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Messages - Anthony

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I doubt that it was a suicide.  According to the NTSB report, he got five weather briefings just prior to the accident flight and discussed the weather with a friend.  In that conversation he evidently indicated that he thought the weather was manageable.  During the flight he was talking to ATC all the way, right up until a few minutes before he disappeared from radar.  He specifically requested a deviation for weather, and in the time from 1101 to 1109 apparently went from 11,000 feet to 1,500 feet.  He was not advised of the extremely severe weather by ATC, nor did he request updates enroute. 

To me, it appears to be a case where a pilot flew into adverse weather that turned out to be much worse than he anticipated.


I agree.  Maybe he just got complacent.  When I first heard about this, I've always wondered how such a good pilot could allow himself to get into weather like that.  Such a tragedy.  However, the guy that wrote the Mountain Flying bible, Sparky Imeson, died mountain flying.  Of course he did it for years and years without killing himself, but that is how he died.

Was Sparky Imeson's death a suicide?     Just kidding!   

Spin Zone / Re: The new normal
« on: May 09, 2020, 08:40:43 AM »
I'm not totally convinced they fell into this.  I do notice many of the blue states now pushing things back further and canceling things like 4th of July celebrations.  That is purposeful to begin the transition of making people forget of the celebration of our freedom and bring about change.

The Governor of NJ recently extended the shutdown to at least June 5th to be revised if necessary.  Now today I read he is saying the Jersey shore will be open "WITH PRECAUTIONS".  What does that mean?  Will restaurants, bars, and "non-essential" stores be open?  Can people lay on the beaches and swim in the water?  Nobody seems to know. 

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: May 09, 2020, 08:30:10 AM »
Are you married?  Again?

No.  I'm just shy.

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 08:18:42 AM »
He was in his 70s, and his only health issue was asthma. He spent a month in the hospital, it was looking good because his fever broke, then the ventilator was removed and the doctors were unable to get him to breathe on his own.

My friend could not, of course, go to the hospital to be with him. She herself had to quarantine because she’d been caring for him.

That's terrible!!!     :(

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: May 09, 2020, 08:16:52 AM »
"Oh that! Mom dragged you into the bedroom and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed "Leave me alone I'm married!!"

I would have said that exact same thing!!!

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 08:00:00 AM »
I hate the virus too, a dear friend in the Seattle area lost her husband to it,

How old was he, and did he have any other health problems?  Sorry for her and your loss.   :(

Spin Zone / Re: The moment I began to hate Hillary Rodham Clinton
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:56:01 AM »
There should be a YouTube button under the font color bar. You click that and paste the link between the thingies.

THANKS Rush!  Totally missed that.   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Anothe COVID-19 symptom
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:54:17 AM »
Tin foil hats?  Conspiracy theories?  The vast right wing conspiracy?  Preppers?  Militias? 

All now coming true.  Yet people sit back and nod mindlessly, Virus Bad, we must comply, Government good, give us money....  I feel like in a 70's dystopian future movie.  Where's Charlton Heston when you need him?  Or at least Bert Reynolds with his Bow? 

Spin Zone / The moment I began to hate Hillary Rodham Clinton
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:43:24 AM »
I don't use the term "hate" much, but can't help myself here.  Remember when she insisted on using her Maiden name, Rodham?  What happened to that?  Hillary couldn't be bothered with ANYTHING traditional.  She was a LAWYER damnit and had "her own career" before Bill.  Yeah, and the Democrats through her off the Watergate committee for doing ILLEGAL stuff!

I don't know how to embed the actual image of the youtube link.    ::)

Spin Zone / Re: The new normal
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:20:35 AM »
I started out liking Fauci and trusting what he said, and maybe at first he wasn’t wrong. We didn’t have all the facts. As far as we knew the virus did have a 4% fatality rate. But as time went on and Fauci failed over and over again to report updated information, and he moved the goal post again and again, and he credited social distancing for the lack of spread when that is still only a premise, and his apparent total lack of concern about the damage caused by the shutdown, and his application of cookie cutter recommendations for the entire nation despite most of the cases being concentrated in a half dozen counties, and his growing air of glee as this drags on, now I am so over him.

I do not believe this was a planned thing. I don’t think Fauci and the DNC said back in January, “let’s use this virus to destroy Trump”, but I am convinced that after a couple of weeks of shutdown and the stock market crash, and growing evidence that economic harm will increase exponentially as the shutdown continues, they realized that they accidentally stumbled upon a mother lode, and this was something they could milk, and use, and the longer they could drag it out the less chance Trump will win in November. Now, you cannot convince me, that Fauci, Birx, the Democrat governors, the media and the health agency bureaucrats aren’t doing this deliberately.

No, it’s not an organized conspiracy, but it is a crowd all feeding into the momentum. They have found that discrediting any easy cure (hydroxychloroquine) will serve the purpose of prolonging the shutdown. They have found that they can keep the sheeple cowering in fear by telling them there’s no way out of this except a vaccine, and preparing them to accept an indefinitely prolonged shutdown, or inane partial openings. 25% capacity will NOT save a restaurant from bankruptcy. Telling people they can walk on a beach but not sit on it is beyond ludicrous. They have ignored and downplayed the economic damage. They have, astonishingly, blamed Trump for all covid19 deaths. When he was the one that took the threat seriously while Fauci and Pelosi were assuring us it wasn’t going to be a problem.

