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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 449 450 [451] 452 453 ... 898
Spin Zone / Re: The difference between Biden and Trump; re: Ukraine
« on: November 16, 2019, 08:16:25 AM »
We keep hearing from the Democrats how important it is for the House to provide oversight on the activities of the President.  But who provides oversight on the House?  It would be nice if the Executive branch did to the House what the Legislative branch does to the President.

Short of angry mobs, carrying torches, pitchforks and pikes, our politicians have little to no accountability.  98% of the Media is controlled and supported by one side, or vica versa, they control they Dems.  I don't see anything changing unless there is a total meltdown in society, and that's not something I or anyone should want until they start herding us into cattle cars and taking us to the FEMA camps.

Spin Zone / Re: The difference between Biden and Trump; re: Ukraine
« on: November 16, 2019, 06:51:52 AM »
If Hunter was never the target of an investigation, why is Trump being accused of targeting Biden?

This entire "impeachment" is one Democrat and MEDIA lie after another.  My computer has a default MSN home page.  I keep it there to see what lies the Media comes up with day to day.  If one would listen to them the first day of the "hearings" were a DISASTER for Trump, and it is all but over.  Yet the STOCK MARKET had a near record day.  Do you think that would have happened if the Impeachment of the President seemed IMMINENT?  No it would have TANKED.  See how they lie Mikey?  You have to be an imbecile to believe 98% of the Media.

Spin Zone / The LIES of the LEFT to disarm the law abiding
« on: November 16, 2019, 06:19:58 AM »
Sorry I can't cut and paste from this device.  This article is mostly LIES as they are counting suicides and individual Black on Black inner city murders, not "mass shootings".  The recent "mass shooting" in California was by a 15 year old with a handgun.  California already has the strictest gun laws in the U.S. and even requires background checks for purchases of ammunition.  Yet a 15 year old already prohibited from getting a firearm did so.  He probably broke 30 existing laws.  Will more stop these nuts?

CBS like ABC, NBC, MSBNBC (NBC and MSNBC are owned by COMCAST who is financing BIDEN so they're not biased, right?) PBS, CNN, and the rest need to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for lying to the American public to push the Democrat, Globalist anti American agenda. 

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 15, 2019, 10:13:44 AM »
As many have.

Yes mainly due to DNA technology over the past twenty years or so, and that has made me change my tune on the Death Penalty as well.  There have been many prisoners released after years and decades in jail because the Courts GOT IT WRONG. 

Spin Zone / Re: Another school shooting
« on: November 15, 2019, 07:50:19 AM »
Note that some "researchers" include any shooting that occurs on school property even when school is not in session (e.g., late at night or during the summer or during the weekend)

They also capture shootings within a block of the school that are not school related, but often Gang and Drug related or are purely revenge shootings.  None involving actual students. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Coup Against a US President
« on: November 15, 2019, 07:48:27 AM »
The Media keeps saying that the hearings or whatever they are calling them have revealed and confirmed Trump's misconduct but it is all based on innuendo and hearsay.  The scary thing is the weak minded, low information voter believes them.  :(

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 15, 2019, 06:41:50 AM »
Three strikes and you're out seems to be a good rule in many things in life. Three shots at the ILS and you can't get in? Bug out to better weather. Three shots at a really strong Xwind and can't set it down? Bug out to a runway more in line with the wind.

Third violent crime? You're kicked off the planet. Done.

Totally agree!  Great analogies.  Ones we can understand. 

Spin Zone / Re: Another school shooting
« on: November 15, 2019, 06:39:27 AM »
My dark tin foil hat version? The left is somehow goading these mentally unstable people into committing acts of violence to further the no guns agenda.

Yeah, that's far left field, but sometimes I do go Hmmmm over this stuff...

I'm not ready to say that, but the timing is always really suspect.  However, I will say for certain, there is a FIFTH COLUMN operating in the U.S. and it is 98% of the MEDIA. 

