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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 94 95 [96] 97 98 ... 157
Spin Zone / Re: a side-effect of COVID-19
« on: April 29, 2020, 06:37:04 AM »
I have a bachelors degree in economics. I tell you it means NOTHING. I came away with pathetic little understanding of the real world economy. They teach a lot of “models” and we all know how accurate they are at representing reality.

They also teach about how to control the economy by various means such as injecting stimulus money, which is like trying to make a blanket longer by cutting a foot off the bottom and sewing it on to the top. They teach this stuff with a straight face! It’s amazing.

I didn’t understand how the economy works until after I graduated and started reading on my own.

I agree.   But look at those who, when questioned, point at that parchment hanging on the wall, as their affirmation that they indeed know what they are speaking to.  And even worse are those who only teach their subject with no actual working knowledge (as in working in the field) on their subject matter.

 Real world experience is not something learned in the classroom.

Spin Zone / Re: Now unemployment
« on: April 28, 2020, 03:31:07 PM »

Nearly 50% Workers Will Earn More In Unemployment Benefits Than From Work

Sent from my iPad . Squirrel!!

As planned.  Yes, the republicans caught this, but only a few had the backbone to demand it be removed.

Fuck all of them.

Spin Zone / Re: Just a spoonful of Chlorox...
« on: April 26, 2020, 07:12:50 AM »
  Be honest.

Who the fuck are you kidding?   

Just another perfesser drive by.

Spin Zone / Re: General Flynn
« on: April 25, 2020, 06:51:53 PM »

“The government has deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution – knowing there was no crime by Mr. Flynn,” the attorneys also wrote in Friday’s filings. “All this new evidence, and the government has advised there is more to come, proves that the crimes were committed by the FBI officials and then the prosecutors. The government’s misconduct in this case is beyond shocking and reprehensible. It mandates dismissal.”

Spin Zone / General Flynn
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:28:17 AM »

The extent the prosecutors went to in order to get a plea of guilty, and to destroy this man.

Spin Zone / Re: Time to Reopen the Country
« on: April 25, 2020, 06:07:24 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: We've Been Had
« on: April 24, 2020, 01:49:44 PM »
We have to learn from this.  Time to start cleaning house.  Time to demand a convention of states.

We should never have any more career politicians, term limits for every one of them.

Then we uncouple from China and let them peddle their shit elsewhere.

Spin Zone / Re: I just got back from my doctor....
« on: April 23, 2020, 02:33:54 PM »

I think the gov over did the COVID-19 panic [duh!] and now the hospitals are paying the price.

 All of us are paying the price, and we've yet to hit bottom.

Spin Zone / Re: Democrats WANT a Depression to unseat Trump
« on: April 23, 2020, 07:00:37 AM »
Dude, we don't need a depression to unseat Trump. All that's needed this time around is to run a Trump vs. Trump campaign.

Show Trump side by side saying one thing on one date vs. another thing on another date, constantly contradicting himself. Ad after ad after ad.

We can run a barely alive democrat and still do this. Which frankly, we seem to be doing...

How has your company been doing for the past 3 years?   Was your company doing better prior to 2016?

Spin Zone / Re: POTUS bans immigration
« on: April 22, 2020, 05:11:47 PM »
So Rush, combing back to your statement:

It took 6 minutes and 2 replies (of which 1 of them was mine) before we got to:

This is a very typical and almost universal response from his base, which is why I trolled exactly for it.

Next time you say: "His base has NO PROBLEM WITH LEGAL IMMIGRANTS", keep this in mind.

PS: Thanks for taking the bait Lucifer, I didn't mean anything personal by my response. If you didn't, someone else would have.

My my, aren't you the clever one. 

So please enlighten us why diversity is so much more important than knowledge and skills? And while you are at it, tell us your thoughts on chain immigration.


Spin Zone / Re: POTUS bans immigration
« on: April 22, 2020, 03:49:43 PM »

And really, his base has no problem with legal immigrants that won Greencards in the lottery? A program that's purely designed to increase the diversity of people coming into the US? A program that Trump already threatened once to terminate and that republicans tried in 2017 to pass a bill to terminate?

Diversity???    Are you shitting me?

What Trump has pushed for is people to come to this country that can offer us something, such as a desired trade or skills.   Instead we get people coming here with no means of support and want to get on the free handout line.

 Many of those greencard lottery bring nothing to the US except another person the taxpayer must support.   


Spin Zone / Re: Time to Reopen the Country
« on: April 21, 2020, 11:08:27 AM »
In further developments, the mayor of our county, a republican, is following the lead of the governor and opening the county May 1. Our democratic mayor is now considering having the police force issue individual citations to anyone violating HIS shelter at home proclamation.

Again, right down the party line.

The mayor cannot have police write violations for anything outside of the law.  The mayor cannot write laws on his own, those laws must be wrote by the legislature and signed by the governor.   The mayor is an executive, and executives are there to enforce the laws as written by the legislature.

 Tyranny is when an executive in government decides to bypass the legislature and courts and begin issuing their own laws and demanding his police force enforce them.

Spin Zone / Re: who has the courage of conviction...
« on: April 21, 2020, 08:02:07 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: who has the courage of conviction...
« on: April 21, 2020, 07:58:19 AM »
Where do you go to get a mask?  Home Depot is out of the only ones that work, the N95 mask. 

The veterinarian community (per my daughter) is laughing at these cloth masks that people are wearing to protect themselves. That is because the moisture from breathing leaves a moist field right in front of your nose and mouth, so if you DO pass through a cloud of a sneeze, for example, that contains the virus, any germs will stay on the cloth in front of your mouth and nose for you to inhale at your leisure.  She said it is way better to pass through a sneeze cloud than to invite it to live on your face mask.

Using it to protect others is understood, but not to protect yourself.

 It seems most are incapable of thought anymore.  Someone makes a suggestion without any scientific proof, then a government official reads it then makes it an "order".   Total fuckin' lunacy.  And to see what these idiots are wearing as "protection" is downright laughable.   This just proves to the government how much control they have over the sheeple.

 If a governor came out today and declared "We have railroad boxcars ready to take everyone to a covid19 safe place, so start lining up" I think most of us would be shocked at the crowds forming at the rail yard.

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