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Spin Zone / Questions Without Answers About Ukraine
« on: March 26, 2023, 08:01:33 AM »

Questions Without Answers About Ukraine
Americans trying to understand the current administration’s obsession with Ukraine will note a number of unanswered questions surrounding the crisis.
By Victor Davis Hanson

March 22, 2023
Ukrainians, and many Europeans and Americans, are defining an envisioned Ukrainian victory as the complete expulsion of all Russians from its 2013 borders. Or, as a Ukrainian national security chief put it, the war ends with Ukrainian tanks in Red Square.

But mysteries remain about such ambitious agendas.
What would that goal entail?

Giving Ukraine American F-16s to strike bases and depots in Mother Russia? The gifting of 1,000 M1 Abrams tanks? Using American Harpoon missiles to sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet?

A huge arsenal that would guarantee total victory rather than not losing?

Russia’s cruel strategy is to grind down Ukraine and turn its eastern regions into a Verdun-like deathscape.
So is a brave Ukraine really winning the war when it loses about 0.6 soldiers for every Russian it kills?

Russia plans to leverage its extra 100 million people, its 10-times larger economy, and its 30-times larger territory to pulverize Ukraine and tire its Western patrons—whatever the costs to Russia.
Yet why were only a few in past administrations calling for a joint Western effort to expel Putin’s forces from the borderlands and Crimea captured in 2014?

Why are Putin’s 2014 invasions now seen as urgent rectifiable crimes of aggression, but were not regarded as reparable until 2022?

Is the United States economically capable or politically unified or socially stable enough to wage a huge proxy war on the frontiers of a nuclear Russia?

During the last comparable multibillion-dollar military efforts—the First Gulf War in 1990-1991 and the 2003 invasion of Iraq—the ratio of American debt to GDP was respectively 40 and 50 percent.
Today it hovers at nearly three times that figure at 129 percent, given some $33 trillion in accumulated debt.

Currently, the American economy is entering a stagflationary crisis. Banking, real estate, and financial sectors seem on the brink of imploding, especially after the near-record multibillion-dollar collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX, and the meltdowns of the Silicon Valley and Signature banks.

Around 7 million illegal entries have occurred across the southern border since January 2021 alone. Millions of new impoverished foreign nationals tax social services, spike crime, and strain relations with an increasingly antagonistic Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

An emboldened Obrador now brags that 40 million of his countrymen have cumulatively crossed the border, many illegally. He urges them to vote for Democratic candidates to ensure more open borders.
Last year, over 100,000 Americans died of opiate overdoses. Most of the deaths were attributable to Mexican cartels’ brazen export of fentanyl across an open border.

Nearly a million Americans have likely died of such overdoses since 2000—more than double the number of fatalities in World War II.

Given its shell-shocked inner cities and toxic downtowns, America is beginning to resemble mid-19th-century England that sent forces all over its global empire while novelist Charles Dickens chronicled the misery and poverty at the imperial core in London.

Is the Ukrainian war also creating the most dangerous anti-American alliance since World War II?
China is buying cheap Russian oil, while stealthily supplying its weapons.

India, normally a rock-solid democratic ally, keeps buying both banned Russian oil and armaments.
Most of the major countries in South America have not joined the sanctions.

Clients like nuclear North Korea and soon to be nuclear Iran are empowered by overt help from Russia.
NATO member Turkey and once-allied Saudi Arabia appear now friendlier to Iran, friendlier to China, and friendlier to Russia, than they are to America.

In terms of combined oil reserves, nukes, population, area, and GDP, this new loose coalition of apparent anti-Americans seems more powerful than the United States and its squabbling friends in Europe.

Why were those now calling for a veritable blank check for Ukraine formerly quiet when the United States fled in humiliation from Afghanistan?

Why were they mostly silent when an appeasing Joe Biden begged Vladimir Putin at least to spare some U.S. targets on his otherwise extensive anti-American cyberwar hit list?

Or why were they indifferent when Biden said he would have fewer objections if Putin’s anticipated attack on Ukraine would be “minor”?

