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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 484 485 [486] 487 488 ... 898
Pilot Zone / Re: Is Obama not aware the oceans are rising?
« on: August 23, 2019, 11:06:13 AM »
I am sure he has bought the appropriate amount of Carbon Credits (from a company he has stock in) to offset the huge increase in his Carbon Footprint.  Maybe he has the Army Corp of Engineers lined up to put in a New Orleans style DYKE system to make Michelle, and Valerie Jarrett happy. 

Spin Zone / Re: State of journalism today
« on: August 23, 2019, 09:07:06 AM »
Journalism School = Indoctrination Center

They don't care about writing skills, grammar, credible sources, etc. Just fitting a story to their Far Left Progressive Narrative.  Our Public Schools are a great precursor to them.

Spin Zone / Re: War against males at universities
« on: August 23, 2019, 09:03:29 AM »
And in a post-Red Flag Law environment, that would have been sufficient for a judge to say you are unsafe and come and confiscate your guns.

That was my fear.  Fortunately, the money she'd get from spousal support/alimony was enough to convince her to move out. 

Spin Zone / Re: Observations......
« on: August 23, 2019, 07:06:17 AM »
I bet the farm I can see from my front yard, and the smell of cow shit on hot summer days, will be gone in 20 years and replaced with subdivisions.

The horse farm behind me is now 85% large, single family homes and 15% horse farm.  The huge farm at the end of my road is being turned into an "Over 55 Community" with 300 units.  They are building large single family housing development ALL named "The Reserve at such and such", and townhome developments anywhere they can find land.  The Township, being the corrupt government they are, just wants the tax revenue and to grow.  The road infrastructure is not getting real improvements that matter for population density. 

Spin Zone / Re: Observations......
« on: August 23, 2019, 06:44:59 AM »
I live 30 miles north of Milwaukee; one of the poorest, most violent, racially segregated, liberal cities in the country. The county I live in is very conservative, relatively free from major crimes (unless it is a Milwaukee transplant causing problems), and is the richest county in Wisconsin. Coincidence? I think not.

Interesting.  I live 33 miles WNW of Philadelphia.  Yeah, that one.  In the wealthiest, fasting growing County of PA.  It used to be an ex-burb, and even rural.  The development is going , and has been for a long time, and it is now a suburb, and bringing people from out of the area.  I suspect closer in burbs, as well as NJ, and NY. 

Philly has some of the worst ghettos in the country.  North, West, and Southwest Philly are Hell Holes.  The recent police shooting where six cops were shot (none seriously) was in North Philly.  Shooting are a nightly occurrence in these these sections.  They could record the same shooting, in the same places and just replay them on the news each morning. 

Spin Zone / Re: War against males at universities
« on: August 23, 2019, 06:27:46 AM »
I like this one better.  My ex was a "hair dresser".  They used her as the model for the woman wielding the knife.

Spin Zone / Re: Observations......
« on: August 23, 2019, 06:24:01 AM »
Seems like most of the country outside of large cities is very conservative. That's why the electoral college is so important.

If you get far enough out of the metro areas (cities and burbs) and get out into the ex-burbs, and more rural area in just about any state this is true.  Even states like CA and NY.  Look at the elections maps.  Once you get away from the metros, the counties are all RED. 

We have a huge Urban/Semi Rural, Rural divide in this country, and it is getting worse because more people are urbanizing for education and jobs.  I hope the work from home trend continues as technology is enabling it more and more.  That way people could live anywhere they wanted and not have to be within driving distance of a big metro. 

Spin Zone / Re: Manufactured recession
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:45:55 AM »
Why should you have to point out the obvious to them? People really seem to believe companies will take the higher tax out of the CEO’s salary or stockholder dividends, and not raise prices to pay for it. I have a hard time wrapping my head around people being too dumb to figure this out on their own.

It is amazing how many people have absolutely NO GRASP of business, economics, nor finance.  Unless you study this specifically in college or gain experience with it in the real world, they have no clue.  My Dad was a Dentist.  He knew NOTHING about these subjects.  NOTHING.  Fortunately he married a CPA, my Mom, who did all of his business work for him.  He was clueless. 

Spin Zone / Re: Washington Post defending Trump?
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:40:20 AM »
Once again, I agree with Trump, but have a problem with his methods.  If I were a Greenlander, I would have been pissed off at him too.  If there were ever a real chance of this happening, I could think of several ways to make it go down easier.

