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Messages - Anthony

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Pilot Zone / Re: Basic Med Question
« on: June 17, 2020, 01:43:24 PM »
Bob nailed it in post #2

Thanks.  Got it now. 

American corporations are bowing to perceived societal pressure, promoted by the MEDIA, Democrats and pressure groups like BLM and others.  Look at Daniel Snyder, the owner of the Washington Redskins.  Constantly demonized by the sports media, media, DOJ under Obama and others for not changing the name.  Good for him, for standing up to these woke CREEPS, and closet Fascists. 

Uncle Ben is now gone.  Un freaking believable. 

Uncle Ben's rice announces it is 'evolving' its brand hours after Quaker announced it will scrap Aunt Jemima name in a bid to end 'racial bias'

Uncle Ben's rice announced on Wednesday it will 'evolve' its visual brand identity

The products have carried an image of black rice farmer since 1946 

Parent company Mars, Inc said the move was a bid 'to put an end to racial bias'

The timing and changes are still being decided but it will look at 'all possibilities'

The move follows Quaker's decision to scrap the Aunt Jemima name and logo

The company, owned by PepsiCo, acknowledged the brand has racist origins

Aunt Jemima character was based off the mammie, a black woman working for white families

This is all INSANE.  Mass hysteria, mass brainwashing in the vein of 1930's Germany.  Never though I'd see it in my lifetime. 

Spin Zone / Re: phrases I don't want to hear anymore
« on: June 17, 2020, 10:17:04 AM »
I refer to it as "ice of color".  My wife just rolls her eyes.

That's hilarious.  Women, even if they aren't Left leaning, often don't get it".  :)


Sick of it all.  Everything is Racist.

Spin Zone / Re: Fighting Back
« on: June 17, 2020, 09:42:14 AM »
^^^^^^"He's dead, Jim."   


Academia has been lost for decades.  It is a Communist Cult now where ANY views not 100% Radically Left will get you fired and ridiculed.  "Journalism" and Media are very similar.  So are Law schools. 

Pilot Zone / Re: Basic Med Question
« on: June 17, 2020, 09:20:56 AM »
Due to logistical headaches, it looks like I'll have to get a BasicMed and then later (if needed) upgrade to 3rd Class. What a morass.

I have a Class III, but a friend of mine does Basic Med and is an active IR pilot.  However, I believe he got the Instrument Rating when he had a Class III Medical.  Didn't read the entire thread.  Is it just a TRAINING issue that requires at least a Class III?  Do the regs actually say you must have a Class III or better to do IFR flight? 

As an example of “consumers’ expectations,” NBC quoted Riché Richardson, an associate professor at Cornell University, who said Aunt Jemima is “a retrograde image of black womanhood on store shelves.”

“It’s an image that harkens back to the antebellum plantation … Aunt Jemima is that kind of stereotype is premised on this idea of Black inferiority and otherness,” Richardson said.

“It is urgent to expunge our public spaces of a lot of these symbols that for some people are triggering and represent terror and abuse,” he declared.

So Aunt Jemima, a product symbol that has been used since 1889, (130 years), now triggers people for fear of TERROR AND ABUSE.  Hmmm, all of a sudden people must be dying in Supermarket isles nationwide.  But, actual terrorists like BLM and ANTIFA that actually cause violence and harm are OK???  What the F*CK???

Quaker Foods, the company behind the “Aunt Jemima” brand of syrup and other breakfast foods, says it will rename this line of products and discontinue its label’s image of a black woman “to make progress toward racial equality.”

Aunt Jemima has been featured on these products for 130 years.

So, what will happen to Uncle Ben and the Jolly GREEN Giant, now???  WHY are we giving academics so much credibility and power over society???

Spin Zone / Re: Fighting Back
« on: June 17, 2020, 08:22:24 AM »
There are no Republican representatives in Seattle.

This isn't a Republican problem.

I agree with the Seattle example, but it is not just Seattle.  So Republicans are powerless in every State that has have Covid-19 over reaction and over reach?  How about combating BLM and ANTIFA in a Republican controlled State with an out of control Democrat City?   No, it is not the Republican's fault what we are seeing, but they could be doing more and they aren't.  Why?

Spin Zone / Re: Can we call it over with....
« on: June 17, 2020, 08:03:21 AM »
You're sadly mistaken on this.  BLM will split the dem and republican vote, placing them at the top.

 BLM is already winning, and huge.  Look at the dems caving to their demands, and look at the republicans remaining silent, and also the ones caving.   BLM is operating with no resistance, people are being fired for disagreeing with them, the media is giving them full reign and letting BLM dictate the message, corporate America is handing them money, while altering their companies to appease them.  Even big tech is full on the BLM bandwagon.

