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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 21, 2018, 08:04:52 AM »
Yep, that's a fair point and legitimate concern. I haven't said otherwise. They could have also repealed Obamacare and didn't. There are reasons why Republicans lost the House. But to completely absolve Trump of this when he's had the House and Senate for the last two years isn't right. There's enough blame to go around.

Who said "completely absolve Trump"??  And why are you throwing this in?   The discussion is the failure of the Republican controlled house and senate, and their failures.  The President doesn't control the legislative branch, so he hasn't had, in your words, the house and senate for the last two years.   He has said, over and over, to put these bills on his desk (immigration, border protection and repeal of ACA) and he would sign them.


Private citizens are welcome to spend their money however they see fit. I'm telling you how I view this, and that it's silly because it's something that Congress should be doing.

 A congress full of professional politicians that usurp the will of the people that put them in office.  The GoFundMe is, if nothing else, a protest and a show of unity.

I don't understand where you're going with this. We don't require our service members to purchase their own weapons or ammunition.

 Don't understand sarcasm do you?

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:30:29 AM »
No, and I hope this is one thing the liberals can’t ruin.

Bet they’ll say all those little contributions came from Russian bots, just like those several hundred thousand WalkAway testimonials on Facebook.

They just can’t imagine that anyone, or even 53 million anyones, could disagree with them.

It's already started.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump does an about face
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:08:59 AM »
I still think a lot of them are being blackmailed. Every person in the world has dirt on them, if you call making a clumsy pass at a girl when you were a teen "dirt", and we have seen this played out in the worst way. No one wants to be the next Kavanaugh.

Social shaming and career destruction because your mother said the n word thirty years ago. The Dems now use this as normal acceptable business as usual. May they all burn in hell.

 They are being blackmailed by their own, in more ways than one.

 Go against the leadership and they can make life very difficult.  Committee positions as well as being able to get items put in a bill will go away if one goes against the will of leadership.  Also, as we've seen in the senate, go against McConnell and he will actually spend money during the election to defeat those who dare defy him.

 DC is a sewer populated with the worse vermin, and we keep electing them, over and over.   Power corrupts.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump does an about face
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:03:20 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Trump does an about face
« on: December 21, 2018, 06:43:32 AM »
Yet those same establishment types got tax cut legislation passed and the Senate got two Supreme Court nominees confirmed (despite Democrat's best efforts, especially on the latter).

I don't discount that the establishment is a roadblock in many instances, but Republicans, as a whole, support stricter border security and enforcement than Democrats.

Really?   And 2 years in a majority they have done?

Sorry, they talk a good game.  When it comes down to action, they can't seem to find their balls and blame someone else.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 21, 2018, 06:39:44 AM »
The campaign promise was that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, which was silly since they aren't going to do that. That aside, Congress is supposed to appropriate the money, which comes from taxpayers. So now taxpayers are donating money to a wall that Congress should be funding? No, sorry, this is silly. The messaging piece is fine in that it's showing American's concern for border security, but Americans shouldn't be giving more of their money to this; we already pay taxes. Congress needs to fund it.

And what happened to all those R's that ran on it, and promised it?   2 years of holding both the house and senate, and they just couldn't seem to do anything about it.  Now that is silly, and pathetic.

 As for how private citizens wish to spend their money?  Why is that any of your concern?  If you don't agree, move on.  But it's condescending to belittle others in how they spend their own money for whatever they want, even if it's something the pathetic politicians won't do.

 Just imagine back in the 1700's if we had people who were saying "Ya know, we shouldn't have to buy our own ammunition, or even use our own guns to serve in this militia, the government needs to pay for it!"

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 20, 2018, 02:25:29 PM »
$7 million

Spin Zone / Re: Trump does an about face
« on: December 20, 2018, 01:33:14 PM »
Ok, so someone tell me WHY the Republicans still have a majority in Congress, yet failed to insert a measly $5B for the wall? (Measly in terms of "government money").

 It's called "the establishment".  They work hand in hand with their dim counterparts fueling the DC machine, and they do not want a disrupter like Trump ruining their enterprise, "Govt Inc."

 Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are in this group, as well as many other well known names that put an "R" after them.  They want Trump gone, and they want one of their own (R or D) back in the WH so they can get back to business as usual.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 20, 2018, 12:51:35 PM »
As an aside, Trump has told Republicans he will not sign the CR unless it includes money for the wall. He may have found his balls again.

 There's some intricate stuff going on here.  Stand by and watch.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 20, 2018, 12:39:15 PM »
$6 million

Spin Zone / Re: Trump does an about face
« on: December 20, 2018, 12:07:14 PM »

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said that President Trump would refuse to sign the spending bill passed by the Senate, sending lawmakers back to the drawing board to avoid a government shutdown Friday.
Emerging from a meeting with the president at the White House, Mr. Ryan said the president would not sign a spending bill that did not include funding for border security.
“We just had a very long productive meeting with the president. The president informed us that he will not sign the bill that came from the Senate last evening because of his legitimate concerns for border security,” Mr. Ryan told reporters.
“So what we’re going to do is go back to the House and work with our members,” he said.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 20, 2018, 10:46:00 AM »
Maybe the government will end up matching the donations?  Yeah right.

 If nothing else, it sends a clear message to congress.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 20, 2018, 10:26:40 AM »
About to hit $5 million

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. to pull out of Syria
« on: December 20, 2018, 10:24:39 AM »
Apparently, Congress is full of folks who love perpetual war and world policing. Rand Paul is the one bright spot.

 It's big business.  Big lucrative contracts.

Example, Afghanistan.  Look at the number of civilian contractors there.

Start with the motor pool.  All civilian run.  Mess Halls?  All civilian run and operated.  Plus logistics, again, civilian run.  These are huge contracts, this is why we have poured $800 billion plus into this operation.

Last time I checked, diesel fuel delivered to Afghanistan (and we use a lot) is over $20/gallon delivered, again, civilian run.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 20, 2018, 08:35:22 AM »
I believe the organizers of this would have enough sense not to just hand over the proceeds to congress.

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