Or why were they not so eager for confrontation when Putin earlier acquired the Eastern Ukrainian borderlands and Crimea in 2014 in the first place?

Or why so subdued when the United States in 2015-16 refused to sell Ukrainian offensive weapons?

Why does the United States discount the serial and ascending nuclear threats from Russia, but we remain careful not to antagonize China?

After all, China sent a spy balloon brazenly across the United States to surveil and spy on American strategic locations.

And why is the administration so quiet about a likely leak of an engineered deadly COVID-19 virus from a Chinese virology lab that killed 1 million Americans?

These are Ukrainian war-related questions that never seem to be answered—but should be as the carnage rises and the nuclear threshold falls.

Spin Zone / The New World Disorder: There Are No Coincidences
« on: March 19, 2023, 03:32:58 PM »

The New World Disorder: There Are No Coincidences

I took part in private investigations for a number of years and having done so learned early on that there are no coincidences.

In June, 2020, elites from around the world gathered to announce a plan to reset the entire world economy. These elites or oligarchs have been planning this for many decades. They literally have to destroy Western civilization to accomplish it.

That is to say it is not just about our economy. It will radically alter the entire social order of our planet.

Their gods are power, money, and technology, with no belief in a supreme being
Where they got the authority to decide our future is anyone's guess. They named it, or renamed it, The Great Reset. It involves the World Economic Forum (WEF), the public face of the New World Order. And then you have the Bilderberg Group, the hidden and probably the power behind the WEF. It also involves the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, Prince... now King Charles, the Rothchilds, major international corporations like Bank of America, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Shell Oil, Chevron, and many others. Personalities you will hear most often are Klaus Schwab (WEF), George Soros, Bloomberg, John Kerry and Al Gore ('we're all going to die') and, of course, Bill Gates. Their gods are power, money, and technology, with no belief in a supreme being, except themselves. The Democrat Party leadership has decided to take part in this 'realignment' thinking they will have a major part in its direction.

The environment is the guise they are using to destroy nations. For the good of mankind, of course. Climate change is a hoax! Why do they love China so much when they are the #1 polluter in the world? Because China will be the model of control of the people left on our planet after their reset.

Whether Trump's presidency accelerated their plans is debatable, but Trump did cause them much panic, especially when he announced to the World Economic Forum in January of that same year... "We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country, or eradicate our liberty. America will always be the proud, strong, and unyielding bastion of freedom." In essence, Trump said the United States will not give up her sovereignty or take part in any world government.

The pandemic had to occur when it did, late 2019/early 2020, because Trump was not cooperating with the globalists
What is going on today is alarming, but not surprising. We are being bombarded from many different directions, all apparently with the same goal...instability. The world could very well be headed for war, new pandemics, more WOKE ideology destabilizing our society, pushing immorality, hiring for the visual instead of competency. Democrat cities are expanding welfare and homelessness. We have wide-open borders because the woke mentality thinks our country is too White and taking care of another 6 - 10 million more people will hasten our economic demise. And now? The real possibility of economic collapse, the final assault on the dollar and the end of privacy with a digital system. Some even say we are moving rapidly toward a combination of hyper inflation colliding with the Great Depression. There is no doubt, their globalist plans are being initiated with Trump having been just a bump in the road. The sequence of the parade of events is astounding and no coincidence.

The pandemic had to occur when it did, late 2019/early 2020, because Trump was not cooperating with the globalists. His presidency had to be destroyed or at least weakened substantially. They saw to it that Trump lost his re-election. I guess it could have been a coincidence that the Pandemic caused voting laws all over the country to be weakened to a point where fraud became inevitable. Election officials and courts were ignoring or modifying election law while state legislators inexplicably just watched. I suppose it was also a coincidence that plenty of proof of voter fraud was gathered, but no court wanted to hear it.

The WEF, filled with proponents of eugenics, has never hidden their opinion that the planet is overpopulated. I suppose it's just a coincidence that the pandemic's companions, the vaccines, are now causing excess deaths, serious injury and miscarriages by the millions, and to all age groups, especially the young. The FDA recently pulled 3 brands of eye drops for killing one person and injuring others and yet the COVID vaccines are still with us.