 BLM is just a reincarnation of the Black Panthers.  Go back and research and you'll see that the same ideology of the BP is nearly identical to BLM.  Except BLM is better funded, and has an adoring media, BP could have only dreamed of that.

 BLM is a communist organization, plain and simple.  Go read their website, and there are communist manifesto type writings all over it.  This is the trojan horse the communist have long dreamed of.

I think you are wrong.  BLM can NOT get the support of as many people as the Democrats can get.  BLM running their own candidates under the BLM Party would be the best thing to happen to us.  It would split the Democrat vote right down the middle. 

Spin Zone / Fighting Back
« on: June 17, 2020, 07:57:11 AM »
OK, America is currently under SIEGE and undergoing the Fundamental Transformation Obama promised.  The MEDIA, Social Media, Entertainment, Democrats, City and State Governments, and Corporate America, among others, are forcing Social Unrest, Violence, Chaos, and societal upheaval supporting BLM and ANTIFA.  I you are "protesting" and/or Black you are largely now subjected to many Laws.  Law and Order is not SELECTIVELY ENFORCED.  We have the City of Settle now erecting walls in support of CHAZ, CHOP or whatever they are calling it today.

What can we do as law abiding, productive citizens to fight back and curtail this movement towards destruction of the U.S. as we know it?  Our Republican representatives seem to be powerless and scared to stand up for us. 

The Seattle Department of Transportation has erected concrete barriers around the Seattle Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, formerly known as CHAZ, signifying that it recognizes the autonomous zone as a permanent fixture of the downtown area.
A reporter From Q13 FOX Seattle posted images of the new barriers on Twitter Tuesday morning.

“The addition of concrete barriers in #CHOP this morning is actually very significant for a couple reasons. 1) This is a clear sign that the city is letting protesters stay long term. They are specifically adding wood around concrete barriers for people to decorate,” Brandi Kruse wrote

Spin Zone / Re: Can we call it over with....
« on: June 17, 2020, 07:37:28 AM »
It already is, and has.   This is why the dems are placating them and bowing to them, because they will take a huge voter block from the DNC and basically turn them into a Green Party or Libertarian like Party.

 But BLM will also take down the RNC as well.   Make no mistake, right now BLM is the most powerful political party in America, a political party that doesn't have an acknowledge structure, is run by foreign dark money, and is easily shaking down corporate America for $million$.

 Just look since Memorial Day (3 weeks ago) how much change they have implemented, and how much destruction they have caused.  This is only the beginning.  By November the chaos you see now will be small compared to what's ahead.

If BLM splits the Democrat vote, they Dems will lose every election.  That's what I'd like to see happen.  I don't think BLM can win on its own even with all the Soros and other foreign and U.S. corporate money.  I wonder how ANTIFA fits into all this and if they are feeling left out. 

Spin Zone / Re: Can we call it over with....
« on: June 17, 2020, 07:16:01 AM »
BLM is working better than they could have ever imagined.  BLM is in actuality the old Black Panthers movement.  But they have huge dark money funding, and a MSM that is promoting them.

Make no mistake, BLM is the most powerful political party today.  That's a fact.  They will have a massive sway come this November, hence why the democrats are bowing to them and republicans as well.

 The other part of this problem are the deep state actors within our own government that are in full cooperation with BLM.   

 As previously stated, we haven't seen the worse yet.

I hope BLM becomes a separate Political Party. 

Spin Zone / Re: Masks
« on: June 17, 2020, 06:49:21 AM »
However, the panic incited over COVID-19 has resulted in far more economic devastation then climate change zealots have managed so far (yes, "so far")

I agree that Man Made Climate Change is still the biggest hoax and scam, but it was taking too long.  People are MUCH more worried about the here and now and the Covid-19 Virus panic foisted on us by Government (mostly Democrats) and the MEDIA filled that void.  It enabled huge IMMEDIATE displacement of Rights, Liberties and Freedoms and ECONOMIC chaos.  Now they want it to be "The New Norm".  Eff that. 

Spin Zone / Re: phrases I don't want to hear anymore
« on: June 17, 2020, 06:45:26 AM »
Except... nobody is purging references that offend white people, Christians, conservatives, or pro life Americans. Attacking, discriminating against, firing without cause, or beating,killing, robbing us is just fine for the progressive fuckbags.

Well, we're not as easily offended, but yes the majority no longer MATTER. 

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