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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 890 891 [892] 893 894 ... 898
Spin Zone / Re: Poor Misunderstood Black Lives Matter
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:42:01 AM »
I have no intentions of attending anymore protests unless the government sincerely starts to take our constitutional rights away.

I think our government on many levels, but especially the Feds have infringed upon many of our rights.  I have attended some pro 2A rallies which were often counter rallies to an anti (legal) gun rally.  They were peaceful, and everyone was well behaved except for some of the women that were rabidly anti anyone owning a gun.  The like to yell, and scream, get in your face, and try to bait you into an argument. 

BLM is a phoney movement based on lies, and media driven.

Spin Zone / Re: Chicken
« on: November 20, 2015, 12:25:15 PM »
I have been a vegetarian for 25 years.

Is that how long you've liked men too?


She's not very attractive in the ring, but she looks decent in other photos.  Guess its the make up and clothing???

Spin Zone / Favorite "Kelly's Heroes" quotes
« on: November 20, 2015, 12:03:41 PM »
"It's a wasted trip baby. Nobody said nothing about locking horns with no Tigers."


Spin Zone / Re: Twenty-Six states Refuse Syrian"Refugees"
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:52:33 AM »
Exactly! People seem to forget all the refugee camps over the last decades. I think it telling that devote Muslims can't accept other Muslims into their midst. It's all about tribalism. Their tribes trump their religion.

Yep.  Hence the problems in Iraq.  Tribes.  The Arab states are European drawn falacies.  Borders don't matter as much as tribes.

Spin Zone / Re: Stopped for Walking While Black
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:38:12 AM »
The concept that whining pays is what drives the attention whores these days.

Exactly.  The media knows phoney racial, or other identity politics SELLS airtime.  Everyone has been conditioned to stop, and look at the false narrative, and made up stories of racism, sexism, homophobism (is that a word?), etc.

Glad I no longer have to worry about my white privilege and white guilt.  I'm a happy cracker!!

Ahhhh, no.  If you are a white male, you are guilty of many sins.  Repent, I tell you, repent!

Spin Zone / Wehrmacht Troops hit the street again!
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:34:31 AM »
Germany could deploy armed soldiers on its streets for the first time since the Second World War, as Europe went into lockdown in the wake of the Paris attacks.

The German proposals would be highly controversial in a country that remains deeply reluctant to use its armed forces because of its Nazi past.

Ministers raised the idea after Tuesday night’s friendly football match between Germany and Holland in Hanover was cancelled minutes before kick-off following a tip-off from intelligence in another EU state.

I think the terrorists will be destroyed by these German babes!

A bunch of whining, by a make believe journalist, using whatever is at hand to present a slanted opinion as fact.
Black on black violence is epidemic and black "leaders" scream and yell about racism because it gives them a pass from looking within their own community.

Why are African Americans violent against one another?  I don't understand the reasoning.  I could maybe understand if it was a backlash against whites, not to justify that.  I am no John Kerry.  But is it just an economic, or tribal thing?  Is it purely for money?

Spin Zone / Re: Twenty-Six states Refuse Syrian"Refugees"
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:53:36 AM »
Question for all:  what is so wrong to suggest, as Ted Cruz suggested, relocating Syrian Muslim refugees into predominantly Muslim countries, and Christian refugees into predominantly Christian countries?

Too logical and reasonable.  Our President said we are not allowed to segregate based on religion.

Spin Zone / Re: Poor Misunderstood Black Lives Matter
« on: November 19, 2015, 06:07:00 AM »
No problems in Texas.  ;)

Nor PA.  People are more law abiding, and polite when they think you may be legally armed.

Spin Zone / Re: Poor Misunderstood Black Lives Matter
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:34:53 AM »
I guess if black thugs do it, it's not racism....

Like if Obama does it then it's not illegal?

There is obviously a huge double standard in what is considered racist.  In order to right past wrongs (which is impossible) the media, education, and government all give free passes to people of color, yet crucify white people, especially white males. 

Spin Zone / Re: Royals Win!!!!!
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:31:44 AM »
Sports is the opiate of the masses!   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Politico and Ben Carson
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:27:50 AM »
Vetting works both ways, or not at all.
What we have for the last thirty years, is a press corps that seems to take orders from the DNC, and then do everything in their power to obey. Those press corps members also engage in flat out lies to damage conservatives and pump up progressives, which is why so few people actually trust them anymore.

That is the entire problem.  They are no longer a "press corps".  They are the propoganda tool of the DNC, and progressive movement.  It makes them feel like they are making a difference.  It makes them feel important.  In reality they are just POLITICAL HACKS.  It has been more than thirty years.  Cronkite was an admitted progressive, and would regularly slant the news, but back then even some Democrats weren't progressive like they are now, so they would get the shaft.  Now the Dems are as far left as the media, so its easier.   

Spin Zone / Re: Twenty-Six states Refuse Syrian"Refugees"
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:23:36 AM »
I keep hearing that, but have yet to see how the Feds legally trump the sovereign states on this matter.

I'd like to know too.  What part of the Consitution allows the Feds to force foreigners inot whichever state they select?  Send them to Gitmo!

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