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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 10:02:10 PM »
Anthony, in all due respect……

We share the same power district (PECO) so here is my take on the Smartmeter issue.  The primary difference between a Smartmeter and the conventional meter is the ability of the Smartmeter to send the readings over a radio frequency.  A Smartmeter can indeed send a meter reading without the power company having to send a person door-to-door to take the reading, they can simply drive down the street, interrogate the meter and get your usage, this saves a considerable amount of labor and is more accurate.  A Smartmeter can detect tampering and it can indeed shut off power remotely, I do not believe this is a negative and the power company already has that ability.  It can also detect problems with the line.  I had a personal experience with this when the squirrels decided to sharpen their teeth on the neutral line.  This caused flickering of lights and different voltage readings in different outlets in the house.  The PECO technician was able to do diagnostics to quickly isolate and fix the problem.

A Smartmeter in and of itself, cannot determine what loads are being used by different appliances.  While this is technically possible, it takes a LOT of effort to figure out your water heater came on at 10PM.  If a power company wanted to do that, they can do that with or without a Smartmeter.  A Smartmeter cannot control individual appliances in your home without additional wiring and special devices AND requires consent by the property owner. 

There was a lot of concern over the radio frequency exposure risk.  This is way overblown.  At the power level the meter operates at, I see no increased risk.  I believe the opponents of the Smartmeter cherry-picked and drastically over-emphasized the RF risk and presented it poorly.

I understand you believe this to be an intrusion of some type, but I'm obviously not of the same opinion.  While there may be some potential negatives, the benefits clearly outweigh the negatives.  Of all the risks we face of having personal information being revealed, this is WAY down the list of things to worry about.

I do not remember having to pay for the Smartmeter, if I did, it sure didn't make much of an impression.

Thanks for your perspective Gary, and I agree with much of the above.  However, it does open the door to devices on Heat Pumps, Water Heaters, and other high draw appliances to shut them down during PEAK DEMAND.  I believe the goal of some is to have this additional wiring, and devices as MANDATORY eventually.  Yes, now we can decline, but I do fear constant over reach by government, and quasi government in the name of THE PUBLIC GOOD.  It has been happening a lot for the last fifty years, so I see it as a legitimate trend. 

I like new technology that makes people's jobs easier, and allows the consumer to benefit.  However, if we allow mandates to power reduction in our homes because of the Smart Meters, I have a problem with that. 

Yes there is a Smart Meter charge that consumers pay.  I am researching the exact amount I pay, but we will be paying a SURCHARGE at least through 2023.  From the PA PUC:

Yes.  The charge will be included as a separate line item or in your electric utility’s base rate.  You can confirm that information by contacting your utility.  This charge covers the costs of assessing and deploying smart meter technology in accordance with Act 129.  Under the law, utilities may begin assessing the surcharge for the work being done prior to actual installation of the meter.  This charge applies to all customers.

This surcharge is reviewed and approved by the PUC annually, and is subject to change.  While there is no definitive timeframe to date, the surcharge is expected to remain on customers’ bills as utilities work to achieve full smart meter deployment by 2023.

No.  State law does not allow a customer to “opt out” of their EDC’s smart meter program or surcharge.  Installation of a smart meter is a condition of service to more accurately reflect rates and usage, and will ensure no disruption to your service.  Questions concerning the process or timetable for the installation of your metering equipment should be directed to your electric utility.

Spin Zone / Re: Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:55:14 PM »
Festivus for the rest of us!!!

And not to let the Fallen Angel feel out of place.  A nod to the Dark Side as well!  Cessnas!


Spin Zone / Re: Ghost Ship Fire
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:52:31 PM »
Are we saying that government never bears any responsibility for letting something like this exist?

Government can not, and should not be able to be at all places at all times.  Risks are allowed because of economic realities.  Look at the number of traffic deaths we allow each year.  You can't have total safety.  Also, we don't know if the owner paid off government bureaucrats to look the other way.  It happens all the time.   

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:38:43 AM »
That is horrifyingly scary and invasive! Has no one raised objections?

Yes, see here:

Here's the PROPAGANDA from the power company on Smart Meters, and how they will "help" the consumer.

Spin Zone / Re: Constitutional Convention?
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:43:04 AM »
I'm with Jim.  There is much to be feared from a convention.  I don't trust that the delegates would be neutral and civic minded.  They would each be there trying to push their personal prejudices into law.  That's no way to make law and it's an even crappier way to make a Constitution.

