solve absolutely nothing. That's why I tend to think gun laws should be a local matter, despite the 2nd amendment. But my mind is still open on the subject.

There is so much fail in this post, I just don't know where to begin.  The most convenient way to resolve a dispute is NOT WITH A GUN.  The vast majority of people know that is wrong, plus it will send you to JAIL. 

Punish the people that commit the crimes, not the legal gun owner!

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