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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 06:51:13 AM »
I have access to the VA system, but have never even thought of using it. It would be a last ditch desperation move.

 Same here.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 06:50:18 AM »
This is a little known secret. We can negotiate cash out of pocket and sometimes it is LESS than the copay if we go through insurance. That’s how screwed up the system has become.

Also screwed up is the whole idea of “PCP”. Your general doctor used to handle most of your issues and you had a close relationship with him with mutual trust. Not any more. Dealing with the PCP these days is getting more difficult. People are turning to doc in a box for minor things. They take walk ins, they don’t grill you about your whole health picture other than the basics necessary to treat your minor ailment, and they act like they appreciate your business. The last three visits I made to urgent care were a pleasure. In and out in an hour. The last three times I moved and just tried to get in with a new PCP were a nightmare. I had to pull teeth just to get the first appointment.

Under the dims plan of "healthcare for all" it will be illegal to pay for your own healthcare.  These "doc in a box" locations would all go away.  Instead we would get government buildings in a "district" that you would be assigned to.   The doctors and other health professionals will be employees of the government, at government wages.   1 case or 100 cases, the pay is the same.  Also, all decisions on treatment go to a panel of bureaucrats to decide, not the treating physician.

 How anyone could see this as a viable alternative is just crazy.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 06:33:34 AM »
If anyone wants to see just how good government run healthcare could be, just go talk to a veteran who uses the VA.

The VA healthcare system is a disaster as well as bureaucratic nightmare.

And ask why Canadians come to the US to purchase procedures rather than have it done under their socialist healthcare system back home.

Another point about government run healthcare for all.  Say the perfessor needs a procedure that will save his life.  A group of non medical bureaucrats will determine if the procedure is "warranted".   They look at his age and determine "Sorry, but under our system you fall outside of the parameters by one month, if you want to appeal the appeal process can take up to one year".  He has six months to live without the procedure.  The bureaucrats say "Sorry, that's the rules......Next!".

Tell me how bad that would suck.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 19, 2019, 06:10:06 AM »
At one point all medical care was paid for on the spot just like anything else.  At that time doctors really couldn't do much, but they made house calls and medical care was inexpensive.  As some point, once medical capabilities increased, that medical care got too expensive.  I don't know when that was.  But at that point insurers began offering coverage, and it went from being a luxury to a necessity for most.

There are still plenty of places you can show up and pay cash for simple medical issues, broken bones and the like.  But if you get into any kind of complex medical issue it can get expensive very quickly indeed.  I know people ruined by medical issues.  It sux to be financially ruined just because you got sick.

 It also sucks to be financially ruined because an institution that someone invest their money into goes under.  It sucks to be financially ruined due to such things as earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, fires, etc.

 Originally health insurance was just that, insurance.  It was there for the expensive items that would potentially destroy someone financially.   Then it morphed into being "health care", i.e. pay for anything health related.   The real downfall began when government got involved.

 Open up insurance where it can be bought across state lines would be a huge benefit for the consumer.  Bury the disastrous ACA.  Put health insurance back in the free market where it belongs and prices will adjust accordingly.

 Government is not the solution.

Spin Zone / Re: Manufactured recession
« on: August 18, 2019, 03:54:42 PM »
Depends on what people are reading. Some professionals are stating no big deal, while others are doing the Chicken Little routine. 

Of course the MSM wants a recession so bad, they feel if they pump it, it will happen.  Sorta like their polling. 

Spin Zone / Re: Test
« on: August 18, 2019, 11:52:08 AM »

Except for SOME elements of Fox News, talk radio, and a few internet sights, the entire Media is purposely only promoting Democrats, and the Democrat agenda.  I see this as one of the most dangerous issues facing out country today, and I have no idea how to fix it.

There is no fix.  All that's really there is awareness.

The progressives are chipping away at everything.  Take "hate speech".  If given their way, they will have the ability to decide what is hate speech, and eventually that will lead to censorship of anything conservative.

Spartacus is demanding Trump discontinue his rallies.  Other progressives are demanding the President to stop using social media.

Now we have big tech such as Google admitting they are using tech to interfere with elections.   

The progressives want power at any cost.  Just imagine for one moment if they succeed at upending the second amendment.  How does anyone feel about the progressives if they didn't have to worry about armed citizens?   Things would be very different right now.

But remember, we were recently told that the progressive media is only doing what they perceive to be right.  And their agenda by omission is because of time constraints or space constraints.  We should just try to see it from their point of view.   


Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 16, 2019, 05:59:45 PM »
Problem is always in figuring out what’s “catastrophic” and what isn’t. Medical costs aren’t meristic or threshold, they’re quantitative. Should your illness fall just short of “catastrophic” you could be royally fucked.

Under our current quagmire, yes.   Under a free market system without government intervention, not so much.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 16, 2019, 12:59:56 PM »
Let me know how your cancer treatment works out in Columbia.