It has fallen together quite accidentally, or rather opportunistically, as the largest destructive force ever used against an economy since the Russian and Chinese revolutions. And it’s not limited to the U.S.; the world economy is all tied together. The consequences of this are unbelievably far reaching, even causing the extinction of wildlife in the jungles of Africa, because as it turns out, tourism there keeps the poachers at bay.

And at least half this nation is fast asleep, unaware of what this means, thrilled that “pollution is down” and somehow thinking that this heralds a new utopia where we can work from home in our jammies while food deliveries magically appear at our doorstep, why not keep this up forever?

All good stuff Rush.  The bolded is very concerning.  The pollution is down mantra especially.  Do we want a world where people can not live their live in order to have a little less pollution?  Really?  People are GLEEFULLY saying "Look no contrails" as people lose their jobs and fall into economic ruin.  Will we have gangs of roving "Disenfranchised" (I love that two bit term) preying upon people for their food, clean water and gasoline?

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:14:53 AM »
My neighbor has got to be a hard core conservative and Trump supporter, most people around here are, yet she feels that way about the virus. Part of it is the female tendency to want security at all costs combined with the relentless propaganda about how dangerous the virus is. People aren’t being given the facts, such as how low the death rate really is. A coworker of mine also feels the same way, she is female, a Republican, rose to Colonel in the Army for God’s sake. In all other ways has “balls” but a total pussy when it comes to this virus. It’s unreal.

I see that a lot, but I just thought it was my Male Chauvinist Pig BIAS (remember that term?).  I guess I'm just a Sexist, MISOGYNIST now.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:27:53 AM »
To me this is an exercise and study of the management and mitigation of risk.  We make these decisions every day.  We decide to leave our homes, drive, fly small airplanes, ride motorcycles, do zip lines, fly on the airlines, sky dive, scuba dive, and live our day to day lives forced to be UNARMED AT WORK in our office buildings.   At what point do we accept risk, or decide "it's just not worth it"?  Do we allow the Media to make our decision for us, or do we do our own risk assessment? 

This "crash" has always bothered me all these years.  He died in 2006, so 14 years ago.  As pilots we always look for logical answers to accidents and deaths in aviation.  Partly, I think, to quell our fears that it could "happen to us". 

Crossfield was one of the best pilots the U.S. has ever produced.  The guy had an impeccable record, but did his ego get the better of him, or was his flight in IMC into severe, convective activity a blunder, or the purposeful act of an 84 year old man wanting to go out "on top".   Or could it been his advanced age?  Embedded thunderstorms are one of my greatest fears, and I was relieved when flying out West due to the 100 mile visibility and the ability to see thunderstorms from far away.  Now back in the East, same old crap with haze, clouds, overcast and towering cumulus.  Ugh.  What say you?

The airplane flew into an area of severe thunderstorms identified as a mesoscale convective system (or "MCS") with intense to extreme intensities during cruise flight at 11,000 feet then descended rapidly and impacted the terrain. The on-scene investigation revealed no preimpact mechanical malfunctions or anomalies that would have prevented the normal operation of the airplane or its systems.

The airplane entered the severe convective weather; the pilot then requested and received clearance from the air traffic controller to initiate a turn to escape the weather. The airplane was lost from radar about 30 seconds after the pilot initiated the turn. Before the airplane entered the weather, the controller's radar scope depicted a band of moderate to extreme weather along the accident airplane's projected flightpath that was consistent with an embedded, heavy-precipitation, supercell-type thunderstorm; however, the controller did not provide the pilot with any severe weather advisories and did not advise the pilot of the weather depicted on his radar scope.

Although Federal Aviation Administration directives state that controllers should give first priority to separating aircraft and issuing safety alerts, the directives further state that controllers should use good judgment and first perform the action that is most critical from a safety standpoint. Review of air traffic communications and radar data identified no air traffic control (ATC) radar limitations, no excessive traffic, no radio frequency congestion, and no controller workload issues that would have prevented the controller from issuing pertinent weather information to the accident pilot. On the basis of the controller's workload and available resources, he should have recognized that the adverse weather represented an immediate safety hazard to the accident flight and should have provided appropriate advisories to the pilot.

The pilot obtained several weather briefings before departure. At that time, the current weather along the route of flight showed significant convective activity and a moving squall line, and the forecast predicted significant thunderstorm activity along the planned route of flight. The pilot also discussed the weather with an acquaintance, mentioning that he might need to work his way around some weather. On the basis of the weather information obtained by the pilot and his comments regarding the weather, the pilot was aware before departure that he would likely encounter adverse weather along the planned route of flight; however, by the time the airplane encountered the weather, the pilot had been airborne for over an hour and had not requested any updated weather information from air traffic controllers. The airplane was equipped with a BF Goodrich WX-950 Stormscope, which has some ability to depict the location and frequency of lightning strikes in the vicinity of the airplane; however, the investigation could not determine if and how this equipment may have been used during the flight. The airplane was not configured to display satellite weather information on its global positioning systems.

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 05:35:11 AM »
How about the 7,000 veterans that take their lives each year?   How about the veterans that die waiting to get medical treatment?

Yep, no tears shed there.

There are more risks to life that never get politicized, nor PROMOTED BY THE MEDIA.  They only promote things that can advance the Far Left Agenda to insert more Big Government control and dependence.  Wake up people!  (Not the ones here, I know you're all "WOKE")    ;D

Third class?    ;D

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