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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 13, 2016, 05:26:49 AM »
I am writing in Nixon.

Compared to the lying, criminal oxygen-wasters running for office today, Nixon was a choirboy.  Progress indeed....

Spin Zone / Re: Where's Hillary?
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:01:04 AM »
Hilary Clinton appeals to many liberals simply because she is all pro abortion and try as they might to pretend otherwise, that is the key to their entire movement. Somehow abortion has become the holy grail of liberalism, to the point that their railings on the subject get more insane every week.
There are very few real hard-line liberals that even stop to ink about any of Hilary's scandals beyond blaming them on Fox news. Intelligent and thoughtful consideration of the damage she has done to the State Department and the country is a foreign concept to most liberals and would be met with screeds of make believe offense and outrage if it was suggested.

Spin Zone / Re: Where's Hillary?
« on: October 11, 2016, 04:58:22 AM »
^^^^^Then why do you call yourself "militantly moderate" when you are a LIBERAL?  False advertising?

Do liberals care about honesty and integrity?

Given their nominee for president, I'd say the answer is:  clearly no

Spin Zone / Re: NBC Benches Billy Bush
« on: October 10, 2016, 10:31:28 AM »
Wait a minute, pussy, Bush. Is there a little similarity? Whoa, I think there is! Ha ha ha

Spin Zone / Re: Wait ... Trump is not done
« on: October 10, 2016, 08:51:36 AM »
One can only hope that more and more people will begin to see the Dems' lies and dysfunction and vote farming. Once you realize that you are an enabler of an elite, and the whole elite class you are supposed to despise, the bile must at least begin to rise a little.

Even Sanders has three houses.

How about HRC calling M. Obama her "good friend." Trump was on that one immediately. I wish he had been as fast to point out that her condemnation of violence at his rallies was amusing, since it is liberals who are instigating it.

It was cathartic to hear Trump articulate (!) a good portion of HRC's failings on national television. I have no illusions about HRC losing, but a breach in the media wall has been made this year, and perhaps it will widen.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 09, 2016, 04:55:05 PM »
I agree with both of you Gary and Anthony. I voted for Rubio in the primary. I think Trump is likely a narcissist.  But I think Hillary is a narcissist and a sociopath. Trump is just a garden variety pig. Hillary is dangerous.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 08, 2016, 12:04:13 PM »
5 pages of replies, haven't read most of them to be honest with you, but a liberal eggs Trump on in locker room talk and secretly records it, then releases it, about as slimey as you can get.  As far as Trump's words, I saw nothing advocating rape, I do see locker room machismo that most likely is not true, but may be. If it is true, then there are women who feel it is acceptable behavior and per most progressive mantra, who are we to judge?  This is not the way I would tell my son to behave, nor would I want my daughters accepting this as appropriate behavior. At the end of the day this is mild compared to some of the crap I've heard guys use to pick up women.

If you want to hear a story of rape, read Juanita Broaddrick's account.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 08, 2016, 09:28:41 AM »
Mayby this is the end and maybe it isn't. The electorate seems pretty fed up with status quo, and lets face it, Paul Ryan and the middle of the road Republicans are perfectly happy to elect Hilary as long as the status quo isn't upset. People - well, intelligent adults -in general don't reflect the values of the political class.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 08, 2016, 06:21:40 AM »

Donald Trump offered an apology to Americans early Saturday morning after comments he made in 2005 degrading women were made public.

"I've never said that I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret and the words released today on this more than a decade old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize," Trump said.

"I've traveled the country talking about change for America but my travels have also changed me. I've spent time with grieving mothers who have spent lost their children, laid off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. I have gotten to know the great people of our country and I've been humbled by the faith they've placed in me.

"I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never ever let you down. Let's be honest. We're living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we're facing today. We are losing our jobs, we're less safe than we were eight years ago and Washington is totally broken. Hillary Clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. I've said some foolish things but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days. See you at the debate on Sunday," Trump concluded.

 Trump has come out and apologized.   He has taken responsibility for his actions.