Is it a coincidence that they chose Biden, a corrupt, mentally challenged, ineffective lawmaker and VP to become president
Is it a coincidence that they chose Biden, a corrupt, mentally challenged, ineffective lawmaker and VP to become president, sign any Executive Order without reading it? He destroyed our energy independence, ignored our immigration laws and couldn't care less about the millions of unvaxed migrants crossing into our country, while mandating the vaccines for tens of millions of citizens including the military.

Putin was also not cooperating with the globalists. What a strange coincidence that Ukraine for years received mixed messages from NATO as to their admittance into the treaty, at the same time reassuring Putin that Ukraine was not going to be allowed to join. All Russia wanted was the assurance of the neutrality of Ukraine. They would not give it to him. Am I juistifying Putin? Absolutely not, but the whole story needs to be told, especially with the consequences as dire as they are. Ukraine is being used to conduct regime change in Russia and the globalists don't give a damn about Ukraine's people. If Ukraine had been allowed to conduct this war as they were, alone, it would have been over many months ago. Ukraine would still be intact and thousands of people would still be alive. But the globalists want to destroy Putin to the last Ukrainian. Wars are used to transform a society. Don't believe it? Ask the Bilderberg Group.

The Ukraine War gave the globalists the opportunity to do away with Putin, drain the U.S. of its munition stockpiles, watch Biden spend billions of dollars we can ill afford, in addition to the billions upon billions of dollars worth of military equipment left in Afghanistan. We are being bled dry while the new world order crowd readies their solution to all our problems...chains. Indeed, without America the world will fall.

China is happy that the USA grows weaker while they prepare to invade Taiwan
China is happy that the USA grows weaker while they prepare to invade Taiwan. China pretends to be in accordance with world government to the destruction of any nation that professes to be another contender for world domination. Was it a coincidence that COVID-19 was developed and released from China? No, that was the plan. Notice, I said released, not leaked.

It is all to establish the Great Reset. Was it coincidence that COVID appeared not long after Trump told the World-government types where to stick it? Was it coincidence that the vaccines were developed within months of the pandemic outbreak? Or, were they in development well before the release of COVID-19? In fact, were the vaccines for COVID-19 or was COVID-19 for the vaccines?

What we are seeing is not a new world order, but a new world disorder. The one thing that will not change is the elites, the oligarchs, the billionaires, the politically connected. They will all still be in charge, calling the shots. Self-government will have died. The poor will still be poor. Like Jesus said, "The poor you will always have with you." It's the vast middle-class, the strength and backbone of America and much of the Western world, that will be turned sideways. There are no coincidences.

Spin Zone / The Climate Cult
« on: March 18, 2023, 02:18:07 AM »

Spin Zone / The Fight For Anonymity
« on: March 13, 2023, 12:40:51 PM »

Douglass Mackey is the man behind the influential Twitter account “Ricky Vaughn.” In 2021 he was charged by the DOJ with election interference for posting satirical memes on Twitter. His trial begins today, March 13, 2023. He faces up to ten years in prison. If you have not been following the case, you can read more about it here.

Under the pseudonym Ricky Vaughn, Mr. Mackey, at his peak during the 2016, had more influence than NBC, CNN, and the Colbert Report. He reached and energized millions. He had a talent for making politicians look foolish and for eviscerating journalists. President Trump was elected in part because of the groundswell he helped mobilize.

In 2018 he was doxxed and afterwards went to go live a quiet life in Florida away from the spotlight.

In 2021, mere days after Biden took office, Mr. Mackey was charged with election interference and arrested by the FBI.

He is accused of committing a crime for posting on Twitter. The DOJ alleges that he engaged in conspiracy to defraud people of their voting rights by posting satirical memes of the kind that are common around election-time. Specifically, he circulated images which suggested that one could vote by texting the word “Hillary” to a phone number, a mechanism so patently ridiculous that it couldn’t be taken at face value.