He's used to being a real estate developer, negotiating in a grandiose manner and acquiring stuff.  If it were me I would have floated this to Greenland quietly, and PRIVATELY to assess their position on it.  Trump can be a bull in a China shop. 

Spin Zone / Re: War against males at universities
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:37:43 AM »
Fifty years ago, when I was a teenager, my older cousin married a sizzling hot babe.  Nobody understood how he managed that, or why she married him.  She appeared to be an angel on earth.  After they got married and the family got to know her, they saw she was an incredible fake.  She became controlling, mean and abusive.  It would come out occasionally at first at family gatherings, but over time it got worse, but she was still able to fool people that weren't close to her or the family.  Suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, we found out she was suing for divorce claiming HE was abusive and cheating on her.  I said "seemingly" because we all expected the divorce; we just expected that he would be the one to ask.  She got the divorce, the house, the car (families only had one car back then) and just about everything else.  Thank God there were no kids, even though he always wanted some.  He took it really hard and became a reclusive alcoholic and died a few years later at 40ish.  Several years later we found out that she repeated the scenario with another poor sucker.  I never heard any more about her after that.  I imagine her as an old hag still thinking of herself as hot and furious because she has nobody.  That's the only punishment she would ever see, unless you believe in Hell.

Was he married to my last wife?  That is her to a "T".  The difference is, I recognized it, and I was the one to file for divorce.   And yes she threatened to lie to the police, but never actually did, thank God.  She moved out when she realized she would get a nice monthly spousal support and alimony from me and could afford the lifestyle she though she deserved.  I owned my home before we were married, so she couldn't claim it as hers.  No kids. 

Spin Zone / Re: War against males at universities
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:34:52 AM »
Wow. Isn’t that blackmail? Extortion? Defamation? That they are encouraging their clients to do? Those lawyers need to be disbarred.

What do you think many women would say in an adversarial divorce if their attorney asked them, "Do you or could you FEEL threatened by him?  Did he ever raise his voice to you?"  That's all it takes.  No hitting, nothing has to be proven, the woman just has to SAY she felt or "feels" threatened.   Boom.  PFA, restraining order, etc.  Guy then caves, gives her everything she wants, and they lift the PFA.  Meanwhile the damage to his reputation, and possibly livelihood is done.

Spin Zone / Re: War against males at universities
« on: August 23, 2019, 04:50:01 AM »
In my state, women can lie about a man being abusive, get a PFA, and have his guns confiscated with no due process, ruin his reputation, get him fired from his job, etc.  Then later ADMIT IT WAS A LIE, and nothing happens to her.  The justification by the justice system is they don't want to deter women from coming forward who are actually being threatened or abused.  How does that make any sense?

Women can legally ruin men's lives over an admitted lie, and get away with it with no penalty.  My cousin, a prominent female divorce attorney has told me a strategy in divorce proceedings actually suggested by some lawyers is for the woman to falsely accuse the man, and file a PFA (protection from abuse) order as a negotiating tactic.  When she gets what she wants, MONEY, CUSTODY, etc she pulls the PFA. 

Spin Zone / Re: Observations......
« on: August 22, 2019, 05:43:01 PM »
You were in Kentucky Eppy.  I lived in Lexington for three and a half years, and even though Lex is fairly liberal, the rest of the state, except for Louisville, ain't.  Deep MAGA territory.  Go to NJ or NYC and they will chase you with pitchforks and torches.

I still can't believe Nike and Kaepernick promoted the Thirteen Star AMERICAN Flag as racist.  Such despicable liars in which we have to fight daily.  Next will be all American flags.  They are such anti American shits. 

My point was:  spending any time viewing that video would be a gross waste of time.

I disagree, as it blatantly shows how leftist biased what Hollywood calls "entertainment" now.  Yes, its just another data point of many.  Does the content SUCK?  Yes. 

I am a little shocked that Google allowed all the comments and down votes to stand without deleting them.

Spin Zone / Re: Manufactured recession
« on: August 22, 2019, 07:12:09 AM »
Conservative principles work, as proven by the flight out of the “four states of the apocalypse.” However, many of those fleeing bring their wonky, dysfunctional and conflicted ideology with them and cling to it, thus toxifying their new home.

A good illustration of how virtue signalling shadows and destroys actual virtue.

And those people moving from NJ, CT, IL, and NY are moving to more Republican states, and will infect them, and vote Democrat because they still believe in the Socialist Utopian views of their former states.  The very things that are destroying the states they left. 

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