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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:26:09 AM »
The difference was that even Democratic members of Congress saw FDR's court-packing plan as an unreasonable overreach by the Executive branch.

I see no similar scruples with today's Democrats in Congress.

The DNC, and their member Democrat politicians have embraced the far left, radical agenda they espouse.  They have learned to be successful they must be in LOCK STEP.  More like a goose step, but I digress.  There are very few if any moderate Democrats.  Look at their candidates for President.  Even O'Malley was a socialist to the nth degree.  Now Bernie, and Hillary are trying to out commie each other and promise "free" stuff that makes no sense whatsoever.  The 1 1/2 percent can't pay for it, and they know it, but the low information types lap it up. 

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:25:49 PM »
Aside from the ridiculousness of the rape analogy when discussing the Senate's parliamentary rules, I understand your desire for Republicans to be "above the fray."  However, the Court and the Constitution are now at stake.  It is not unreasonable to withhold support, or even a vote, on an Obama nominee in this circumstance.

Harry Reid changed the rules for the filibuster. When McConnell became the majority leader, he brought the rule back, essentially giving power to the minority that was denied the GOP when they were in the Senate minority.

It's almost like McConnell is more comfortable being in the minority than the majority.
^^ THIS ^^

The Republicans no longer know how to behave as the majority party/party in control.  They have been so routinely browbeaten that they are like the proverbial elephant caged by a piece of twine on its leg - it could very easily break the twine, and the neck of its' handler, but it never tries.

F'ing pathetic.  I predict McConnell and the GOP will cave as soon as someone mentions 'government shutdown blamed on the Republicans'.


Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 15, 2016, 03:16:07 PM »
I'm just kinda surprised there's any debate on this at all - the sitting President gets to select Supreme Court Justices. Democracy in action.

If and when there's a Republican president, then he'll get to choose if and when another vacancy opens up.

It just seems so simple.
First, the President doesn't get to select Supreme Court justices, he gets to nominate them and it's up to the Senate to confirm them. There is no obligation that the Senate confirm the nominee. Second, a president doesn't get to choose if there is a vacancy on the court since they are lifetime appointments. Generally speaking, with death being the exception, Supreme Court justices try to retire during a presidency that is closely aligned to their ideology so that their replacement is also of the same ideology.

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 15, 2016, 11:59:18 AM »
Totally agree can't we say we are better than them and do thing the right way?

So when your kids get in trouble do you let them off becuase they tell you that everyone is doing it. Sure it is ok to cheat on the test everyone else did any ways.

This is a difficult one.  It's like when a football team cries foul when the refs enforce the rules, and then when it happens to the other team the same thing happens.  All I know is the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive have done a lot of wrong, and broken a lot of laws and rules because to them the ends justify the means.  They've made it an art form, and get away with it due to the complicity of the media, their partners in the Progressive agenda.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:42:38 AM »
Me too.

You may want to read the article and sources. This is an organization that is known to be respectable by folks on both sides of the aisle.

You're the same people that call those that want to follow the Constitution as RADICAL.  Ooooh, that evil Constitution that made our Country great. 

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 15, 2016, 06:22:31 AM »
Sure we will, despite the hyperbole.

These swings have historically been like a pendulum, always swinging back to the center after trending too far left or right.

Regardless, since the president gets to choose, and the president was duly elected by a majority of the electorate, time to suck it up and realize the system is likely working exactly as it was designed to.

No, I am sorry, it is different this time.  We have had 50 years of socialist indoctrination by education, media, and government.  In addition, we have a purposeful invasion of illegal immigrants which will be liberal/progressive, vote Democrat just to get free stuff.  We are in a different age, and at or past the tipping point of what this country is all about.  Capitalism is going away, cronie capitalism, and socialism is replacing it.  The pendulum will not swing back.  The President is purposely Fundamentally Transforming the nation like he said he would, the system is now rigged to the point of no return.

Open your eyes. 

Spin Zone / Re: Republican Debate 2/13/16
« on: February 14, 2016, 02:13:04 PM »
Reince Priebus is an ass for going along with these absurd debates.    If they want a true debate, put it on CSPAN, no audience and pick neutral moderators and leave out the personal bullshit and stick to real topics, and give them time to discuss positions.

I heard some commentators on Fox saying it was "good TV" meaning there was a lot of colorful infighting and drama.  That's what the want.  They don't want a good, solid debate of the issues, they want RATINGS and MONEY. 

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:34:29 AM »
I am saying that maybe if we accept a moderate now, and avoid a partisan battle, we'd have a better chance of winning the White House, and then be able to appoint conservatives when other justices retire.

Ok fair enough.  I don't agree, we have become afraid of our own shadow.  We can't have a budget process or use the power of the purse because the press will 'blame' us for shutting down the govt.  We need a conservative now and its time to dump the traitors and grow a pair.

Spin Zone / Re: Scalia is gone
« on: February 13, 2016, 04:24:03 PM »
Yep, thank you all loyal Republicans who stayed home in 2012 to "protest" Romney as the nominee. 