First of all dimwit, it's "Colombia".  You should seriously get a 5th grader to proof read your postings.  ::)

Wow, so the US has the market cornered on cancer treatment and research?  Hate to break it to you, but many many other countries are involved as well.  And for a Doctor in "Colombia"?  Lots of those guys have studied abroad as well.

Spin Zone / Re: My solution for health insurance
« on: August 16, 2019, 11:27:27 AM »
Problem with medical care is it really doesn't work according to the economics that govern other things.  If you want a car, you wait until  you have the financial wherewithal, you then shop for the car that meets your specifications for the lowest price.

You never know when you're going to get sick or how bad.  You simply can't plan for it.  Moreover, once you're sick you're in no position to shop or bargain.  You really can't be an informed consumer when it comes to health care. Market economics don't work for medicine, they never have.

What no one really realizes is the system we have was put in place to solve a problem, that's why it's there.  The funny thing is it was put in place at least partially through the efforts of Richard Nixon, who I think would be regarded as a flaming liberal today, were he regarded at all.

So once again we have the perfesser pontificating on life from within his bubble.

Funny how "medical tourism" has increased.  These are people that need or want a specific procedure, and rather than pay an over inflated cost go to another country and pay cash, saving thousands. 

 I have a good friend that had a surgical procedure done in Colombia for pennies on the dollar compared to the cost here.  And it was a quality procedure.  Back many years ago I was traveling and working in Asia.  I broke a crown on a molar, went to a local dentist.  Had the tooth base prepped and a new porcelain crown made and installed.  Cost?  $130us.  Here in the US that's a $1500 procedure.

As previously mentioned, Lasik is another example.  With competition that market is actually reasonable to have the procedure done.

Try getting a hospital or doctor office here to quote a procedure.  Good Luck.  The Insurance industry in cooperation with government has it so convoluted it's nearly impossible.

Take a look at what's happened to college education cost.  Once government got into the student loan business, college cost escalated.  Are we getting better education to go with that inflated cost?  Nope, just more money and bureaucracy.

Spin Zone / Re: Manufactured recession
« on: August 16, 2019, 10:44:24 AM »
So I'm seeing a lot of stories/articles in the media on how to prepare for the upcoming recession. Of course, if it's advertised well enough, the people will believe it, clamp shut their wallets, and there really will be a recession. I believe the recession of 2008/9 was largely manufactured.

So who is pulling the strings here? And why? I surmise a certain group of people might think a timely recession just might hurt a certain re-election campaign. Hmmm...

Add to the list of desperation.

Stormy Daniels
Russian Collusion
Obstruction of Justice
Charlottesville Lie
Michael Cohen

etc, etc, etc......

Spin Zone / Re: The Charlottesville Lie
« on: August 16, 2019, 10:27:21 AM »

Instead of helping President Trump unify the nation after the recent mass shootings, Democrats are once again peddling the Charlottesville hoax to further inflame America’s divisions.

For two years now, liberals have been brazenly lying about the remarks President Trump made in response to the 2017 Charlottesville tragedy, touting their fabrication as the most convincing evidence available that the president is actually the “white nationalist” they’ve always claimed. Following the twin shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio — which they blame on Donald Trump — Democrats and the mainstream media have predictably trotted out the Charlottesville canard once again.

As I explain in my new PragerU video, the president emphatically did not praise the white supremacists who showed up at the Charlottesville protests. Rather, he praised the “very fine people on both sides” of the lawful demonstrations over the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue, by which he was very clearly drawing a distinction between the peaceful protesters on both sides of that debate and the violent thugs, also representing both sides, who turned a demonstration of free speech into a bloodbath. 

So we were lead to believe that those dastardly Russians are trying to influence our elections.  Yet, once again, just like the phony Russian Collusion Hoax, we find our friends the progressives are the real perpetrators with regards to election interference.

On Wednesday, former Google employee Zachary Vorhies went public as the whistleblower who spoke with Project Veritas in June, revealing the political bias in Google's "Machine Learning Fairness" program. He also told the story of police storming his home to perform a "wellness check" after he was outed as a "leaker" and after Google had sent him a demand letter.

Project Veritas released its video with Vorhies (whose identity was masked), exposing the bias in the "Machine Learning Fairness" program and its hidden camera interview footage showing a Google executive describing her work on algorithms to prevent "the next Trump situation." Shortly afterward, the whistleblower received a demand letter from Google.

Vorhies said he complied with Google's demands, including sending any Google documents he retained. But he also sent those documents to the Department of Justice Antitrust Division.

An anonymous account — which Vorhies said he believes belongs to a Google employee — outed him as a "leaker" on Twitter, and then he was approached by law enforcement at his residence in California. San Francisco police received a call from Google which prompted a "wellness check."

"They got inside the gate, the police, and they started banging on my door… And so the police decided that they were going to call in additional forces. They called in the FBI, they called in the SWAT team. And they called in a bomb squad," Vorhies told Project Veritas. 

Spin Zone / Re: Polygamy beer banned in NC
« on: August 15, 2019, 12:24:00 PM »

Hmmmmm, guess we get an 18 wheeler and head out there.  We'll need a car to run interference on the way back, a fast car......

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