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Messages - Anthony

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This should be garnering a lot more coverage than it has, this is YUGE.

Proper closure for a number of families who waited through 70 years and 11 US Presidents for this to happen.

And this is ALL due to the decisions of one man to toss the status quo and force engagement with what was assumed to be an intractable enemy.

Major kudo's to President Trump, Sec Pompeo and to the DPRK, this is a real and meaningful measure.


Spin Zone / Re: Trump offers to meet with Iran
« on: August 01, 2018, 09:16:50 AM »
His personality and tweeterimg is part of the whole package and may have been part of the "appeal" that got him elected. There are whole swaths of the population who have already been alienated from mainstream culture (supposedly represented by mainstream media) and from the status quo politician that turned to Trump because he isn't polished and isn't cozy with the press nor with D.C.

Ironically (because he's so filthy rich) they identify with him because he seems so imperfect, hot-tempered, scrappy, doesn't give a damn; where all other politicians carefully craft every communication for maximum appeal and minimum damage. Trump doesn't do that. His tweets are real-time stream of consciousness and people love it - there is no editing, censoring or message management filtering between him and us. For the first time in history we have a President not allowing his messages to we the people to be reformed by intermediaries either in his favor (his staff) or against him (the media). What we are getting is the real him, warts and all. The honesty is very refreshing, even if he is dishonest. It's the real him we see not an effort to manipulate our view of him.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump offers to meet with Iran
« on: July 31, 2018, 07:45:21 PM »
My favorite picture of O.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump offers to meet with Iran
« on: July 30, 2018, 01:49:17 PM »
Trump continues to amaze me. I voted for him feeling like a Hail Mary pass, a last ditch desperate attempt to turn the country around and with a lot of doubt he would actually do any of the things he promised. I actually disliked him and personally, he is far from someone I'd want to befriend.  But never in my wildest dreams did I think so much would get done so quickly and nearly all of it good for the country and for me personally. ISIS is gone, Kim elnutso blinked, the EU blinked, China is beginning to listen up, unemployment is way down, taxes, oh my God, our 2018 taxes are going to be thousands less because of Trump. Pennies to Pelosi I know but FUCK YOU BITCH and that's all I have to say about that.

What else, oh yeah, environmental regulations being rolled back, other regulations and on and on. Lovin' it.

"Tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election."
That statement, taken out of context is really bad.

Taken in context (whispered behind a hot mic) it is even worse. 

I can just imagine if another Trump tape came up with him saying the same thing.  The MSM would go into a feeding frenzy, and probably not even acknowledge that Obama said it too.

Spin Zone / Re: Fox News: We Stand Firmly With CNN
« on: July 29, 2018, 05:55:22 AM »

So the White House - make that quite specifically the President - was irked at the reporter.

The reporter had the audacity to ask the President a question and the president took offense at being “interrupted.”

“Why do you favor foreigners over American workers?” asked the reporter. The President, near the end of a statement in which he announced a new executive order on the children of illegal immigrants, sharply responded “Excuse me, sir, but it’s not time for questions.”

REPORTER: “Are you going to take questions?”

PRESIDENT: “Not while I’m speaking.”
The President than finished his remarks uninterrupted. He said:

“In answer to your question, sir — and the next time I’d prefer you’d let me finish my statement before you ask that question — is this is the right thing to do for the American people.”
When the President did finish, the reporter tried to do a follow-up. And got this presidential response:

PRESIDENT: “I didn’t ask for an argument. I’m answering your question.”

The President was….not Donald Trump. And the reporter was neither CNN’s Jim Acosta or Kaitlan Collins. The President was…Barack Obama, And the reporter the Daily Caller’s Neil Munro. (Munro is now with Breitbart.)

Spin Zone / Re: The Daily Outrage
« on: July 17, 2018, 06:02:56 AM »
What I loved was Brennan's reaction. Wasn't Brennan the CIA Director during all of this :D

Yep.  And his boss was none other than BHO, who did absolutely nothing.

And those who are crying "election meddling!" are forgetting a few things.  BHO himself was guilty of meddling in Israel's election among others.  And those who are so upset (supposedly) with Russian election meddling are the same ones who protest when we suggest strengthening our election laws with voter ID and other methods.

 And then they forget this little tidbit:


Spin Zone / Re: The Daily Outrage
« on: July 16, 2018, 06:17:55 PM »
"Tell Vlad after the election I'll have a lot more flexibility"

Yes, that’s pretty clear. And once again quickly exposes the hypocrisy in play 24/7. Were talking about ONE UTTERANCE. So if Famous Amos, the chocolate chip cookie guy, let slip the word “honkie,” he would have to step down in disgrace? Right!

I’m telling you, #WalkAway peeps of color are seeing the double standards and posting in their thousands. I’m hooked on reading their testimonials and watching their videos. Blacks and Latinos and people who come here legally from all around the world are posting there, walking away from the Democrats. Their identity politics are repugnant to all EXCEPT the diehard lefties.

Here we see what Mr. Schnatter's real crime was:

Schnatter, a prominent Trump donor, admitted using the term in a statement given to Forbes this week, in which he apologized

 Had he been a progressive moonbat this would have never seen the light of day.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Kennedy Retires
« on: July 05, 2018, 09:45:00 PM »
Cruz of TX endorses Sen Lee.

Cruz, who is facing a tough reelection battle in Texas, said he had spoken to the president several times on the issue of the Supreme Court — most recently in a 30-minute conversation over the weekend. The junior senator from Texas has thrown his endorsement to Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, a fellow conservative and close friend who was confirmed last week to be on Trump’s shortlist and has been interviewed for the job.

Mike Lee would be a reasonably good choice. Would hate to see him out of the Senate, but a no-brainer to have someone like that in the SCOTUS.

Spin Zone / Re: She wants to be the next President
« on: July 05, 2018, 04:43:41 PM »
But wait.  There's more.  In order to advance her political career, she had an afair with Willie Brown, then the CA Assembly Speaker, and also married.

She was being 'brave' and 'sacrificial,' not a whore.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Kennedy Retires
« on: July 05, 2018, 08:06:49 AM »
There are many, many laws, and rulings the courts, including the Supreme Court have made that are unconstitutional.  Most gun laws that the Feds, states, and some cities have passed are blatantly illegal.  The court has also abused the Commerce Clause to allow a multitude of government over reach. 

The Libs are all scared of the court repealing Roe v Wade like it some kind of sacred thing.  I guarantee the court won't touch it, but the Left is using it as an excuse to stir up emotion and shoot down ANY nominee Trump proposes.
They may be somewhat concerned, but I don't think they are really afraid that RvW will be repealed.  They are just using that as an excuse to oppose any potential Trump nominee.

Spin Zone / Re: America First!
« on: July 03, 2018, 08:51:32 PM »
Liberalism is a religion of hate, envy, jealousy and rage, coupled with an inferiority complex that the bald on oprah couldn’t cure.

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Kennedy Retires
« on: July 03, 2018, 03:14:13 PM »
I'm hoping that Trump is playing a game of Alphonse et Gastogne with the libs, and the media. We will have them chasing phantom candidates whom he has no intention of appointing, and come Friday, we'll all be whiffing at a 78MPH knuckle ball. the truth will be that Lee has gone quiet for a reason, and he'll come out with very little advance hateraid from the left.

It would be hard for a R senator not to confirm one of their own. That - would be pretty treasonous.


 Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski would stick a knife in his back.

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