It is a big risk for sure.  I am willing to give Trump a chance to see if he can turn the PC, anti Capitalism, big government cabal around.  If that doesn't happen, I'd be willing to roll the dice to either bring back what the Founding Fathers wanted (strong states, weak Federal government) or go to all out, central collective Communism.  Then the real decisions will have to be made by those that want freedom, and liberty. 

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:38:31 AM »
Who decides what is the 'right' temperature for the entire earth and what gives them the right to determine it for the entire planet?
Why is any discussion of MMGW always accompanied by demands for draconian taxation and loss of liberty for citizens?

My power company mandated our electric meters be switched to a "Smart Meter".  We had no choice.  It was either get the new meter (we had to pay for it) or not get any electrical power.  They are a monopoly, so there is no choice.  It is another form of GOVERNMENT.  The Smart Meter allows them to "see" where and when I use power, and for what usage.  It also gives them the ability to shut down what they don't think is necessary, like air conditioning in the warmest periods when you really need it.  They haven't done that yet, but it is coming if the man made global climate change activists get their way. 

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 06, 2016, 08:33:18 AM »
From what I have read the Stein/Clinton recount is to garner additional donations for Stein.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:44:12 AM »
Stop it!!  Don't you realize the $$$$ potential of MMGW?  It's another "problem" that can be solved using taxation!

It isn't only more taxes, surcharges, and fees on energy.  It is the artificial limiting of access to energy by forcing a CAP on usage, and limits on the use of fossil fuels.  Remember when gasoline prices spiked to $4.00/gal +.  Obama was interviewed and said he didn't have a problem with the high costs, just how fast they went up.  To these people, high energy costs are great because it will reduce demand.  Never mind that the economy gets destroyed, but the elite have their Millions, so they don't care. 

Spin Zone / Re: Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 06, 2016, 06:36:34 AM »
Pretty much any subject of conflicting rights.  Example, 2nd amendment rights.

I don't think that is a good analogy, and I don't see "conflicting rights" in the 2A.  It is very specific.  The right to defend oneself through the use of "arms", is a Natural Right we have by being human beings.  It also is enumerated in the Constitution as a Right not to be Infringed.  I don't see abortion as guaranteed not to be infringed. 

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:37:04 PM »
You think that deforestation has no impact?

Not to the degree it is happening.  No, I don't.  Compared to natural changes, what man does is INSIGNIFICANT.  When we have notable changes due to man like we had prior to man, and prior to man's industrialization, let me know. 

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 05, 2016, 04:51:38 PM »
Ironically, though they annoyed me at the time, I never doubted that human activity is affecting the climate. In fact I would be surprised if we had little or no effect.

Why?  Man pales in comparison to natural weather changes caused by the SUN, volcanoes, El Nino, etc.

I remember first reading about the carbon dioxide green-house effect as a teenager in the early 1970s - it came up often in SF stories set on Venus. I presume the authors were using the theories of 19th century scientist Svante Arrhenius as the scientific foundation. In those fictions, Venus was often depicted as a verdant hothouse.

The undisputable science of that time said we were in for an ICE AGE well before our current time period. 

So unless someone can reasonably show they have some expertise on the subject I tend to not pay much attention to claims they make on forums like this one.

Well, I may not be a climate scientist, but I do know unfettered politics when I see it.  The Man Made Climate Change movement is PURE POLITICS.  It isn't science based except for the fact that data has been falsified, and computer models skewed to get the results the politicians want.  And yes, the politicians OWN THE CLIMATE SCIENTISTS. 

Spin Zone / Re: Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 05, 2016, 01:33:00 PM »
What is the statistical probability a fetus will become a baby if not aborted in the U.S.?  Another way to ask this, I assume, is what is the mortality rate of a fetus?   

Spin Zone / Re: Mother's body / child's body
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:14:00 AM »
I love when women say "My body, my choice."  Yeah, you had a choice not to have unprotected SEX!

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:11:21 AM »
or see how badly the rest of the USA wants CA to leave (even more attactive if just the loopy counties could be jettisoned!)

If we could jettison the L.A. and San Fran metro areas as well as the NYC metro area, no Democrat would ever win again. 

Spin Zone / Re: Evidence of PC death spiral
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:08:29 AM »
I do think we have passed the High Water Mark of PC liberal/progressive nonsense.  With Brexit, and the election of Trump, and other events, we are now seeing a push back against what is essentially an attack on our Natural Rights as humans.  For over forty years, the media, education, and Democrat politicians like Obama have been beating the drum against the 1st, and 2nd Amendments, as well as others.  By expanding the Federal government to absurd levels they have succeeded in strangling us in ways the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid.

This is why AR-15 sales are still up, and ESPN's subscribers are WAY DOWN.     

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