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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Symbols of Hatred
« on: August 17, 2017, 01:47:30 PM »
Trump was elected because of morons like you guys.  The one thing he said that was utterly correct.  He could walk out and shoot someone in the head on 5th avenue and you all would still defend him.

Damned proud of voting for Trump. This country needs an enema.

Spin Zone / Re: This country has gone nucking futz
« on: August 17, 2017, 12:05:43 PM »
I am waiting for the alt-left to examine the outrage of Hilary Clinton using the confederate flag to woo southern voters and demand all reference to he be banned from national discussion.

This is all about destroying the Republican Party because the democrats can't win honestly.

The noise is all orchestrated and the media is playing their part perfectly.

Spin Zone / Re: Symbols of Hatred
« on: August 17, 2017, 11:24:22 AM »
According to folks hereabouts, if the fucking BLM, 99%er, Black Panther come marching into my neighborhood and I go out and yell at them, I'm just as bad as them.  According to folks here I have to meekly stay in my house and let BLM members, Black Panthers, Black and Islamic supremacists and bigots of all stripes do whatever they please wherever they want.


There is an underbelly of seething hatred among a subset of Americans being used by the alt-left to gin up violence and hate, to push the country towards a civil war.

It's working because so many far leftists love the idea of pretending to be victims.

Cloward and Piven, and Saul Alinsky.

Read those and you can see exactly what's happening.

Spin Zone / Re: This country has gone nucking futz
« on: August 17, 2017, 05:58:55 AM »
The racist, bigoted hand of the alt-Left is all over this.

Yep.    Let's take out the 'ol Progressive playbook and review, shall we?

They attempted to use sex, their #1 tactic against any opponent.   Didn't work.

Then they attempted assassination of his finances and taxes...........another fail.

They spent $$$millions trying to dig dirt and pay people

They went after his family......Nope, fail there.

Then they concocted "Russia! Russia! Russia!".............and after a year, nothing there as well.

 So now we have the Progressives attempting to get a race war ginned up.   Folks, this is straight out of Cloward and Piven as well as Saul Alinsky.

 Look for it to get even more loony.

Spin Zone / This country has gone nucking futz
« on: August 16, 2017, 12:24:44 PM »
That is all.

Spin Zone / Re: Symbols of Hatred
« on: August 16, 2017, 07:16:41 AM »
Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Medgar Evers, Malcom X(by any means necessary). All gotta come down, be erased from history. Sorry, only it's only 'fair'.

Spin Zone / Re: What a crybaby!
« on: August 15, 2017, 10:35:45 PM »
These statues have been up over a hundred years in many cases.  Why now do they have to be torn down?  Why are they so threatening to the left, and the media?  Did Lee, or maybe Stonewall Jackson get down off their horses, and start looting like the BLM in Baltimore?

Maybe if the statues offend you, don't look at it when you drive, or walk by?   

Fear. The unstoppable march to the left has been interrupted by Trump. Anything that could potentially be a rallying point, or focus of conservatism must be crushed.

Anger. When you lose, it's common to get angry about the loss of power, and lash out at those who win. Including their statues.

Hate. They can't face the fact that their lives are miserable, and someone else is 'making it'. Success without progressive thought cannot be allowed to flourish, so they hate, and stamp out any signs of a reduction in the sad, and tortured movement to the left.

I agree with the Tenth Amendment people.
Force Congress AND every federal employee onto obamacare and watch how fast it disappears.

Spin Zone / Re: What a crybaby!
« on: August 14, 2017, 06:11:21 PM »
I see tonight they're just going to go ahead and tear down statues themselves.  What's next, take George Washington off the dollar bill because he owned slaves?  The left wants to erase all the early history of this country so they can reconstruct it as they want. 

Maybe we should just declare the Constitution null and void because some of the signers were slave owners.  My bet is BHO has a lot to do with this as well as Soros.

Spin Zone / Re: What a crybaby!
« on: August 14, 2017, 02:02:14 PM »
It's all part of the playbook.

If the President came out and said he like dogs and cats, they would start crying "What, you hate all other animals!!"

Spin Zone / What a crybaby!
« on: August 14, 2017, 12:56:50 PM »
What, did Trump not say loudly enough that white people were evil racists? MLK, Jr must be spinning in his grave.

The DNC has been hijacked by the Alt Left Progressives.  Media Matters is a perfect example of that.

And putting Tom Perez as head of the DNC is another example.

 The democrats need leadership from the more centrist of the party and those in the flyover country.  They also need to disown the alt left progressives and openly come out against them.   Only then will they be able to start taking back their party and rebuilding their message to something that might just resonate with voters.  Right now the Alt Left message is "hate Trump" and people are getting quite tired of it, even democrats.

 If the democrats would openly come out against Media Matters it would actually help their cause.

I've learned to never underestimate the ability of either party to fuck it all up. So the Dems are not "over", and the Repubs are not in the throes of a dynasty.

However, the DNC needed to do some serious soul searching and appears to have utterly failed to do so. A truly sizeable chunk of Democratic voters absolutely despised Clinton, to the point that they were willing to accept the possibility of a win by Donald Fucking Trump (myself included)! My opinion is that the writing was on the wall very early on in the process, and the DNC failed to recognize it. So they put up sole support for The Anointed One, and the rest is history.

They'll come around, of course, through some combination of putting up a better candidate and the Repubs screwing things up. I'm just not sure how long it'll take.

But he didn' just mysteriously shut itself down..........then mysteriously opened itself again.......

Russians meddling in our forum.

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