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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: "This is how freedom dies"
« on: August 08, 2016, 03:25:58 PM »
Obama's administration has been the most subversive, and secretive in history.  They make Nixon look like Mother Teresa.  Hillary was part of it, and responsible for a lot of the cover ups including the Benghazi video LIE.  So I would agree that Hillary will continue Obama's lying and deceit.

Spin Zone / Re: "This is how freedom dies"
« on: August 07, 2016, 10:25:20 AM »


'Journalists' clap and cheer for Clinton during 'press conference

Following her speech, Clinton participated in a Q&A with five pre-selected journalists.

The event's organizers and Clinton's campaign team maintain that the Q&A portion of the candidate's appearance at the journalism convention constituted a "press conference."

That means, then, that the Democratic presidential candidate held a "press conference" in a room filled with people who just moments earlier were cheering and applauding her vision for the White House.

NABJ President Sarah Glover said Friday that Clinton's appearance marked the "largest press conference with any presidential candidate before a room filled with journalists of color."

From the rest of the political press – silence.  That this travesty of journalism could go unnoticed and unremarked upon by other reporters covering the event defies belief.

This is how freedom dies – with thunderous applause.

You nailed it. This is what happens when an ideology controls the education system, the media, the news reporting and much of the judicial system. There has been a slow, but steady transformation of America since the early 20th century and it's picking up the pace now. The America as we have known it, will be gone in one, maybe two more generations. In the future, if they bother to hold elections at all, it will be a choice between left and further left.

People think that when the backwards thinking right wing is finally buried in the past and only correct, enlightened, educated thinking prevails, that life will be good for all. They know this because they can look to Europe and see all the sweet harmony and prosperity over there.

Spin Zone / "This is how freedom dies"
« on: August 06, 2016, 09:23:03 PM »


'Journalists' clap and cheer for Clinton during 'press conference

Following her speech, Clinton participated in a Q&A with five pre-selected journalists.

The event's organizers and Clinton's campaign team maintain that the Q&A portion of the candidate's appearance at the journalism convention constituted a "press conference."

That means, then, that the Democratic presidential candidate held a "press conference" in a room filled with people who just moments earlier were cheering and applauding her vision for the White House.

NABJ President Sarah Glover said Friday that Clinton's appearance marked the "largest press conference with any presidential candidate before a room filled with journalists of color."

From the rest of the political press – silence.  That this travesty of journalism could go unnoticed and unremarked upon by other reporters covering the event defies belief.

This is how freedom dies – with thunderous applause.

Spin Zone / Re: Democratic National Convention
« on: August 06, 2016, 06:46:49 PM »
"America haters" - you guys are funny.

" only the elite like themselves can prosper. "   I suppose in your mind Trump doesn't fall into that category.

Hmm.  I'm a fairly egalitarian type, and a moderate, and I do observe that the Obamas, and Ms. Clinton, and other leading Democrats, seem to hate America.

The words, actions and policies of the aforementioned people seem consistently designed to divide America's citizenry against one another and remove constraints from government so that it may place greater constraints on the people.  Thus, they hate individual freedom, which is the core of America's identity and the foundation of its success.  The left presses constantly for limitation of individual freedoms (gun rights, choosing medical providers, freedom to live by one's religious lights, etc. ad infinitum).  That, I believe, is why Anthony called them haters of America.

Now for leftist elites and Trump.

Democrats and the media create the "victim" or "oppressor" du jour (gays, transsexuals, florists, police, criminals, Muslims, and etc., ad infinitum) so that, with the media's consistent help, Democrats can paint everyone else (but especially Republicans) in a negative light; specifically, as haters or racists, when in fact they are not.  The media also assists the left in its constant effort to cover up the controversial, unappetizing, unconstitutional, or downright dishonest behavior by its own.   "Your ignorance is their power," and so they will suppress and deceive.

Conservatives and moderates do not have this great, slavering media beast with which to get and keep power through deception and manipulation.  Most on the left dismiss any media source not devoted to and thus controlled by the left.  (Interestingly, this is a good reason to vote Republican.  Not one move will be unnoticed by the bloodthirsty media.  Americans will be informed down to the tiniest detail of every Republication action.)

The left and the media have the power.  Such a situation creates leftist elites, who operate under the facade of compassion when in fact their actions and policies create more poor, ever larger government expenditures on unsustainable levels, and divide rather than unite.  These are the "elites" that I believe Anthony refers to.  The people who see this want the power to reside with the people.  The people see Trump as rising in the system we call capitalism.  It works better than socialism, and we see that Ms. Clinton, in order to garner Sanders voters, has slid farther and farther left. 

When you slide left, you slide toward socialism.  Socialism creates elites who control through deception and limited freedoms. Socialism serves its elites, not the people.  Trump is not seen as such an elite. 