Spin Zone / The Turtle
« on: March 09, 2023, 03:28:22 PM »

Spin Zone / Ukraine Cluster Fuck
« on: February 26, 2023, 10:15:25 AM »

  So far FJB and his cohorts in congress have given Zelensky over $100billion of our dollars (with no accountability), and now are telling us we need to provide pensions for Ukrainians among other social services.

  At what point will Zelensky demand we send troops into the war to do his fighting?  So far, everything he's demanded he eventually gets.

  Oh, and now China is proposing a cease fire resolution.  So Xi steps up to the world's stage to show once again China is the new world super power.   

Spin Zone / The World Has Enough Trouble
« on: February 26, 2023, 08:08:44 AM »

The World Has Enough Trouble

If you think about it at all, can you come up with any good reasons why our country has involved itself in the Ukraine war? To defend democracy, many say? An emptier platitude does not exist in the vast slippery lexicon of spin. To thwart Russia’s imperial overreach? You apparently have no clue about Ukraine’s history, ancient or modern. To incite an overthrow of the wicked Putin by his own people? The Russian president is more popular there now than even John F. Kennedy was here in 1962.

     There actually are no good reasons for what we are doing in Ukraine, only bad reasons. Mainly, stoking the war there diverts Americans’ attention from our own problems, which is to say the titanic failures of America’s political establishment. The USA is falling apart from a combination of mismanagement, malice, and negligence. Our economy is a tottering scaffold of Ponzi schemes. Our institutions are wrecked. The government lies about everything it does. The news industry ratifies all the lying. Our schoolchildren can’t read or add up a column of numbers. Our food is slow-acting poison. Our medical-pharma matrix has just completed the systematic murder and maiming of millions. Our culture has been reduced to a drag queen twerk-fest. Our once-beautiful New World landscape is a demolition derby. Name something that hasn’t been debauched, perverted, degenerated, or flat-out destroyed.

      And so, the “Joe Biden” show is busy ginning up nuclear war hysteria because that’s all it has left for manipulating public emotion. The Covid-19 derangement lost its mojo in 2022 and the population has only just begun to grok the all-causes death disaster underway courtesy of Pfizer and Moderna (and the CDC with the FDA). Did you notice, by the way, that the CDC just added those unapproved, still-experimental shots to the childhood vaccine schedule, considered official “guidance” that is followed by virtually every school system in America. Rochelle Walensky did that despite massive evidence that the “vaccines” damage children’s hearts, nervous systems, reproductive systems, and immune systems?

     Do you know why Ms. Walensky did that? Because adding the mRNA shots to the childhood schedule supposedly confers permanent immunity from legal liability for the drug companies, even after the current emergency use authorization (EUA) runs out. The catch to that cozy arrangement is if there was any fraud committed on the public in the release and administration of those products, the companies lose their immunity and can be sued until there is nothing left of them but the paperclips. Plus, the executives may be liable for criminal prosecution. Hard time.

     One Brook Jackson, a technician involved in the sketchy Pfizer drug trials, and who directly witnessed the procedural violations as they occurred, is currently suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act (31 U.S. Code § 3729) saying that the company defrauded the government. Pfizer’s lawyers have asked the judge to dismiss the case on the grounds, they said in court, that, “We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.”  So now, millions of schoolchildren in this land will be subject to compulsory harmful mRNA shots in order to cover the Pharma companies’ multi-billion-dollar asses. Doesn’t that sum up our national predicament nicely? Way to go, Rochelle. Don’t think nobody noticed.

     It’s also worth pondering whether we are neck-deep in the Ukraine morass because Volodymyr Zelensky is blackmailing “Joe Biden” over the mysterious Biden Family business operations that took place there directly following the US-orchestrated Maidan revolution that overthrew Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovich in 2014. Remember “The Big Guy’s” earnest efforts to get rid of the Ukrainian state prosecutor who was looking into the affairs of the Burisma gas company that invited Hunter Biden and his associate Devon Archer onto the board of directors. Of all people in Western Civ… these two Americans… with no knowledge of or experience in the natgas industry. Weird, a little bit. Do you suppose Mr. Zelensky still has the prosecutor’s files in his possession?

