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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:15:40 PM »
Simple question:

How does Cruz and Rubio overcome the disparity in the demographics to win the WH?

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:02:04 PM »
Lucifer.  Who are you from AOPA/POA days?

 How does that relate to the subject at hand?

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:16:48 PM »
Dude, I know facts is hard, and you don't like to admit that they exist, but the RCP average is just that - an average of all polls. Throw out whatever "junk polling" you want, and average the rest. Trump still loses the electorate.

The same polls , as well as the demographics from the only voting to take place this election season shows that Cruz and Rubio can win.  Not will win , but can win.

So, "dude", how well did those polls work in Iowa?  And how well did those polls work in the previous 2 presidential election cycles?

 You clearly don't understand demographics and your vitriol towards a certain candidate is clouding any reasoning you can hope to have.  In fact, you are a great representation of why the GOP is facing such an uphill battle in this election.

You have yet to answer a very simple question:  How does Cruz and Rubio overcome the disparity in the demographics to win the WH?

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:00:31 PM »
Sorry. Unfavorable ratings goes to electability. Your candidate isn't electable.

Reading comprehension problem I see.

Your whole focus is why Trump is unelectable, but you refuse or can't come up with a cognizant reason of how Rubio or Cruz can overcome the same problem.

Chanting "Trump is unelectable" will not persuade people to vote for a polarizing politician such as Cruz, nor will it help Rubio.

You can throw out all of the junk polling you want, but the basics confirm what I've been telling you.  Go do some homework.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 11:52:48 AM »
And Trump is opposed by the far right and the evangelicals and despised by the left. Same problem, different blowhard.

Now we're getting somewhere. Rubio is a much better choice. Kasich as well.

Trump indeed has a problem at this point.   Rubio has the same problem as well.

Kasich doesn't stand a chance.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 11:51:04 AM »
We can do this all day.

So how does Trump overcome his 57.8% unfavorable rating (Real Clear Politics average)?

Cruz' unfavorable is 40%. Rubio is 38%.

Clinton's is only 51.4%!  Sanders is 38.2.  And Obama is only 48.4%.

How is Trump going to appeal to the people who have an unfavorable opinion of him?  He is more disliked than Obama. Now THAT'S a winning formula for the GOP, isn't it?

First of all, you are trying to assert I'm somehow backing Trump.  While there are certain aspects I like about him, he too has a problem in coming up with the numbers.

The unfavorable ratings are polling gibberish.  To win a national election requires support from all sectors of your party, plus a portion of independents and democrats, period.

Now, stay on topic.  How does a Rubio or Cruz attract people from these demographics?

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 11:14:52 AM »
We'll see, won't we? 

Thanks for the honest answer.

So how does the bible salesman attract the independents and conservative democrats?  ANYONE who expects to win the the WH must have the backing of a portion of those two groups.

The extreme right wing and the evangelicals will not give enough votes to have a majority.

Rubio claims he "will unite the Republican Party", but how will he?  Rubio has already shit in his mess kit with a large part of the Republicans.

 Politics are a numbers game, period. If one can't add up enough numbers to get a majority then you don't win.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:36:50 AM »
This thread has been very entertaining.  Thank you Lucifer and Jeff. 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

The "devil" is in the details...... ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:36:01 AM »
It's quite easy.

Cruz (or Rubio) won virtually every demographic in Iowa - age, sex, race, education.

The only two demographics that Trump won were "high school or less" and the "moderate" voters.

In Iowa.  Iowa does not represent the total US electorate.

Cruz attracts the far right wing and the evangelicals.  He is opposed by moderates and absolutely despised by the left.

Rubio attracts moderates and the conservative left.

To win the White House one needs a solid majority of his party and a small percentage of independents and democrats crossing the line.

Go back the previous two elections and look at the demographics for McCain and Romney.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:13:12 AM »
Here's an honest question for the bible salesman fans:

If Cruz becomes the nominee, how can he win the general election?  What part of the demographics will be attracted to his candidacy?

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:34:42 AM »
No, they don't.

Of course, they have to resort to the far leftist rag "The Nation" to slam Cruz.

BTW, if you want to get a complete picture of what's going on (politically) one needs to read publications from both sides of the fence.  Strictly reading from just one sides perspectives leaves one very ill informed.   You don't have to agree with what is written, but it does help in understanding the entire picture.

Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:29:42 AM »
I am concerned that the Bible Salesman sycophants will go "scorched earth" if their boy doesn't win, and give the election to Hitlary or the Socialist.


Spin Zone / Re: Question for the Trumpkins?
« on: February 05, 2016, 10:53:37 PM »
I'm curious, which thing that Cruz did has you most upset?

I'm not "upset" with the Bible Salesman, just tired of his rhetoric and bullshit.  His true colors are emerging in his desperation to get elected.  It should be interesting to watch and see what other deceitful practices he comes up with as the primaries progress.

If he does make it to the nomination, the DNC and Hillary will be overcome with joy and laughter as this paves her way to the White House.


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