The Media encourages these shootings.  In reality they make up a pittance of the deaths from people illegally shot by guns.  Go look at the Inner City Black on Black murder with multiple Felons using guns to kill,  That's where the vast majority occur.

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 14, 2019, 03:22:58 PM »
Agreed.  I stand by my statement that it would be better for all.  But the laws and culture don't allow it so I wouldn't actually do it either.  And I would regret it.

But how often do we all cheer and applaud when someone actually does stop a mugger or rapist or home invader with a lethal gun shot or machete chop (as I read about recently).

I have no problem when police or others HAVE to put down these violent, dangerous killers and rapists when they have to.  It saves the taxpayer a lot of money and time for the trials, appeals, jail time, etc.  A lot of times the know they are going to die, or even want to die by cop.   There are some really sick monsters out there. 

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 14, 2019, 02:41:10 PM »
As I said, I know I am in the minority.  But I have read just too many stories about chronic offenders finally raping or killing someone.  I can't find the link now, but in our local paper about a year ago was a story about a rapist that had been caught.  He had been arrested and leg go for various street crimes, many involving assault and breaking and entry.  If someone had shot the bastard, that girl would not have been raped.  The article said there were hundreds of known thugs on the street and when the cops arrest them, the courts let them go.  I say shoot them in the act and we will all be better off.  If I get to the point where I have to rob a convenience store or a pedestrian, I hope someone shoots me.

This is a huge problem in all the big cities.  DA's plea down crimes to get quick, no trial convictions.  They live and die by conviction stats alone.  The end result is that multiple FELONS do little or no jail time, including for gun charges, and other crimes.  They get back on the street and just repeat the same types of crimes over and over.  This is where the vast majority of gun related crime stats come from.  Not school shootings, not "assault weapons".  Inner city repeat offenders often Black, and often killing each other. 

So I get where you're coming from, but I'm just not going to go there. 

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 14, 2019, 02:20:50 PM »
I realize that I may be in the minority here, but I think deadly force is often better than letting an assailant get away.

If they are no longer a threat to me or my family, I am MORE than happy to let them get away, and allow the police to catch them.  The bottom line is to deter, and stop the threat, not be judge, jury and executioner.  YMMV. 

Spin Zone / Re: Another school shooting
« on: November 14, 2019, 02:18:20 PM »
These are suicides that due to MEDIA ATTENTION and today's "look at me" social media environment, instead of hanging themselves or shooting themselves in the basement, they go on a rampage. 

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 14, 2019, 12:21:48 PM »
At close range a knife beats a gun most days.  And I'd bet on a highly trained martial arts participant over a poorly trained assailant with a knife.  Most hand weapons are only as good as the person using them.

I've taken some self defense courses as well as combat handgun courses.  As others have said the key word is training.  To be an effective knife fighter, or knife defender, you have to be willing to take cuts, sometimes REALLY bad ones.  Most are not.  The most effective way for someone to defend themselves from a person, a larger person, multiple attackers, etc. is with a gun.  Often the attacker(s) run away at the sight of a gun, which is the best outcome for all.  It also often does not get reported, unfortunately. 

Spin Zone / Re: Another school shooting
« on: November 14, 2019, 12:14:31 PM »
California has the strictest gun AND ammunition laws in the country, including so called "assault weapons" ban, ammunition background checks and no way to get a carry permit unless you are politically connected. 

Spin Zone / Re: I hate libertarians
« on: November 14, 2019, 11:33:30 AM »
And yet he’s right. One of my acquaintances is a left wing activist tranny and I was suggesting to her that being pro second amendment and carrying a firearm is one of the best ways gays (LBGTXYZ whatever) can protect themselves against violent hate attacks. Her reply was that her black belt in martial arts is what she will rely on if attacked.


Don't bring a black belt to a gun/knife/multiple attacker fight.  Idiots.  I bet she is anti 2A also, so wants to give up her rights as well as TAKE AWAY YOURS. 

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