      Then, of course, there is the bizarre matter of the Nord Stream pipelines caper, lately disclosed by the scrupulous reporter, Seymour Hersh, as a US naval operation. We blew them up. Four EU member Nations (also US NATO allies) held a combined half-ownership in the pipelines (the other half held by Russia). European industry and households depended on a steady supply of that reasonably-priced gas to continue modern life there. Both President “Joe Biden” and Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, promised the news media (and the American public) that the pipeline would “be no more” if a Russian military operation crossed into the Donbas. Well, sonofabitch, the pipelines were “no more” as of last September.

     Was that an injury to Russia? Well, yes, though Russia has found work-arounds for selling its natgas elsewhere than northern Europe. Do you realize, though, that it was every bit as much an act-of-war against our supposed allies? None of the NATO countries with a stake in the North Streams have made a peep so far about the shocking disclosure. Which may lead a casual observer to ask whether Western Civ has gone plumb insane. Maybe so, in which, case perhaps, it deserves to suffer. After a while — not such a long while, either — modern life will be but a memory in northern Europe.

     Somehow the specter of unintended consequences looms over all this mischief. My guess is we just haven’t seen them yet… and when we do, they will be ferocious. For starters, NATO will be another thing that is no more. And our country will have to go about our blustering war-hawkery without any back-up or convenient staging-areas for fomenting more shenanigans in a far-away region where we have no real national interest, just a certain zeal for creating unnecessary trouble and hardship in a world that already has more than it requires.

    Remember what his old boss, Barack Obama, said about the former Veep: “You can never overstate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” What a prophet that man is! Under “Joe Biden,” the USA has been slip-sliding sideways and backwards into a realm of darkness unimaginable a few years ago. But now, something is heaving through the public sensibility, as spring marches north in America. It feels like a sharp change in attitude, a refusal to continue acting like a reality-optional society. It’s crackling through the air like a rumor of liberation in a hostage crisis. Can you hear it?

