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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Millennials don't know how to make a left turn
« on: September 08, 2019, 09:57:27 AM »
Millennial #1:  Is that a Lug Wrench?

Millennial #2:  long pause...…...Maybe?

Spin Zone / Re: Pete Buttigieg
« on: September 08, 2019, 07:29:19 AM »
If you look at a lot of these Cultural Marxists they are from a long line of far lefties in the family.  Most people don't even know about Frank Marshall Davis.  Many believe he is Obama's biological father.  I wouldn't be surprised.

Gay Pete is about as far left as you can get and it has nothing to do with his "Gayness", although he is using that as a selling point.  I'd like to put him in the right seat and do stalls, and spins over, and over. 

Spin Zone / Re: NYT Racism & Antisemitism
« on: September 08, 2019, 04:26:06 AM »
For me the hypocrisy and Double Standard are a huge part of the problem.

Remember actress Roseanne Barr and how she was booted from her very own show because of controversial comments she made the VERY same day she made them? Why the long delay on booting this individual?

Again, it comes back to the double standard employed by folks on the left. They don’t want to get rid of one of their own because they feel they need as many left-wing voices out there as possible, so they’re willing to overlook violations of their own principles by fellow members of their little club.

And, truth be told, the Democratic Party has become a haven for hatred against Jews and the nation of Israel. Just look at folks like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and others.
It’s time for the left, if they want to be taken seriously, to actually live by the principles they espouse.

A few weeks or so ago I saw the editor of the NYT say that since the Trump Russia narrative unexpectedly failed, that they would move to a new strategy of "Trump is Racist" now.  So, why is it the job of the NYT to try to bring down a President, and make sure he is not re-elected?  I thought they were a "news" organization?

Spin Zone / Re: Anthony was right and Michael was wrong
« on: September 06, 2019, 07:09:14 AM »
As a former Marine NCO, I only had to deal with a few pregnant females, and I don't think any of them got pregnant on purpose, but it was more a problem when the sperm donor wasn't in the picture after. But I do agree it happens. It was way easier for the enlisted female to start banging the senior enlisted or officers to get a choice assignment or get to stay behind on a deployment. It was more of a problem of 19-20 year olds marrying the first piece of ass they got, and having kids on E-2 pay.

Thank you for your service.  My two uncles were combat Marines in the Pacific during WWI, then one was called back for Korea (totally inactive) to be a DI a Camp Lejeune. 

I don't know when you get out, but the problem has become worse over time as more women enter the military.  This article is a couple years old, and for some reason won't let be cut and past.  The bottom line is in 2017 the pregnancy rate for Navy women was 16%, and takes them out of action for two years and costs the military $30,000 for each women.

Spin Zone / Re: Anthony was right and Michael was wrong
« on: September 06, 2019, 06:08:36 AM »
I wonder how fast the left will support the military when they realize it is a large welfare system. Get married and have kids you can't support and a place to live you can't afford on your regular paycheck? We'll give you more money!

A big problem today is female soldiers, sailors, airpersons, and marines PURPOSELY getting pregnant to avoid a cruise or deployment whether they are married or not.  Instant welfare. 

Spin Zone / Re: Anthony was right and Michael was wrong
« on: September 06, 2019, 05:38:25 AM »
But the liberals claim the military is the dragon.  Get rid of the military and all the budget problems go away.

But the Left knows the politicians of either side are to tied into the military industrial complex and the military is NOT going anywhere.  Plus we NEED the military.  Maybe not at the size it is, but still a large force.  So, they use it as the boogeyman and blame the Republicans because they are more pro military/pro defense. 

Then the Democrats try to scare people by saying the Republicans are going to reduce SS and Medicare.  Madness. 

DA Rollins has essentially said that she will not prosecute misdemeanors, theft less than $700 or other "low level"  "non-violent" crimes because too many " poor people and black and brown people" are being locked up.   This policy should take about 2 or 3 years to bear the fruit it has sown.

The poor, black and brown people are being locked up because they COMMIT CRIME.  Often non-violent offenders have committed or will commit violent offenses.  Unreal.  She needs to lose her job.  Wow.  Racism is alive an well. 

I've never smoked, but friends of mine that do say nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs around.  They've used vaping to cut down their nicotine significantly with the hope of getting off it all together. 

This pack of lunatics also banned e-cigarettes this year.

I guess they don’t care about harm reduction and don’t mind if e-smokers go back to regular tobacco. Does anyone really think this will stop teenagers from getting hold of nicotine products?

But these same people and ones like them PROMOTE the smoking of Marijuana, and legalize it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Anthony was right and Michael was wrong
« on: September 05, 2019, 05:03:12 AM »
I'm flattered, but it isn't my logic - I'm just echoing what I've learned.  The Laffer curve is well recognized by government economists, unfortunately for the wrong reason

Truth - it is effective tax rate that matters.  Nobody paid 90%.

Arthur Laffer was a Reagan advisor, so this concept isn't new.  Reagan used the principal to promote his tax cuts which did WORK and the economy boomed.  Part of that was due to the Fed being able to drop interest rates as inflation also was lowered. 

Way back then I read George Gilder's "Wealth and Poverty" for a grad school course, and it made so much sense it solidified by Supply Side economic views, and led me to support Republicans that were at least talking the talk.  We know they don't always walk the walk.  Republicans for a long time have realized bigger government gives them more power and wealth. 

I lived in SF for a while, and back then it was still a nice city.  Yes lots of whackos, gays, etc., but you could still enjoy it.  I haven't been back in a while but from everything that's going on it sounds like a shithole. 

The looney left is as anti-American as it gets and the Tech Industry/Silicon Valley enables this crap. 

And this will go down as one of the factors of our next civil war. They will morph this into unlawful firearm seizures against lawful citizens.

Well Beto O'Rourke is claiming he will enact a Mandatory Gun Buy Back (confiscation) of all what he would define as assault rifles which will probably be anything semi automatic.  Since they are the most popular, they are considered "common use" by the Supreme Court, and should be ruled unconstitutional.   However, we all know how that could possibly work.  "Common Good", "Public Good" etc has been used for more abuses of rights than I can count. 

The NRA and its members promote the legal, and responsible ownership, and use of firearms.  They are trying to protect a Natural Right specifically protected by the Constitution.  To call them terrorists is wrong, irresponsible,, and beyond moronic. 

SF Board of Supervisors declare NRA a domestic terrorist organization
San Francisco Supervisor Catherine Stefani wants the city to make better use of a state law that allows gun seizures. Stefani penned a resolution that was passed by the Board of Supervisors Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday declaring that the National Rifle Association is a domestic terrorist organization. The officials also urged other cities, states and the federal government to follow suit.

These people are just mentally ill.  They are a reflection of where the Left (Democrats) have gone in this country.

Spin Zone / Re: Anthony was right and Michael was wrong
« on: September 04, 2019, 05:22:06 AM »
That's not the only variable.

Whether tax revenues goes up or down depends on the total amount being taxed.  Increase someone's income and the tax they pay goes up even when the tax rate stays the same.

That's what the Left refuses to acknowledge.  As others have said, a growing economy, with higher personal, and business income generates more tax revenue even at lower tax rates.  The total taxes they pay are higher, but they get to keep a higher percentage of it thus giving incentive.

Spin Zone / Re: The coming death of just about every rock legend
« on: September 04, 2019, 04:18:34 AM »
Yes music has changed.  I never thought I'd see the type of Pop music we have now.  I can't stand it, nor Hip Hop.  Taylor Swift?  Ugh.  It is almost as if The Beatles never happened, and all the other 60's rock onward.  I think Country is the new Rock, but I don't like that either. 

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