Your so called protest is about to pay off.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 12, 2016, 03:42:06 PM »
My preference is to have a conservative for the general election.  A vote for Trump for the republican nomination is a vote to guarantee a Democrat in the WH
You can keep repeating this bullshit trope all you want Jeff but it simply ain't so.  Trump's actual history with the Republican party 'trumps' your blind losertarian-jihad since the party itself sought to have him run almost 30 years ago now.  This is the second time he has been a candidate within the party primary series.

Here is a clue - in order to 'leave' the Republican party as he did in 2000 when he joined the Independent/Reform party (Center-Right), you first have to be a fucking Republican in the first place.

Is he party-ideology pure?  Nope, nobody says so, not even him.  But then, neither is anybody else still or previously in the running.  Cruz comes closest but I won't vote for him, I find him generally untrustworthy, like everyone else he has flopped on issues of improtance to me, and there is something else that I can still can't put my finger on that just sets off the red flags for me, your mileage may vary.

Frankly, the scorched-earth hard-on you have Trump is actually making me like him more since it makes me do the tiniest bit of research before I put finger to keyboard - you might try it sometime.  Still not supporting him with my time or money, but I could vote FOR him if he ends up the candidate - can't say that about Cruz, Bush or Kasich - even with recent missteps Rubio has almost worked his way back into contention although I don't trust him thanks to the Gang of Eight crap.

It's South Park Turd Sandwich vs Giant Douche, and if I can't vote FOR, I am not voting - we may need to more fully experience the pain of failure before people wake up in large enough numbers to make a real difference.


Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 12, 2016, 08:22:52 AM »
Jeff, did you ever get an answer to this question?
This has been asked and answered already - Ronald Reagan, inarguably the most impactful conservative leader in American history, would not pass this 'test' since he did not 'passionately advocate conservative positions when not running for office'.  He was campaigning for Governor of CA when he gave the Time for Choosing speech - and had been a Democrat previously. 

Trump has used plain language to explain his previous monetary support for candidates on BOTH side of the spectrum and it makes total sense to anyone who has run a business, let alone a large concern where government interference and oversight is arguably more intrusive and open to abuse than many (real estate development/banking).  Anyone not accepting that is simply not listening with an open mind IMO.

Does anyobody recall Trump nearly getting into the mix before now?  Started in 1988 friends, there was a draft Trump movement within the Republican party.  He almost ran as a Reform Party/Independent in 2000, and as a Republican in 2012.  None of these are Democrat, even Reform Party was Center/Right.

It is a total bullshit strawman because it limits the timeframe/frame of reference in such a way as to 'theoretically' only favor one answer and as pointed out, not even Reagan would pass given the restrictions on timeframe.


Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:30:28 AM »

So, if Hillary were to switch and run in the Republican primary, conservatives would be prohibited from criticizing the fact that she's actually a democrat because "inward directed fire"?

Trump is a democrat in all but name.  As such, he is a far more dangerous enemy than Hillary, as some folks think you can't call attention to that fact because it's "inward directed fire".  He is running purely on a Cult of Personality, one that would make the Kims of DPRK jealous.
Jeff you can THINK that all you want, but to state it as FACT is just wrong and totally unsupported by the actual evidence.

I don't understand your obsessive hard-on for Trump, makes no sense but is a real turn-off and the aggro you have for Trump and anyone who says anything positive about him or disagrees with you about it is equally off-putting.

Suggesting that Trump and Hillary are in any way interchangeable is just jumping the shark and demonstrates you shouldn't be taken seriously on this subject.

We get it, you don't like Trump.

Who DO you like?

What do you stand FOR?

As a self-identified Libertarian why should anybody on the Republican side give one flying fuck what you think about their candidates in the first place?


What do you think of this Rubio ad (played in the first minute below)
While the above referenced ad is surely explaining his religious views I don't see him coming across as a Jim Baker wannabe.  Then again, my view may be shaped by my prejudices.  Watch Cruz and wait for the head tilt.  In poker we call that a "tell".  With Cruz, it's a tell that he's fixin' to turn on the shtick.

Rubio/X.  Cruz can't win as long as he keeps turning on his TV evangelist shtick.  I'm a Christian and find his act tiresome and loathsome.  I can't imagine anyone but the ever shrinking evangelical folks voting for him.  Now, if he quits with the shtick, it may be a different story altogether.

Spin Zone / Re: Hawkeye Caucuses
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:46:13 AM »
You mean dirty games like the birther or loan lies that Trump used to hammer Cruz before the Iowa caucuses?
No, that is standard campaigning, it is annoying crap but normal - if it is good for the goose (re Obama and the Birth Certificate) then it is good for the gander and I do think it is a question Cruz would need to address and I am not the only one. 

The loan thing was crap but it is not even remotely like sending out official looking documents with Voting Violation in big red letters across the top, or stealing votes from Dr. Carson by misrepresenting a CNN story that misrepresented the situation and then choosing not to correct that as soon as the truth was known.

Apples and oranges, at least to me.


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