Spin Zone / Then and Now
« on: February 20, 2023, 07:56:14 AM »
THEN (January 2021) and
NOW (January 2023)
By: Marvin L. Covault,
Lt Gen US Army, retired,
February 8, 2023
Then: On inauguration day, January 2021, we listened intently and with hope as our new President spoke to the nation about his plan for unity.
Now: As we look back on the last two years, we (about 70 million voters) recall vividly being repeatedly called racist, white supremacist, domestic terrorists, and MAGA extremists by President Biden in particular and many Democrat leaders in general. Unity?
Then: Our nation was energy independent for the first time since 1957.
Now: We beg for oil from Saudi Arabia, they say “no” and we prop up the Venezuela dictator by rejuvenating their oil production industry.
Then: We could buy a gallon of gas in most places for about two bucks.
Now: The national average is $3.51 per gallon down from a high of $4.96. And, no Mr. President the rise in U.S. gas prices was not caused by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. By then, February 2022, the price had already increased by 78% to $3.57 a gallon and steadily rising. 
Then: Interest on a 30-year mortgage averaged 2.5%.
Now: 6.5% and probably rising in 2023.
Then: 1.4%.
Now: 7% (down from a high of 9.1% in June 2022. A few hours after being inaugurated, President Biden signed an Executive Order that created instant turmoil throughout the oil and gas industry. As a result, by 6 June 2021, the average price of a gallon of gas had doubled which was a trigger to drive inflation.  Everything we buy, at some point, comes out of a truck that is burning increasingly expensive fuel. The inflation rate continued to rise with the increasing cost of gas and diesel fuel.
Then: Sales in 2020 hit the highest point since 2006.
Now: Sales last year were the slowest in a decade.
Then: $11.8 trillion.
Now: $9.25 trillion. A trillion dollars is a difficult number to grasp; stated another way, Americans’ retirement savings have gone down by 2,550 billion dollars
Then: The pipeline was scheduled to begin operations in 2023 with a capacity of moving 830,000 barrels per day carbon-free. Biden killed it on day one destroying 11,000 jobs and about $2 billion in wages.
Now: That crude oil is moving by truck and train burning millions of gallons of carbon-producing diesel fuel.
Then: In FY 2020, 4,476 pounds of fentanyl was seized at the southern border.
Now: In FY 2022, 14,000 pounds of fentanyl was seized at the southern border and the data for FY 2023, after only four months, is already about 7,000 pounds. Biden is not talking about fentanyl.
Then: Three illegal immigrants on the terrorist watch list were apprehended in 2020.
Now: 98 in 2022. But how many terrorists that are not on the watch list entered the U.S.?
Then: 646,000, FY 2020
Now: 2,776,000, FY 2022, a 330% increase.
Then: $847 billion.
Now: $1.3 trillion.
Then: 3.9 %.
Now: 10.4 %.
Then: $1.94 per gallon.
Now: $3.13 per gallon, a 61% increase.
Then:  In FY2020 the FBI reported 8.9 million criminal actions in 23 offense categories. Not good.
Now: Crimes across America are breaking previous records every month. Murder, rape, and aggravated assault increased by 25% last year. As an example of how crime is affecting masses of Americans, last year there were over 4,000 auto thefts in New Orleans. Police are undermanned, demoralized, and underfunded. Prosecutors and judges create revolving doors for criminals with long rap sheets.
Then: We knew the cartels existed and were instrumental in moving illegal immigrants across the southern border.
Now: The cartels are moving illegal immigrants to the border in numbers (December 2022, averaging over 8,000 per day) that exceed the record number for each previous month. Cartels are now operating throughout the U.S. in the distribution of drugs.  Biden will not talk about cartels because his administration’s position is that, “the border is secure. ”
Then:  Maximum sanctions were imposed on Iran to pressure their leaders and weaken their economy. It was working.
Now: Biden rescinded sanctions on Iran to get a new deal with them; the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism.
Then: the U.S. recognized Israel as their long-time friend and most important ally in the Middle East. Through a U.S.-driven initiative, for the first time, a number of Middle East Muslim-dominated nations were officially recognizing Israel and exchanging ambassadors.
Now:  As with the Obama administration, Israel is not a Biden priority, especially with the conservative Israeli leadership.
Then: In January 2021 education results in general across the nation were poor, especially in public schools.
Now: Education is on a clear path to becoming much worse. With a woke agenda and an equity culture, the future labor force will be flooded with functionally illiterate high school graduates. Also, while all the data shows that Charter and private schools outperform public schools, Biden is dead set against school choice because of the mutual admiration between himself and the education unions that predominate in public schools. Biden has declared war on Charter Schools by directing the Department of Education to use obscure bureaucratic rules to kill the federal charter-school program without having to explain why.
Then: 638.1 million barrels
Now:371.6 million barrels.  Biden released the strategic reserve to bring down gas and diesel prices before the 2022 election. At that level, the “strategic” reserve becomes a national security issue.
Then:  Trump campaigned on reducing prohibitive government regulations with a “two-out, one-in” Executive Order. In FY 2020 he eliminated $144 billion in overall regulatory costs.
Now: On day one, Biden canceled Trump’s Executive Order.
Then: Before his departure in January 2021, President Trump traveled to Asia and met with Kim Jong-Il on three separate occasions and discussed North Korea’s nuclear and missile testing. Following the talks, all testing ceased.
Now: Within days of President Biden's inauguration, North Korea resumed testing with 10 missile launches in 2021 and 67 in 2022 of at least 14 different types of missiles including submarine-launched, cruise missiles, and intercontinental ballistic missiles to include (NK claims) a hypersonic-capable missile.
Then: No problems, supply was sufficient to cover training and war plans.
Now: There is a dilemma for the U.S. support to Ukraine.  On the one hand, without our critical munitions (various 155mm artillery rounds, antitank rockets, air defense missiles, long-range artillery guided rockets, etc.) the Russians would probably be in control of a greater part of Ukraine if not all of it. But our stocks are running low, and for most of them, it will take 5-8 years of production (while also supplying U.S. training requirements) to bring inventories up to strategically sufficient levels. More munitions for Ukraine may create a national security deficiency and training will be negatively impacted.
Additionally, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently concluded a war game simulation of a conventional war with China in the Taiwan Strait. They concluded that we are, “Not adequately prepared for a protracted conventional war with an enemy with a large military like China.  Some inventories of long-range precision munitions would be depleted in a week. The bottom line is the defense industry is not prepared for the security environment that now exists.”
Then: Equal opportunity for all was the goal in a merit-driven culture. Military readiness was high and deterrence was active.
