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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 793 794 [795] 796 797 ... 898
Spin Zone / Re: Climate Skeptic Files RICO Lawsuit..
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:56:43 AM »
The mmgw crime syndicate will attack this with everything they've got or risk losing their front row seat to the most successful swindle in modern history.

People are seeing through it.  Back in 2007, I was having a beer at a restaurant in W. Palm Beach, FL when a mother and daughter sat next to me at the bar.  We began a conversation just shooting the breeze when the conversation turned to Man Made Global Warming.  The daughter, a high school student was incredulous when I indicated I didn't believe that man was to blame for climate.  She had obviously been indoctrinated by her schooling, and the media that man was to blame for the weather.  Today, even the Democrats know Man Made Climate Change is a loser, and a falsehood, and even Hillary pulled it from her talking points.   

Spin Zone / Re: Reparations
« on: September 28, 2016, 08:50:18 AM »
"Reparations" paid in blood and treasure 1861-1865 (800,000 US citizens dead, hundreds of thousands more wounded, many horribly; national debt alone caused by the war was $42 billion in today's dollars- the interest alone was twice the national budget*).

We won't count the aftershock costs, which are in the trillions...

We were the only country that fought a war to end slavery, and shed blood, and ended lives on both sides.  Yet the race baiters want to continue the victim status for purely personal, monitory gain. 

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 27, 2016, 10:29:51 PM »
There are two extremes. Anthony is at the right extreme. The truth is likely to be somewhere toward the middle, reasonably spaced from the left extreme where everything is the best it has ever been and the right extreme where our country is now a communist nation in the last stages of decline.

When people are Communists, they think that is the middle.  Obama, Hillary, the Democrats, the Media, our government, and our education system think that is normal.  I don't.  The Democrat elite gain from it, and use the other people as useful idiots making them think they are working for "the greater good" when the opposite is true. 

Spin Zone / Re: In the year 5555
« on: September 27, 2016, 10:20:22 PM »
"In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs got nothing to do
Some machine is doing that for you"
-Zager and Evans, 1969

I remember when that song came out.  While I was young kid, I knew it was prophetic. 

Spin Zone / Re: Toy guns vs replicas vs real firearms
« on: September 27, 2016, 10:15:54 PM »
Oh my gosh, you are a sweetie pie, you made my day!   :D

It's the truth!  :)

Glad to do it! 

Spin Zone / Re: Reparations
« on: September 27, 2016, 05:03:52 PM »
The U.N. is more corrupt than our current Federal Government. 

Spin Zone / Re: Toy guns vs replicas vs real firearms
« on: September 27, 2016, 11:48:24 AM »
I know Rush and her husband.  They are good people.  They are also VERY Smart people. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:52:01 AM »
Chelsea's mother in law.  Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky, and Felon father in law Ed Mezvinsky.  Both heavy Clinton supporters, and CRIMINALS. 

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:20:54 AM »
Bull. This, too, shall pass. Same story every election.

The Media, Government, and Education has Fundamentally Transformed America.  We are now a Communist/Progressive nation that will follow in the Obama tradition.  When Hillary gets elected it will finalize the deal.  Open borders, and the Feds transporting in Muslims will just continue our demise.

Spin Zone / Re: Black man shot "for being black"
« on: September 27, 2016, 02:01:37 AM »
Black Lies Matter is based on the false premise  that Michael Brown was shot while innocently walking down the street with his hands up.  Never happened.

"Hands Up Don't Shoot" is the big lie.

This is what the mainstream media won't tell you as they want to promote this false narrative to advance their PROGRESSIVE AGENDA.  It also creates more controversy to get people to watch them. 

Spin Zone / Re: Tax the rich and corporations..fair share....blah, blah
« on: September 27, 2016, 01:57:32 AM »
Trump would like to look at banning guns from those on the no fly list. Just watched him say it. Hmm. I think Anthony should vote Gary Johnson this election.  ;)

I am more of a Libertarian, than a Republican at this point.  I see very little real positives in the Republican Party anymore, although they are still better than the Communist Democrats.  However, Gary Johnson is just a loon, and has some very liberal, progressive leanings.  I don't like him, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't vote for a different Libertarian candidate. 

Ted Cruz is disappointing, and I wish Scott Walker would have won the Primary. 

Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 05:10:14 PM »
Same reason you old people want your damn social security. (Makes motion of shaking cane in the air.)


Maybe because WE PAID INTO IT?  If I invested it myself I'd have a lot more, yet the Fed government stole from me all those years.  Nice huh?

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:22:15 PM »
So me where they've made more than they inherited from the Orange one.

I don't know specifics, but I don't think they were really given a free ride, but had to work for what they have including doing hands on manual labor in construction. 

Chelsea Clinton?  She married a crooked Goldman Sachs investment banker who is the son of a criminal investment banker who spent time in the Federal penitentiary for FRAUD.  Ed Mezvinzky.  His Mom is communist, and one term Congressman from PA, Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky.  Well she's divorced from her criminal husband so I guess she's back to just Margolies. 

Spin Zone / Re: Now, for something completely different
« on: September 26, 2016, 12:12:36 PM »
I had a very good instructor that transitioned me from my Cherokee 140B to my Grumman Tiger.  Ron Levy.  Ron, had the sweat running down my back, and gave me great advice, and instruction.  I knew the plane was different from my Cherokee, and the Cessnas I learned in when I pulled the power back to enter the pattern, and it didn't slow down!  LOL!  I learned, early on that when I had too fast of a sink rate, to nudge in some power, and keep the nose up, and watch the air speed.  Never force it down, and if you were running out of runway, go around.  I very rarely had to go around in the Tiger, as I just seem to be able to fly that plane well from the beginning.

I really like Mooneys, and have wanted an M20J/201 for a long time as a travelling machine.  Don't give up on the M20C, it is one of the best GA airplanes ever made. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Clinton Lie Ratchet
« on: September 26, 2016, 10:35:39 AM »
The Donald may be flawed, but he is a lot better than Hillary, Bernie, or the Green Party other Commie, what's her name.  Oh yeah, then there is Fauxchohotas. 

Compare Chelsea Clinton to Donald's kids, Eric, Don Jr, and Ivanka.  They are accomplished business people, and speakers.  Chelsea?  What has she done except get bribed by NBC for favors from her mom and dad. 

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