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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: NASA and the left
« on: November 04, 2015, 06:14:04 AM »
Just keep on promoting your kind of hate. Why is it that those who love the constitution, particularly the 2nd amendment, seem to forget we have a first amendment?

Since when have I tried to limit someone's free speech???    ::)

The two issues I stated as missions of NASA are true.  So, I don't understand your statement at all.

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Shows Off Her Fun Side
« on: November 03, 2015, 02:31:14 PM »
My eyes!  My eyes!!!

Hillary is about as fun as a bag of rusty nails, but yeah, I don't care if the POTUS is fun or not.  I want soemone that can lead, manage, and be respected (feared) by our enemies like Russia, China, and ISIS. 

Spin Zone / Re: Stopped for Walking While Black
« on: November 03, 2015, 02:27:41 PM »
My, my.  A minority person in academia trying to raise a fuss over race.  I never heard of that one before.   ::)

So will we need a passport to board a plane now?

Pilot Zone / Re: Soaring Valor
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:49:07 PM »
He's a class act, and one of the few decent persons in Hollywood.  He's probably black listed.

Spin Zone / Re: Feel Free to continue as you were!
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:48:07 PM »
When I was based at New Garden (N57) many years ago, a guy had a Yak that was tied down outside near me.  He would come and start it every once in a while, but I never saw him fly it.  Can't beat the sound of the radial.   

I have a HuGE problem with the government picking and choosing who to attack based on the political leanings of the guy (illegal alien) at the top.

I do as well.  It is akin to Nazi Germany, or Soviet Russia which is where I believe we are heading, especially if Obama (Hillary) is re-elected.  I am afraid to speak my mind in public or over the phone for fear of being punished by my own government.  If the IRS, EPA, DHS, BATF, etc can employ Gestapo like tactics, which they are, then our representative republic has been replace by a totalitarian regime. 

Pilot Zone / Re: What type of Plane for this Mission
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:41:21 PM »
Anthony- I knew I could count on you to mention the AA-1 series.  From what I've seen of those, wouldn't it be a trivial cost differential to just buy a Cheetah or maybe even a Tiger, then I could capture more of my mission profile (those occasions I need to fill all the seats)?

You really pay a premium for the extra seats and HP, especially in the Tiger.  A Cheetah or even a Traveller would be a good compromise though, and you could at least carry three pretty easily.  I found the back seats of my Tiger was usually empty or just had bags on the seats, but I did like having the higher performance and load carrying capabilities, but it does come at a cost up front, and to operate (mostly fuel burn).

When I am in the market for another plane, I may try the Mooney M20 series, but I want to get more hours in them. 

Spin Zone / Re: NASA and the left
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:37:03 PM »
The mission of NASA is two fold.  Promote government solutions for Man Made Climate Change, and promote Muslim Outreach.   

Spin Zone / Re: Science is Settled
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:49:07 PM »
^^^^^Look, look!  You can actually see the global warming research ship, and all the ice breakers stuck in the ice!!!

Yeah, but the media loves him/her as their agenda is to mainstream the LBGT community, and lifestyle.

Exactly, and it makes me vomit. That said, Obama putting the rainbow colors on the white house after the SCOTUS ruling was despicable.

Yes, the Rainbow White House was a celebration for 1% of Americans, and insulted probably 75% or more.  Obama is an anti-American despot.

Spin Zone / Re: Science is Settled
« on: November 02, 2015, 02:15:40 PM »

That wasn't my intention. My fault for being vague. Let me clarify:

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting that man has influenced climate change. You can argue about how involved the government should get, what moral obligations we have to try to affect it, and other matters of opinion, but simply denying it is ignorant.

There is NOT an overwhelming amount of evidence that man has influenced climate.  The evidence that has been trotted out are flawed models with bad assumptions in order to get the outcome they want.  The hockey stick graph and the like is pure BS.

Spin Zone / Re: GOP Primaries Start Soon
« on: November 02, 2015, 09:42:23 AM »
As much as Trump is an asshat....Im not too sure his presidency would seriously be that bad.  I mean he does have some serious business acumen...although he also has bankrupted his companies before he always seems so rebuild. Is that not what America is going to need?

I think Trump would be really good at surrounding himself with good people.  Not academics, and Dem campaign hacks.  People in business, and industry experienced and proven to GET THINGS DONE, not just talk about stuff like the Obama crowd. 

Spin Zone / Re: Science is Settled
« on: November 02, 2015, 09:36:52 AM »
Conservative News Room?  Pfffft. I'm not going to even read it as it's obviously Faux.


OK, that was my attempt at being a Spin Zone liberal. How did I do?

You did scaringly well.   :D

Spin Zone / Re: Halloween rant
« on: November 02, 2015, 09:30:19 AM »
Same here. Obviously our parents didn't care if we lived or died.  ;).

Today anyone letting a kid go out on their own at age seven could be called before the government under threat of loss of child to the state. How dare they think that they raised a responsible kid without governmental oversight!

Yeah, my parents were fine with it because we always went in groups of kids.  We would have been embarrassed to have our parents go with us at that age. 

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