Now: On 25 June 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order that: “Establishes a government-wide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all parts of the Federal workforce.
 Charges all agencies with assessing the current state of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within their workforces, and developing strategic plans to eliminate any barriers to success faced by underserved employees.
Directs agencies to seek opportunities to establish or elevate Chief Diversity Officers within their organizations.”
That order, of course, included the Department of Defense.  The DoD is a different type of organization by design and necessity. They take in a cross-section of Americans and indoctrinate them into a culture of accountability, trust, and respect.  They are trained to kill and blow things up and defeat any and all enemies and do it without losing their moral compass. It’s a tall order and not easy to accomplish.  It begins the day an American raises his/her hand and takes a solemn oath. From that moment forward they live and breathe in a culture that provides every single service member equal opportunity and freedom to not only succeed but to excel as an individual and team member; to be all they can be. And the entire organization is set up to operate in a climate that is strictly merit-based.
Diversity?  President Truman, Executive Order 9981, Integration of the Armed Forces, 26 July 1948. The U.S. military has led the nation over the past 75 years in creating a cohesive organization from a cross-section of all Americans.
Inclusion? The U.S. military has been and is today the master of the culture of acknowledging, embracing, supporting, and accepting those of all racial, sexual, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds.  All a soldier needs to know is that those to his right and left have his back. He/she could care less about their heritage.
Equity? Equity is pure poison to the military ethos. All military training is based on standards for every military action; how, how many, how fast, how far, and how good.  Every day some soldier somewhere will perform some action to a new, higher, better, faster standard and thereby set the precedent for all future training of that action or activity.   Not everyone can or is expected to meet that new standard but it is there for everyone to try.  To have a military built around the concept of equity (“ensure everyone can achieve the same outcome”) serves only to dumb down the entire organization to the point that it becomes mediocre from top to bottom.
That is what is happening to our military right now, and remarkably it has taken only two years to degrade our capabilities. Why is that important? Our strength for decades has provided deterrence.  Deterrence means our potential enemies believe we can take them on and defeat them. It keeps them at bay. With degraded strength/deterrence, our enemies no longer fear us and our allies can no longer trust us to deliver.
How does President Biden enforce DEI in the military? First by indoctrinating all of our future leaders with DEI front and center in all of our military academy’s curriculum. Secondly, each of the academies has a non-military Advisory Board that oversees what is going on at each campus.  Biden fired all of the Trump appointees.  Third, all nominations for flag officers to be promoted to 3 and 4-stars and all 4-star reassignments must be forwarded by the president for Senate confirmation. Do you believe any of these nominees are not committed to DEI?
General/Secretary Austin and JCS Chairman General Milley each spent decades in the military service as described above.  I cannot believe deep down in their soul that they believe DEI is good for the U.S. military. I also seriously doubt that President Biden understands the harm he has forced on the military. There comes a time when senior leaders have to put principle ahead of self and tell the boss (in this case the Commander in Chief) that indoctrination of the military with DEI is simply something they cannot, in good faith, accommodate. But they haven’t and won’t.
One of the most powerful people in the DOD now is someone you probably have never heard of; Cyrus Salazar serves as Director of the DOD Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and reports directly to the SecDef.
As part of the DEI program on 4 February 2021, two weeks after Biden’s inauguration, SecDef Austin ordered all branches of the military to enact a “stand down” within the next 60 days so they can address supposed internal threats posed by 'white supremacy' and other forms of extremism. The final 21-page report published ten months later stated, “Extremist activity within the Department of Defense is rare.” Any commander at any level in the military could have told SecDef Austin that in the first 24 hours of the standdown.
Then: Dealing with climate change was not a high-priority issue in the Trump administration.
Now: Biden has stated that climate is “an existential threat to human existence as we know it.” He appears obsessed with a U.S. transition to electric vehicles.
There are about 190 million vehicles in the U.S. As the number of EVs increases the price of lithium and the other scarce minerals for lithium batteries is going up and up. The price of lithium doubled in 2022.
The climate change advocates’ hyperbolic rhetoric too often consists of exaggerated claims, “The world will end in 12 years” etc. rather than a well thought out long-range strategic plan.  For example, when the majority of U.S. vehicles (let’s say 150 million) are powered by lithium batteries, what happens when the U.S. expends our limited lithium mineral reserves and we have to beg China for delivery and they say, “no”? China currently controls about 80% of the world’s known lithium reserves.  It is details like that that no one, including the president, is talking about. The president has no coherent long-range plan for dealing with carbon buildup.
This essay intended to point out the then-and-now associated with a broad spectrum of issues facing We The People every day. The objective was not to just pick on President Biden’s performance over his first 24 months in office, but the findings do seem to confirm what Americans told an NBC poll, on 23 January 2023 that 72% say the country is headed in the wrong direction.
CONCLUSIONS from then to now:
What is most alarming is that at least six of the above findings have serious national security implications.
One, open Borders: Border agents have confirmed that since Biden took office there have been 1.2 million gotaways were observed but not apprehended. Plus, an unknown number of gotaways were not sighted or apprehended. We can only conclude that potentially hundreds of thousands of criminals, gang members, terrorists, and human and drug traffickers have entered the U.S. on Biden’s watch with potentially catastrophic results in the years ahead.
Two, the strategic oil reserve is at its lowest point since 1984. We live in a bad world; we may need that oil, all of it.
Three, our seriously depleted munitions inventory places us at risk of not being able to conduct a sustained conventional conflict.
Four, the long-term impact woke culture is having on military readiness and our declining deterrent posture is very dangerous.
Five, the administration’s do-nothing attitude towards North Korea threatens our very existence.
Six, the ever-increasing criminal activity throughout America has become a threat to every citizen’s safety and security every day.
The president’s number one priority is to look after the safety and security of Americans, all Americans.
Old saying, “Take care of the big stuff and the little stuff will take care of itself.”

