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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: December 10, 2016, 07:59:37 AM »
NBC, MSNBC (Comcast owned by Obama financier, Brian Roberts), CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS, NYT, AP, Reuters, ESPN, Washpo (owned by Jeff Bezos of YAHOO, far left, rich activist).  All FAKE NEWS.  All to advance the far left, radical, anti American agenda.

Not to mention Soros, and Media Matters.     

Spin Zone / Re: Hillary Attacks Deadly Fake News
« on: December 10, 2016, 07:54:32 AM »
Hillary, and the Democrats have brought politics to a new low. 

They are even worse than Trump, which is hard to do!  :)

What happened to statesmanship, and doing what is right for the country, not just what is right for YOU?

Carrier was just a public relations effort.  Who knows the actual reality, and economics of their situation except for their CFO, and upper management.  However, PR can be contagious, and create an environment of economic positives. If people BELIEVE our government is now trying to keep, and CREATE jobs in the U.S. it will create a mood of optimism. 

The real cause of our much needed economic expansion, after eight years or more of malaise is for government to GET OUT OF THE WAY so U.S. business can flourish, and create jobs, and wealth.  Less unneeded regulations, and lower tax rates are a start.   

Unions are an off shoot of COMMUNISM, and are no longer relevant.  For the United States Steel Workers UNION President to say Trump is creating false hope is just COUNTERPRODUCTIVE NON SENSE.  False hope is better than NO HOPE MORON.  Create an environment of positive outcomes, and just see what people can do.  Our economy will roar solely because the people want it to.   

Spin Zone / Re: Marxist Restaurant Goes Broke
« on: December 10, 2016, 07:38:34 AM »
Communism doesn't work.  It goes against HUMAN NATURE.  Lines for toilet paper, potatoes, bread, and all staples are the norm. 

Utopia doesn't work.  It goes against HUMAN NATURE.  People don't want UTOPIA, they want to matter. 

Spin Zone / Re: Al Quieda thought we would fold
« on: December 09, 2016, 02:41:10 PM »
If racism was all that rampant how was it the he got elected, twice?

It was the anti Hillary vote, just like why Trump won!  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: December 09, 2016, 02:23:35 PM »
While the liberal/progressive media, and Democrats are trying to pin the "Fake News" on their new buzzword "Alt Right" which of course means racist, white supremacist males, in reality the mainstream media OWNS FAKE NEWS AND LIES.

Oh, it was a video tape that cause Benghazi!

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 02:03:19 PM »
Jim, I like the Bacall pic!  Nice!!!

Harry, not so much, but at least he was a sane Democrat as opposed to what we have today.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 01:02:57 PM »
You guys crack me up. You offer a perfectly legitimate explanation for the four photos posted by Jim. The logic in explaining all the photos, remarkably, is sound.

YET, you cannot accept that President Obama wasn't bowing, but bending down to the King's level? Really? Talk about deranged.

What's even more funny is the Bush photo montage emerged as a response to all the bellyaching about Obama. Well, how did the Obama photo gain so much traction?

It was a funding ploy from the RNC. And conservatives that were aghast Barack Obama was their President bought it and sucked it up.

Like the good little sheep the RNC took them for.

So what about all the America bashing and apologizing he did giving speeches against the U.S. in foreign countries?  What about the Iran nuke deal?  I guess the DNC followers are pigs, not sheep, huh? 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!


Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 12:37:51 PM »
That may be true, but as you said, they should show signs or respect to each other.  Not just Obama bowing to them.

I have more of a problem with Obama giving away the nuclear candy store to the Iranians as well as the $$$.  Did Valerie Jarrett get him to do this, like everything else?  I hope Trump can roll back this deal somehow.  Iran has sworn to be our enemy, even after we gave away the store.  WTF was Obama thinking???

Bowing, and apologizing to everyone for America being SO, SO BAD, and oh so MEAN is one thing.  Putting us further at risk is another. 

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 12:05:01 PM »
I only see Bush bowing to allow a medal to be place around his neck.  As for the pope, others kneel, and kiss his ring.  Religious leaders are different than world leaders who are at best equals in stature to the President. 

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 11:48:08 AM »
Can't say I agree with you a lot but I do agree  here.  Some people would have complained about the cost the the President to travel.

I don't think any reasonable person would complain about the cost for a GOOD CAUSE like Pearl Harbor. However, when he goes to HI it is to play golf which he has done more than any other President. 

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 11:25:35 AM »
And you won't see any enemy agents planted on his staff.

lol!  Yes, there will be NO Valerie Jarretts on Trumps staff!  However, she's not just an enemy agent, but an enemy puppeteer, with Hussein, Michelle, et al as the puppets.

Spin Zone / Re: December 7, 1941
« on: December 09, 2016, 10:54:32 AM »
Silly me, here I thought heads of state should show signs of respect to one

Respect is fine, subservience is NOT.  Obama got owned by Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Iraq, and Afghanistan as well as other enemies.  We are no longer respected on the world stage.  Trump will change that.   

Spin Zone / Re: The Jill Stein Scam
« on: December 09, 2016, 02:32:16 AM »
I am so glad I am not on Facebook.  What a moron. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Jill Stein Scam
« on: December 08, 2016, 04:43:07 PM »
Judge has stopped the Michigan recount. The Wisconsin recount is going nowhere.

It is over except for the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Another Dem/Media driven plea for attention, and a cry for "ITS NOT FAIR"  Waaaaaahhhhhhh!  But, but the popular vote!!!!

Now, MSN, that leftist biased Microsoft outlet is saying a survey shows Trumps transition isn't popular.  Oh no!  Tell me its not so!!!

Donald Trump may be speeding through his administration appointments — as of Wednesday he’s more than halfway through announcing his Cabinet picks — but the majority of Americans disapprove of how he’s handling his transition.
According to a survey released Thursday by Pew Research, just 41% of Americans approve of the job the president-elect has done making clear his “policies and plans.” That number is significantly lower than past presidents.

President Obama had the highest transition approval going into his presidency in December 2008, at 72%. Former president Bill Clinton had 62% in January 1993 and George W. Bush had 50% in January 2001, according to Pew.
The majority of Americans also aren’t thrilled with his Cabinet selections: Forty percent approve of his picks for Cabinet and high-level posts.

What a crock of SH*T.

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