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago: 11 Shot In One Day
« on: August 03, 2016, 11:40:53 PM »
Actually, in all fairness, I was listening to NPR a couple of days ago and they were talking about this very issue. During this piece, they had a sound bite from a woman that was a black woman who was disgusted with what was happening in her community and said something like- "If these people were killed by the cops, there would be hundreds of people out here mad as hell, but when black people kill black people, everybody keeps their moth shut." I am paraphrasing as I'm remembering a radio broadcast, but she was pretty frustrated by the inner city code of anti "snitching" and could see the hypocrisy of "Black Lives Matter".

The main points that I that I found encouraging was 1) people within the black community can see through the political hype and sensationalism, and 2) NPR actually aired this opinion as it contradicts their usual inner city black victim narrative.

Khan is a fraud put up by the DNC, just like Hilary Clinton's lies about the young girl turned out to be all lies and made up nonsense. The DNC freak show was another foray into propaganda over reality at every turn. It stunk of elitism, corruption, power madness and sheer stupidity.

Spin Zone / Re: Time for more Shovel Ready Jobs
« on: August 02, 2016, 01:58:17 PM »
Trump is an American and not an ideologue politician and as such does not understand the game of politics.  Khan was a Democrat foil placed there to goad Trump and it worked.  Khan's beef is with all those that voted for the war, including his Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.  Articles in recent days have shown his deep connections to the Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and his work in getting Muslim immigrants into the U.S. and apparently some of it is quite controversial.  I would assume that is why he said yesterday that he wanted out of the spotlight on this.  If you decide to show up on the stage of American politics these days you should understand what that means and it would appear that Mr. Khan did not.

Rudy Giuliani was saying this morning, in an interview, that Donald needs to just focus on Hillary and let his Lieutenants focus on folks like the Khan's.  I assume that Rudy has Donald's ear as does Newt and they will work at modifying how he handles these things.

If Hillary is elected we can truly kiss the country good bye as she will double or triple down on everything Obama has done and worse.  With a shot at several Supreme Court appointments the effects will be felt for a generation or more as they left brings suits that they know will end up in the Supreme Court.

With that in mind, I cannot understand why Jeff would want to become a citizen of the U.S.

Spin Zone / Re: Chicago Murder Statistics
« on: July 25, 2016, 01:13:24 PM »
What about White on White violent crime?  MSM won't talk about that either.  The fact of the matter is that murder is a crime of familiarity - you victim is an acquaintance of the perpetrator.

Who are you kidding, us or yourself?
The media paints every shooting that ISN'T a case of black on black violence as a clanging cymbal for the need of more draconian gun control and every case of white on black violence as proof.
The truth is that the black community, much like every other subgroup of society makes its own problems but with the willing subservience of the media to the goals of the progressive left, they get a pass when other subgroups get hammered.

Spin Zone / Re: Philly Cops Condemn Hillary
« on: July 23, 2016, 11:52:03 AM »
We're at the point, or perhaps past it, where optics don't matter to liberals. Double standards are the norm and it's perfectly acceptable for Hillary to do whatever she wants but not the other way around. Even worse, she's given cover for it by the entire liberal and media establishment. Yet the police officers, being the professionals they are, will continue to do their duty despite the treatment they receive by liberals.

Spin Zone / Re: Chris Matthews Scolds Mother of Benghazi Victim
« on: July 22, 2016, 07:32:09 AM »
Michael Brown's mother is supposed to speak next week.  Wonder if she'll bring up "hands up, don't shoot"

Black lives matter is based on lies. The corrupt doormat is bringing black lives matters to her coronation convention to further the lies of the black racist lunatics in an attempt to shore up votes from a demographic that would vote for Adolph Hitler as long as he was a liberal and pro abortion.
Nation of Islam is a pack of lies surrounding a cult of personality that happens to be a psychotic asshole. Look for the corrupt doormat to try and adopt them too.
I wouldn't complain if the entire city of Philadelphia Police Department refused to lift a finger to protect the corrupt doormat and her freak show of liars. Inviting those violent, terrorist fermenting, scumbags to her convention is a sickness not a statement.

Spin Zone / Re: Court Throws Out Texas Voter ID Law
« on: July 21, 2016, 11:38:11 AM »
My father took a bullet fighting people who made the saying "papers please" a hackneyed cliche.  I'd be spitting on his grave if I felt compelled to carry identification with me everywhere.  Anyone with a smart phone can instantly see who I am.
I had no idea that you were a professor in the drama department.

Spin Zone / Court Throws Out Texas Voter ID Law
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:19:27 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Why not a teen wage?
« on: July 11, 2016, 10:49:17 AM »
The mandated "minimum wage" is as anachronistic as trade unions.

Spin Zone / Re: Why not a teen wage?
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:06:20 AM »
Why not just remove wage controls and let the market dictate the wage?

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