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Messages - Anthony

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So DHS is essentially neutered against the greatest threat we have.  That's just great.  Probably the NSA, CIA, and FBI also can't look at this stuff.  No wonder people are buying guns in record numbers.

I'm still bitter, clinging to my guns, and religion.

Spin Zone / Re: "Florida Man" has all the fun...
« on: December 15, 2015, 06:05:45 AM »
I guess we've reached the point where anything manly, masculine, witty, silly, or just plain nutty is too "real" for the pansy contingent.

But it's OK to be Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, smoke Pot, live off of government (taxpayers), don't pay your debt back, tell others what to do, etc.  It is an upside world.

Spin Zone / Re: Registered Republican
« on: December 14, 2015, 01:47:33 PM »
I hope Cruz starts getting more traction.  I think he is, and is an anti establishment Republican.

Cruz is a brilliant man. I worry that he is too far-Right to get elected, though. In that case all Hillary would have to do is stop trying to out-Bernie herself, and she'd squeak by.

I think many want someone farther right than Bush, Romney, McCain, Dole, etc. but I just don't know if there are enough out there.  If another moderate Repbulican wins the primary, I don't know how it will shake out either.  This is a very tough one to call.

Werhner is that you?

"Our germans are better than their germans."

The Right Stuff

Spin Zone / Re: "Florida Man" has all the fun...
« on: December 14, 2015, 06:25:43 AM »
Where do I sign up?


Spin Zone / Re: Registered Republican
« on: December 14, 2015, 06:24:36 AM »
I hope Cruz starts getting more traction.  I think he is, and is an anti establishment Republican.

Spin Zone / Re: Jihad-Free Zones
« on: December 14, 2015, 06:23:42 AM »
Does it work like this:

Yes.  That indicates where the deer are allowed to cross, and they comply.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Jihad-Free Zones
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:16:17 PM »
That'll work.  Wait, let me get my AR. 

Everything is racist today.  I am so sick of hearing about false, made up racism.  It is rampant on college campsuses, the media, government, the DOJ, and Democrats politicians.  It is tearing this country apart. 

Spin Zone / Re: Harrison Ford is a HYPOCRITE like most liberal/progressives
« on: December 11, 2015, 08:08:00 AM »
That's disappointing, but not surprising.

Another elitist.  Do as I say, not as I do.  I guarantee he would not put up with being called out on this either. 

Spin Zone / Harrison Ford is a HYPOCRITE like most liberal/progressives
« on: December 10, 2015, 07:19:09 AM »
Hollywood heavyweight Harrison Ford has told the ABC he hopes world leaders can "finally do something" about climate change as he launched a broadside at squabbling world powers.

During an interview with 7.30, Ford said the consequences of inaction were dire.

"Nature will take care of itself — nature doesn't need people, people need nature to survive," Ford told presenter Leigh Sales.

"The planet will be OK, there just won't be any damn people on it."

So, while you are buring Jet A, and 100LL flying private jets, helos, and piston aircraft around, I guess you just want to limit us, because you certainly aren't limiting yourself.  And if there are more, new expensive regulations, and taxes passed on fossil fuels you can certainly afford to pay it, so I guess it doesn't matter to you Mr. Ford.

Article V Convention of the States.

That is the ONLY way to stop this behemoth And oppressive federal government.

The States need to grow some stones and take their power back where it was intended to reside.

Too many states have been blackmailed with their own money which has been laundered by the Feds to make states do their bidding.  I wish we had enough to kick the Feds the Hell out, but I just don't see it happening. 

Spin Zone / Re: John Kerry Missed The Mark - Big Time
« on: December 09, 2015, 12:32:42 PM »
Huh. And I thought John Effing Kerry was Secretary of State, and was supposed to be doing, you know, Secretary of State stuff.

Thomas Jefferson must be rolling over in his grave with what the last two Sec States have done to that office.

Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Holder, Jarrett, Michelle, Loretta Lynch, Rahm.........   The list goes on, and on.  The ultimate dream team of the destruction of America, and the implementers of Fundamental Transformation.  Maoist, Lenninist, or Fascist.  Take your pick.   

The Feds are trying to do this in suburban communities also. 

The Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to expand its view of discriminatory housing practices to include local zoning rules to control building in suburban neighborhoods, a New York county official battling the federal agency warns.

Rob Astorino, the Republican executive of Westchester County, says his Manhattan suburb illustrates what the rest of the country can expect under a sweeping anti-discrimination regulation HUD is expected to finalize by Christmas.

"The battle for zoning in Westchester County (will be) the battle everywhere," Astorino said Tuesday during an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) briefing on Capitol Hill.

HUD has cut off $17 million in funding to Westchester for refusing to sue local municipalities to modify zoning ordinances to accommodate more subsidized housing. HUD claims the ordinances, which like almost every locality in America, set limits on building density, are racially "exclusionary.

"HUD has said that even quarter-acre (lot) single-family zoning, in their view, may very well be discriminatory and perpetuate 'segregation,'" Astorino said. "And (it) must be looked at, and even maybe attacked.

Disparities Vs. Discrimination

Over the past few years, Westchester, one of the toniest communities in America, has built 400 affordable-housing units in mostly white neighborhoods. It's under federal orders to build 350 more at a total cost of $51 million.

But HUD's not satisfied. "This is about changing every block, every neighborhood to the viewpoint of federal bureaucrats at HUD," Astorino said.

Under the Obama administration, housing officials no longer limit their view of housing discrimination to overt acts such as landlords and Realtors steering minorities away from predominantly white areas. They now consider any race-neutral policy that has the "effect" of creating "disparate access" for minorities to good jobs, schools and other suburban "assets" to be a racist "barrier.

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