 And the Clintons?  Has Hillary apologized for her remarks calling Americans "deplorables" and bad mouthing the Sanders supporters?  Has Hillary apologized for lying to Americans about her role in Benghazi and letting Americans die for political expediency?  Has Hillary apologized for lying to Americans about her mishandling of information and how she and her staff destroyed evidence in a criminal investigation?   Has Hillary apologized for her treatment of the victims of Bill Clinton's rapes?  Has Hillary apologized to Monica Lewinsky for her remarks made about her?  Has Hillary apologized to the mothers of the Benghazi victims that she called liars and other cruel names?

 If you think things are bad now, with a rogue president and his party using the government and the media to accomplish their punishments of anyone daring to disagree or stand up to them, this should be a wake up call.  Once Hillary gets into office she will be BHO on steroids in using her position to punish anyone who dares hold her or her criminal foundation accountable.  You are witnessing the lengths the democrats and the media will go to destroy anyone who stands in their way.  They are desperate to hold and increase their power base.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Is Bi
« on: October 08, 2016, 05:57:16 AM »
She is a democrat.  Anything and everything goes.   

She is "horrified" at the Trump tape.  But yet she is not horrified about how she argued that a 12 year old rape victim was the blame for being raped. 

 She doesn't seem "horrified" that her husband raped multiple women.  She doesn't seem "horrified" that her husband exposed himself to a woman in a hotel room.  It doesn't seem to bother her that her husband had an affair with a 22 year old intern in the White House, had to admit under oath of an affair with other women.

 And she's the one that said "We must destroy these women!".   

 The Clintons track record on abuse of women is staggering to say the least, yet the propaganda arm of the Clinton Campaign (the MSM) will try to convince the country that none of this ever happened, not even with thousands of pages of evidence right in front of them.  If the media would cover the Clinton abuse of women with the same scrutiny that they have covered Trump, the election would essentially be over for Hillary.

 But yet the media is determined to drag this corrupt criminal dispicable woman across the finish line and insert her into the highest office in the land, for reasons they cannot even explain.

 Every American voter needs to wake up, look at just how corrupt the establishment and the media have become and put a stop to this madness on Nov 8th.   You are witnessing a vindictive criminal and her henchmen trying to destroy a political competitor in an election, once she is in office at what length do you think her and her media arm will go to destroy anyone who gets in their way to stop their agenda?  At what length will they go to destroy average citizens who disagree with them?  You think it's bad now with a corrupt DOJ, a corrupt FBI, a corrupt ATF, a corrupt EPA that are being used to silence critics, just wait till Hillary is in the White House.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 07, 2016, 09:05:58 PM »
The establishment machine is impressive to preserve their power.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump is done
« on: October 07, 2016, 07:17:53 PM »
Some pretty heft email shit starting to hit now on Hillary.

Yep.  Interesting this tape from 11 years ago "surfaces" on the same day as these emails came out.  This tells me that camp Clinton knows there is some real nasty email stuff getting ready to hit.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Tried to Take Advantage of Hurricane Matthew
« on: October 07, 2016, 07:52:08 AM »
Hillary has been saying that the Hurricane is caused by man, meaning man made climate change, and NOT by Mother Nature.  What a crock of sh*t!  She is the biggest liar, and loser.
I am sure she meant it is person caused, and not by Parent Nature. Her right-hand person will back me up on that.

Spin Zone / Re: The Revolution
« on: October 04, 2016, 04:27:14 PM »
When Reagan said that we are only one generation away from losing all of our freedoms, he was talking about this year.
The rate at which we are being regulated and coerced into surrendering every liberty we have is at a pace that will quickly bring us to the level of government intrusion not seen outside of the old USSR, and it's the progressives, liberals and democrats working hand in glove with people like Soros to bring it about.
There is a tipping point after which revolution becomes the only solution and I firmly believe we are approaching it at warp speed.

Spin Zone / Re: President's effect on stock market
« on: October 02, 2016, 02:42:05 PM »
My argument is that nobody knows. The stock markets is too complex to be reliably predictable and it is random whether it goes up or down over a given time period.  The only real "rule", other than stocks go down when I buy them, is that there is a general upward trend consistent with economic growth.

If that were the case, the US economy would be booming right now.   The stock market is above 18,000 only because the fed is keeping interest rates low.  Keeping these rates artificially low drives investors into the market.  If interest rates were where they should be the stock market would probably be in the 9,000 to 10,000 range.

 The bubble is going to break, not a matter of "if" but "when".

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