Spin Zone / Jimmy Carter moved to Hospice care at home
« on: February 18, 2023, 03:30:58 PM »
Former President Jimmy Carter, 98, has decided to stop hospital care and go home.  Hospice will care for him.

Spin Zone / Gee, We didn't see this one coming
« on: February 17, 2023, 07:59:24 AM »

   So "Senator" Fetterman was hospitalized last week for feeling light headed.   Couple of days and out.

   Now he's back in the hospital for clinical depression, and will be there for a "few weeks".

   During his campaign the voters were assured, even though he was brain damaged from a stroke, that he's just fine, don't worry.

Spin Zone / Our Dual Justice System
« on: February 16, 2023, 10:41:08 AM »

Spin Zone / Look for more of this in the future
« on: February 15, 2023, 06:10:35 PM »

Idaho News reported:

The “Greater Idaho” bill, which would move the Oregon-Idaho border to include a large swath of Eastern Oregon, has passed the Idaho House of Representatives. The bill authorizes Idaho legislators to begin talks with Oregon about relocating the state line.

During debate on the floor of the House, proponents of the bill cited the desirability of applying Idaho law to eastern Oregon as a way to move Oregon drug laws farther away from Idaho’s current population centers.

Proponents also cited an economic analysis from the Claremont institute that shows that rural Oregon counties would be a net benefit to Idaho financially, according to the report.

We will continue to follow this story and provide any additional information here.

Spin Zone / I'm Still Waiting
« on: February 08, 2023, 06:37:51 PM »
To see the 14,000+ hours of the Jan 6th videos that McCarthy promised to release.

That and the documentation.   A lot of that would free the DC Gulag detainees and get a new trial for those who have been through the DC Kangaroo courts.

We're still waiting Kevin.....

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