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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 478 479 [480] 481 482 ... 898
Biden's son has financial ties to China, and it's a good bet he has them solely due to Joe Biden's influence.  Bill and Hillary Clinton also have financial ties to China, yet the MEDIA largely ignores both these conflicts of interest and potential acts of Sedition.

Instead they yell Russia, Russia, Russia. 

Spin Zone / Re: Question for our liberals (Steingar); which dem candidate?
« on: September 21, 2019, 04:49:07 AM »
Of the candidates who have any chance of getting the nomination, I think Biden is the lesser of many evils... and of the others, I might have picked John Delaney. But really, yeah, none of the above is the best answer as far as I'm concerned.

(Which is not to say that I am getting happier about Trump. I am really not enthusiastic about anyone in this race.)

What is it about Trump that you don't like?  Personality? 

Spin Zone / Re: 41 Consecutive MMGW predictions Failed
« on: September 21, 2019, 04:48:01 AM »
Yet 98% of the MEDIA is silent about these failures.  And people say that the MSM isn't biased.  How can you not see that?  This is an obvious, purposeful obfuscation of the facts.

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 20, 2019, 02:55:51 PM »
Suppose he is a troll. Suppose he is playing victim and being a drama queen. Suppose it's true he does a poor job justifying his positions. Suppose he deliberately practices hit and run. And most of all, suppose dumping personal insults on him is not a problem on this site, because we don't disallow personal insults - a policy with which I am in full agreement.  Nevertheless, if fewer insults kept him around more, then we would have more opportunity to destroy his positions with logic and facts. I don't like it when he leaves.

He's a NARCISSIST.  This is exactly what he wants.  ATTENTION, like a spoiled child.

The reason we don't have Liberal/Progressives here is that they don't have LEFT leaning MODERATION to back them up.  PERIOD. 

They can't defend their positions, and without the TOOTH FAIRY stepping in, they can't deal with it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Question for conservatives re: Dem candidates
« on: September 20, 2019, 02:51:35 PM »
Harris:  psycho
Buttigieg:  gay psycho
BETO:  psycho with lots of hand movements
Booker:  racist psycho
Yang:  psycho with freebies
Gabbard:  hot and not yet a psycho
Castro:  Hispanic psycho
Klobuchar:  clueless psycho
Styer:  who?
Bennet:  who?
Bullock:  who?
Delaney:  who?
Messam:  who?
Sestak:  who?
Tim Ryan:  normal sounding but still psycho


Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 19, 2019, 03:34:01 PM »
It’s true y’all pile on Michael. I do too but try to avoid personal insults. If it were me alone on a forum of liberals I wouldn’t stick it out as long as he has.

I only try to respond in kind, and Michael does bring it on himself and has said some horrendous things to people here, and on POA.  He admittedly likes to stir up trouble, then skat.  He gets some kind of weird satisfaction out of it.  Maybe it is just the attention.  I have some Freudian theories which I will keep to myself.  :)

In fact I am sure he's getting his jollies by all the attention right now.  In person, he and his wife are very nice, and I've had very nice times with them at Fly Ins. 

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 19, 2019, 02:40:01 PM »
We already have 22,000 gun laws on the books at the Fed, State, and Local levels.  None of them are followed when criminals and the mentally ill want to get a gun and commit violence and murder.  However, the violent crime and murder rates have been trending down for the last 25 years according to the FBI, but since the Media and Dems want to disarm the law abiding only, they never mention that FACT.

So what does the Media and Democrats do?  Sensationalize the few mass shootings where a comparatively small number of people are killed, but hardly mention the inner city Black on Black murder and suicides which account for 90% or more of deaths committed by PEOPLE using guns.

Guns don't commit violence on their own.  It is a people problem.  Semi automatic rifles and pistols have been around since the late 1800's and became widely used during and after World War I.  So we've had access to these firearms for over 100 years, and now all of a sudden they are a problem?

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 19, 2019, 10:20:37 AM »
No one wants to call out one of the main reasons for violence for fear of being called a racist. Black culture in America is a main reason of violence. They don't respect family, each other, people in authority positions, and think that only sports stars, drug dealers, and rappers are a lifestyle to emulate.

I have a few big city cop friends, one is Black.  I asked them what they feared the most.  They told me the propensity for AGRESSION and VIOLENCE in the inner city Black community.  Mostly among Men, but Women also, but the Men are usually the murderers. 

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 19, 2019, 09:18:29 AM »
You have my apologies for disrupting your echo chamber.  I should of course know better.  I was just reminded of the conversation i had with Mrs. Steingar.

Bravo!  And you say your not good enough to be a refugee from a Woody Allen movie!

Spin Zone / Re: What is it with the DNC?
« on: September 19, 2019, 09:16:22 AM »
I think if you buy skinny jeans and sport a man bun and scraggly facial hair I think you’d be able to pull it off.

Racist!!!  You just described most male Starbucks employees and customers!

Vaya con Dios mi Amigo.

^^^^^Cultural Appropriation!!!  I know you're not Hispanic! 

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 19, 2019, 06:28:43 AM »
The other day Mrs. Steingar sent me an article where researchers had shown those who drink diet sodas (guilty as charged) suffer infarctions and stroke.  I pointed out how their arguments were similar to your inane arguments about gun control.  She got the point quite quickly.

Did you ever hear the saying, "It's like shooting fish in a barrel"?  That's a gun free zone.  Criminals will not follow the rules, EVER.

Spin Zone / Re: Gun Free Zones - can someone articulate the justification?
« on: September 18, 2019, 04:42:14 PM »
All the gun laws being pushed by the Democrats and their anti legal gun Fascists are purely to disarm the law abiding.  They know it won't reduce violence and murder because criminals don't care about laws. Also, they forget we already have 22,000 gun laws on the books at the Fed, State, and Local levels and they get violated by thugs and crazies DAILY. 

Spin Zone / Re: What is it with the DNC?
« on: September 18, 2019, 04:39:19 PM »
Mens' + womens' boobs to get almost to 720 million.

I'll count the lady half, you can count the male half.

Works for me.  Oh, and I will be announcing my run for Democrat nominee soon also. 

Spin Zone / Re: What is it with the DNC?
« on: September 18, 2019, 11:16:37 AM »
You'd still have to be counting boobs to get that number.

That's ok.  I'm good at that.


Spin Zone / Re: What is it with the DNC?
« on: September 18, 2019, 10:41:32 AM »
700 million women in the US  8)

HA!  Yeah, must be projecting the numbers WITH the Illegal Aliens included. 

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